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Showing 241 - 260 of 547 results

  • isua-alumniassociation-directory-1930-070

    38THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYPeterson, Jessie A., ha Evansville: nr.Petty, Elmer, pa 2301 South Maple St.,Sioux City, Iowa

    taught five years incountry schools before graduation

    1903-1907 teacher at Elwood, Swayzee andFrankfort

    190 7 graduated from IndianaUniversity

    1907-1922 teacher of historyin high school, Sioux City, la.

    1922-1929, engaged in the stationery business

    graduated from University of Chicago 1919.Polk, Dee, nr.Quigle, Edward A., la 1928, 3308 HunterBlvd., Seattle, Wash, nr.Rentschler-Hughes, Mrs. Alta O.,...

    taught primary three years, Patricksburg, one year grades, Elwood, beforegraduation

    1898-1901 teacher of grades,Anderson

    1901-1903 teacher of grades,Marion

    1903-1905 teacher of grades,Indianapolis

    1905-1929 not teaching,homekeeper

    married June 28, 1905 toW. F. Hughes of the class 1896.Rhodes, Gertrude, nr.Scearce, Martha, pa Danville

    taughtthree years in township schools and primary grades, Mooresville before graduation

    taught a number of years aftergraduation in Indiana

    1916-1929 notteaching, homekeeper and assistant inpublic library.Schweitzer-Burford, Mrs. Charlotte B.,pa 1508 South 8th St., Terre Haute

    after graduation taught in grade andhigh schools, Waveland

    general assistant and assistant professor of English,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1910-1930 dean of women, Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1908-1910 student, University ofChicago

    A. M. Indiana University, 1929.Scott, Sarah, ha Terre Haute

    teacherof mathematics, Wiley High School,Terre Haute for a number of years andat time of her death

    the Sarah ScottJunior High School stands as a monument to her long years of service

    deceased Aug. 27, 1915.Shanahan-Dagcs, Mrs. Ellen, pa 929Pine St., Marysville, Calif.

    taught fourteen years before graduation

    1898-1903teacher in eighth grade and first yearhigh school, Cannelburg

    1904-1930, notteaching, homekeeper, married to Frederick Dages of Montgomery.S-.bel, L. Carrie, la Crawfordsville

    taughtcontinuously from time of graduation to1926

    taught in the schools of New Harmony, Huntington, Newport and Win-gate

    also North Bend, Oregon

    last position, teacher of Latin and English inthe Wingate High School

    lr living inCrawfordsville.Smith, Robert A., nr.♦ Spears-Broderick, Mrs. Retta E., ha Elkhart

    taught two years rural school before graduation

    taught one year inElwood and several years in Elkhart

    married in 1912 and manager of acafeteria

    died February 12, 1930.Stuart, Hattie, nr.Stuart, William, nr.♦Test, Alice, lr teacher of school ofRichmond until a few weeks before herdeath i...

    1898-1899 principal wardschool, Salem

    1899-1903 principal highschool, Lesterville

    1903-1904 student,Indiana University

    1904-1913 superintendent of schools, Webster and ClarkS. D.

    1913-1916 principal high school.Little York

    1926-1929 superintendentat Webster, S. D.Thornburg, Curtis A., nr.Tout-Boobar, Mrs. Katherine, nr.Turner, Edwin, pa Normal, 111.

    1898-1899 teacher in high school, Kentland

    1899-1900 principal schools. Oak Park

    1900-1902 teacher of science, highschool, Bedford

    1902-1903 teacher ofbiology, Logansport

    1903-1905 principalhigh school, Connersville

    1905-1906 didgraduate work in Columbia University,A. M. degree

    1906-1907 principal highschool, Connersville: 1907-1908 superintendent schools, Connersville

    1908-1929head of practice department, IllinoisState Normal University, Normal, 111.

    received A. B. degree, Indiana University 1905.Umbach, William H., nr.Underwood, Oscar B., nr.♦Wagner, Clyde L., ha Attica

    1898-1900superintendent of schools, Newport

    1901-1903 principal high school, NorthManchester

    1903-1905 principal highschool. Lead, S. D.

    1905-1906 receivedA. B., Indiana University

    1906-1907principal high school, Owensboro, Ky.

    1907-1909 superintendent schools, Attica

    deceased Dec. 10, 1910, accidentallyshot while hunting.Wasson-Hunt, Mrs. Helen P., la Rensselaer

    1898-1901 teacher in Veeders-burg

    since then married and not teaching.Week, Frederick William, la 1916 LaCrosse, Wis.

    1898-1899 principalschools, Matthews

    1899-1900 principalhigh school, Washington, 111.

    1900-1904taught in modern language department,Chicago, 111.j 1904-1905, student, IndianaUniversity

    1905-1906 Wm. Curtis HighSchool, Chicago, 111.

    1906-1913 instructor, University of Michigan

    1913-1916department of education and psychology,LaCrosse State Normal School, LaCrosse,Wis.

    lr 1916.Whiteneck-Brown, Mrs. Emma, pa1103 y2 Woodland Ave., Toledo, O.


    manager of laundry office.Wilson, Albert M., pa 3630 Shaw Ave.,St. Louis Mo.

