Konoha: Compared with the two Narutos, Hinata’s happiness is Broken - Chapter 124 (2024)

Chapter 127

[On this day, Naruto Uzumaki, who had been waiting for a long time, finally had information about the Daimyo House of the Fire Country. 】

[According to the intelligence brought by the paid minister, the daimyo of the Wind Country is very angry about Naruto Uzumaki’s seizure of my Aira. 】

[This is clearly not to put their Wind Country and Sand Hidden Village in their eyes. 】

[Dare to detain the wind shadow of their Shayin Village? ] ~】

“This kind of thing is unheard of. 】

[And if you open your mouth too much, you will need 300-billion?] 】

[Where to get so much money here, this is to their entire Wind Country-?] 】

When Tuan Zang learned of this, he immediately became active. 】

[It is claimed that Naruto Uzumaki does not put the daimyo of the Fire Country in his eyes at all, and 30 billion is a lot for the Fire Country. ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki’s behavior is to use this money to find a way to get out of the Fire Country. 】

[In addition, Danzo told the Daimyo of the Fire Nation along with the news of his recent inquiry from Konoha Village.] 】

[For example, the salary of ninjas is constantly increasing, and even Naruto Uzumaki claims that even without his daimyo of the Land of Fire, Konoha Village can still sit in the strongest village in the ninja world under his leadership. ] 】

[Arrogant! ] Swell! I don’t know the depths! 】

[Shimura Danzo hid in front of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation and slashed Naruto Uzumaki in the face, adding oil and vinegar to scold. ] 】

[In the end, the Daimyo of the Fire Nation was also angry. 】

[“Naruto Uzumaki, this kid, I’m afraid I’m going to rebel! “】

[The daimyo of the Fire Nation sprang up: “I’m going to issue a document ordering Naruto Uzumaki to release my Aira and his party from Sand Hidden Village. “】

“I see if he dares to disobey my orders. “】


[The more the daimyo of the Fire Nation thought about it, the more angry he became: “Doesn’t he think he’s rich?” “】

[“It’s only 700 million, how long can he use it?” “】

“This time, I not only want him to let me release my Ai Luo, but also let him compensate the other party for mental damage. “】

[“Yes! The daimyo is right, he should rub his sharpness. “】

[Tuan Zang was on the side, and his heart almost jumped with excitement. 】

[“Naruto Uzumaki, that kid dared to take office and killed Koharu and Yan, and even more destroyed my three major families. “】

“I really thought that with your mouth, I could make him obedient. “】

“You think too highly of yourself. “】


The audience was made to cry and laugh by Tuan Zang’s behavior.

It can only be said that he is worthy of Tuanzo, although it is not as good as Kuro Ming, but his ability to provoke things can definitely be ranked in the ninja world.

Tsunade: “Okay! This time, this group of people all fell into the trap of Hei Ming. ”

Jiraiya: “It’s just not clear if the situation will lead to a war in the Ninja Realm, or if it is just a local war within the Land of Fire.” ”

Orochimaru: “Don’t worry, with Danzo-sama here, it will definitely develop into a ninja world war.” ”

[Naruto Uzumaki after learning the news, silent. ] 】

[I think it won’t be long before the daimyo of the Fire Nation should send someone to give him a mandatory order. 】

[At this time, he was focused on the matter of Uchiha taking the soil. 】

[Back mountain of Konoha Village late at night. 】

[This area is the cemetery of Konoha Village. 】

[Naruto stood in front of the tombstone engraved with Uchiha’s name on Obito, his face showing a cold light. 】

“If I really find out that person is you, I have to crush you to ashes. “】

Audience: “…..”

What a hate!

No one had ever seen such an angry black ming.

Even if the villagers of Konoha Village insulted him and ostracized him in the beginning, Kuro Ming never showed such an angry look.

And now, he can’t pay attention, as if he already has a monstrous hatred for Uchiha Obito.

This is a situation that the audience has completely unimaginable.

Jiraiya: “Kurome he… It was really the first time I’d seen him hate, tooth itching that a person hated. ”

Terumi: “Is there a possibility, in his heart, he decided that Obito was the mask man, so he would be even more angry.” ”

Uchiha Obito: “Hey! Definitely for this reason. ”

Kakashi Kiki: “This matter has to be blamed on the Nine Tails for talking a lot, probably because it tells Kuro Ming that Watergate-sensei and Sister Kushina have an attitude towards Obito, if the two are so friendly to Obito but are poisoned by Obito, Kuro’s anger will naturally be like this.” ”

Nine Tails: “White-haired little ghost, what kind of fart are you putting here, blame me for talking a lot, isn’t what I said the truth?” If you have to say, it is what he deserves. ”

Nine Tails: “Then he took advantage of the birth of Kushina to attack Konoha Village, what are your plans?” Is there any motivation? Can you capture me? Not to mention that in order to blame the Uchiha family, they want to kill Uchiha in many ways, and Obito Na Wan’s selfish desire to vent his dissatisfaction. ”

Uchiha Obito: “…..”

Nine Tails: “You deserve bad luck, I also wonder how this kid Bai Ming can forgive you.” ”

Wave Feng Shuimen: “Don’t say anything about the Nine Tails, Obito at least helped Naruto in the end, otherwise he might have died because of Chakra without a tailed beast.” ”

Nine Tails: “Cut!” Isn’t it just a death, even the murderer who killed his parents can be forgiven, I really don’t know what that little devil thinks. ”

Sasuke Uchiha: “I also think what you said is a bit too much, isn’t Bai Ming also for the future of everyone in the ninja world, including you tailed beasts, although I don’t understand his behavior, but I know that all the people in the ninja world, no one is qualified to criticize him.” ”

Naruto Uzumaki: “Sasuke…”

Sasuke Uchiha: “Stop, don’t show this pitiful look, if you can be like Kuro, where will there be these problems.” ”

[However, just when Naruto Uzumaki wanted to leave. 】

[In the dark night, a figure suddenly flashed. 】

[It can fall in front of him.] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki frowned, the two looked at each other, and a pair of bloody red eyes were impressively reflected in Naruto’s blue eyes. ] 】

[Immediately after, Naruto only felt that the sky was spinning. 】

[When he reacted again, he had actually entered some other space. 】

[He was even tied to a cross. 】

【”Naruto Uzumaki…”】

[The person who came was none other than Uchiha Itachi, who had taught Naruto Uzumaki the art of shuriken throwing. ] 】

[This time, he came to Konoha Village not only to determine whether the identity of the mask man was Sasuke Uchiha. ] 】

[He cares more about Naruto, the sixth generation of Konoha Village, Hokage. ] 】

[I heard that he detained the fifth generation of Mekaze Shadow of Shayin Village for no reason, this kind of thing is not a joke. ] 】

[There is a possibility of a war between the two villages.] 】

[Not only that, once Konoha and Sunahide Village fight, other countries will have the possibility of taking advantage of the void. 】

[“Don’t move, this is my monthly reading space, and everything in it will be at my disposal. “】

“If you resist, you will be seriously harmed. “】

“I just have some questions I want to ask you, and if you cooperate, I won’t hurt you.”] “】

[In the face of Itachi’s questioning, Naruto Uzumaki did not pay attention to him. 】

[Let him go crazy there.] 】

“I want to ask you what is a village and what is a Hokage. “】

【Neuropathy bar! 】

[Naruto Uzumaki’s eyes narrowed. 】

[Since the moment Uchiha sneaked into Konoha Village, he had already detected the other party’s actions through perception. ] 】

[Originally thought that Uchiha Itachi came quietly to find Uchiha Sasuke or to investigate the matter of my Aira. ] 】

[Unexpectedly, the other party actually found himself first. ] 】

[And also asked a question that made me feel that something was wrong with him.] 】

“I already knew this, I should have asked Sasuke what happened to their Uchiha clan. “】

[“Why the hell did Uchiha slaughter a clan. “】

[Naruto Uzumaki was speechless in his heart. 】

[Seeing that Sasuke didn’t say anything at the time, he didn’t bother to ask, after all, this is a question related to other people’s families.] 】

[“Can’t answer?”] “】

[Uchiha Itachi’s words gradually became cold: “If you can’t even answer this question, the age at which you became the Hokage is really too young…”

[However, as soon as Itachi’s voice fell, he heard Naruto Uzumaki’s voice coming from behind. 】

“I don’t know exactly what you’re doing in the evening. “】

“However, whether or not I became a Hokage young or not has nothing to do with people like you who even slaughtered their own clan. “】


“You are a rebel now, even if I kill you on the spot, no one will sympathize with you. “】

[Nani! 】

[Uchiha was in a trance for less than a second, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that the person tied to the cross was actually himself. 】

[“Impossible! “】

[“How did he manage to bounce my monthly reading?” “】

[Uchiha Itachi was horrified in his heart. 】

[I can’t believe everything in front of me.] 】

[Could it be that because of his body, his pupil power has dropped to this point? 】


Sure enough, it would turn out like this.

As Uchiha once said, Uchiha Weasel and Uchiha stop water, and the pupil technique ability seems to be very perverted. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But pupil power is at best the pupil power of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Compared to Hei Ming, who already had the eye of reincarnation, all these pupil techniques were just dancing big knives in front of Guan Gong.

It can only make people laugh generously.

Not to mention the current whirlpool black sound, he has six immortal Chakra, and the strength of Chakra is even more difficult for ordinary people to match.

The power of yin is the representative of spiritual power.

Perhaps even in the face of an illusion of this level of Infinite Moon Reading, Hei Ming can be unaffected.

Don’t mention the monthly reading, the grade between the two, the gap is too big.

[“Hmph! “】

[Naruto Uzumaki snorted coldly. 】

[The illusion space of monthly reading can be broken.] 】

[Uchiha felt weak and almost collapsed to the ground. 】

“For the sake of the shuriken throwing you once handed me, I don’t want to think too much about you. “】

“If you want to go to Sasuke, I won’t stop you, but don’t do anything else in Konoha. “】

“I already know your every move. “】

[Naruto, who has never experienced what the family is since he was a child, cherishes the family. 】

[A person like Uchiha Itachi, who can raise a knife to the family, he really can’t be interested in wanting to chat. 】

“Also, if you come for the tailed beast, I Iroh lives next door to me. “】

[“If you have the ability, you will try it, and I can tell you very responsibly, and the result is that you will die. “】

[Leave a sentence coldly.] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki turned around and was about to leave. 】

[At this moment, Uchiha Itachi seemed to understand Naruto’s intentions. 】

[The so-called detention of I Ai Luo is to prevent the progress of the Xiao Organization’s plan. 】

[However, what he couldn’t understand was why the other party wanted to offer Shayin Village another condition of 30 billion taels. 】

[This is obviously intensifying the contradictions between the two sides. 】

[“Naruto! “】

[Naruto Uzumaki just took two steps, but was stopped by Uchiha Itachi behind him. 】

“I just want to remind you that once the Sand Hidden Village and Konoha Village go to war, the other Shinobi Villages will definitely take advantage of the void. “】

【”When the time comes…”】

[Unfortunately, before Uchiha Weasel’s words fell, he was interrupted by Naruto Uzumaki: “How exactly is Konoha Village and Sunahide Village is not something you should consider. “】

“Please remember who you are now, you just slaughtered the Uchiha clan and betrayed Konoha’s rebels. “】

“You are not qualified to ask about these things. “】

[“Of course…”]

[Speaking of this, Naruto Uzumaki smiled playfully: “If you want to be a hero, then help me Iroh pay the ransom, and I will naturally release you.] “】

“Or, if you’re worried that other Shinobi villages will take advantage of the chaos to attack Konoha, then you go and kill those Shinobi villages that want to do things.”] “】

[“If you can’t do it, shut up…”]

Without mercy.

Uzumaki Kurome did not give Uchiha any affection in the slightest.

Sure enough, when Hei Ming dislikes a person, his attitude will be very obvious.

Tsunade: “Uchiha Itachi is also unlucky, just in time for Kuro Naru to be in a bad mood, and he has to come and pretend to be a saint.” ”

Zi Laiye: “Fortunately, fortunately, I am still wandering stupidly outside in the world over there, otherwise I may be scolded.” ”

Bo Feng Shuimen: “Hehe, it shouldn’t be, that kid actually respects Teacher Zilaiye.” ”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: “That’s not because Teacher Zilaiye is the master of Watergate, otherwise the child persuaded Teacher Zilaiya to retire early.” ”

Deidara: “Laugh at me, weasel this wave of operation, hero in the dark?” It’s a pity that Hei Ming is not used to your problems. ”

Fei Duan: “Bah! Undercover scum, shame on the organization. ”

Kakuto: “Ugly things ahead, Itachi, if you dare to call the organization’s treasury idea for the ransom of my Ai Luo, I will kill you desperately.” ”

Fugaku Uchiha: “Hey! The main thing is that Hei Ming is too disdainful of the act of slaughtering his compatriots, otherwise he may not have so much malice towards the weasel. ”

[Uchiha is at a loss. 】

[He couldn’t figure out what Naruto Uzumaki wanted to do now. 】

[However, he also felt that the other party was not the kind of person who came nonsense. 】

[There is no way, he can only quietly move forward in Konoha Village, and put the goal of this trip on Sasuke. ] 】

[After sneaking into the house, Sasuke was not there. 】

[After waiting for a long time, there was a noise at the door, and Sasuke Uchiha hummed a ditty and returned home. 】

“This kid…”]

“It seems to be in a good mood lately. “】

[In the dark, Uchiha was slightly surprised. 】

[He obviously filled Sasuke’s heart with hatred for himself in order to become stronger. ] 】

[The stronger the hatred, the higher the chance that he can open the kaleidoscope.] 】

[Now, what’s going on with Sasuke?] 】

[When the lights in the room were turned on, Sasuke Uchiha suddenly noticed a figure in the room. 】

[“What man! “】

[The sudden figure frightened Saji Shao and almost jumped. ] 】

[Looking at the entire Konoha Village, except for Naruto Uzumaki, who dares to run to his house for no reason? ] 】

[Of course, even if it is Naruto, the other party will not come. ] 】

[“Thief? “】

[Sasuke, who is in a good mood, can do it without it. 】

[Adjusting his mind, Sasuke looked in the direction of the figure again. 】

[At this look, he was shocked, and his eyes immediately widened. 】

[“Weasel? “】

[Uchiha Itachi was at a loss at the same time. 】

[The situation at the scene is very wrong. 】

[According to his past experience, Sasuke should have shouted his name with tears when he saw him. 】

[The next moment, holding a thousand birds, opening the chakra eye and rushing towards him. ] 】

[Even, Uchi Itachi was ready to force Sasuke to calm down. 】

[However, what he didn’t expect was that the other party’s hatred for him was not as deep as before. 】

[“Oh? “】

[“My stupid brother, is it because of the last time, when you see me this time, you don’t dare to take the initiative to step forward? “】

[Sasuke Uchiha: “…..”]

[Waving his hand, Sasuke hurriedly turned off the light.] 】

[Whispered: “Don’t say this first, you came this time, you didn’t be discovered by others.”] “】

[Uchiha Itachi: “??? “】

【What! What is the situation? 】

[Sasuke Uchiha is actually worried that he will be discovered by others? ] 】

[This… Child].

Konoha: Compared with the two Narutos, Hinata’s happiness is Broken - Chapter 124 (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.