    1898-1900 attended Indiana University

    A. B. degree 1900

    1900-1901 teacher of mathematics, highschool, Fairmount

    1901-1903 principalof high school, Covington

    1903-1904teacher of mathematics, Orchard LakeMilitary Academy, Orchard Lake, Mich.

    1904-1923 teacher of mathematics, Mc-Kinley High School, St. Louis, Mo.

    1923-1929 principal of Monroe HighSchool, St. Louis, Mo.: A. M. degree,Indiana University 1903

    attended University of Chicago summer terms 1904-1905

    University of Colorado, summerterm 1914, Columbia University, summerterms 1923-1924-1925.♦Wood-Tharp, Mrs. Lon, ha Farmland

    after graduation taught in Anderson,Muncie and Farmland

    married in 1910


    deceased Oct. 17, 1926.Woodmansee, Wilson Robert, la 1916Ripon Wis.

    lr teacher of mathematics,Ripon, Wis.

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

  • isa-normaladvance-1909-00056

    56THE NORMAL ADVANCEBowles, Harris and others.But the best and greatest spirit yet manifested is the loyal class spirit that responded soliberally...

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

  • isa-normaladvance-1909-00313

    THE NORMAL ADVANCE31348. Lawrence McTurnan, general state agent 78.D. C. Heath & Co. 79.49. Theodore A. Norris, LaGrange, Ind. 80.50. Thornton...

    aboA^e all, on the same grim condition to keep friends with himself,—here is atask for all that a man has of fortitude anddelica...

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

  • isua-alumniassociation-directory-1930-036


    one of Terre Hautesmost revered teachers

    the Sarah ScottJunior High School stands as a monument to her memory.Taylor, Mary Gale, pa 5537 ClaremontCLASS OF 1879Ave., Oakland, Cal....

    1882-1895 teacherin the high schools of Peru, Shelbyvilleand Terre Haute

    1896-1899 assistantclerk and librarian, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1899-1929 retired and residing in California.Bradshaw, Eugene B., reported living inEast Liverpool, Ohio

    no informationfound concerning his career.Boyd, Josephine, deceased 1880.Crowe, Esther, pa Kansas City, Mo.

    1881-1892 teacher in the grades andward school principal, Kansas City Mo.

    1892-1929, teacher of English literatureand psychology at the Central HighSchool, Kansas City, Mo.Dela-Bar-Swain, Mary E., taught inClinton and Rockville f...

    lived with a daughter in Cleveland,Ohio

    died summer, 1929.Grosjean, George, pa Indianapolis

    taughtin Terre Haute High School

    retiredseveral years ago.Hutzel, Samuel M., nr.Kelso, Oscar Lynn, pa 700 South 5thSt., Terre Haute

    1879-1882 principalschools, Bruceville

    1882-1884 student,Indiana University and teacher in Bedford

    1884-1885 principal high school,Anderson

    1885-1894 principal highschool, Richmond

    1894-1924 professormathematics, Indiana State Teachers College

    summers of 1897 and 1898 a student in University of Chicago

    receivedA. B. degree from Indiana University

    author of Arithmetic for High Schools,Normals and Academies

    joint authorwith Robert J. Aley of revision of Cook-Cropsey Arithmetic

    1924-1929 retiredfrom teaching

    at home.Miller-Stimson, Harriet C, nr.McCrea, Samuel Pressly, la RedwoodCity, Calif.

    lr 1905 teacher of history,civics and economics, Sequio UnionHigh School, Redwood City, Cal.Newsome-Woodard, Mrs. Ruth, ha Eliza-bethtown

    1879-1881, assistant teacherin Bloomingdale Academy

    1882-1929homekeeper, residing The AlbermarlApts. Room 6, Columbus.Studebaker, Joseph, pa Flora

    taughtthree years in country schools beforegraduation

    superintendent and principalschools at Burlington, Pittsburg, Rock-field, Burrows, Deer Creek, Camden,Flora and Delphi

    1893-1929, practicinglaw and mayor of the city. Flora.CLASS OF 1880Barnett-Coble, Mrs. Emily, nr.Cox, Wilson H., nr.Dwiggins, Lydia, ha 816 South Bran...

    1880-1885, primary gradesFowler

    1885-1887 fifth grades Lafayette

    1887-1888 first primary Oxford

    1888-1889 seventh grade Rochester

    1889-1914 first primary Marion

    1914-1915 did not teach on account of illhealth

    1915-1916 substitute teacherMarion

    deceased 1918.Furber-Swain, Mrs. Carolina, taught inKnightstown and New Castle and forsome time in one of the Normal schoolsof California

    married Captain RichardSwain of the Japanese Steamship Company and went to live in Japan

    no recent report.Fox, Charles F., ha Jefferson ville

    taught for some time in Clark countyand held a ward principalship in Jef-fersonville for several years precedinghis death which occurred Sept. 14...

    1880-1901 teacher inschools of Connersville

    1901-1909 teacher in grades, Anderson

    1909-1912 caredfor an invalid sister

    deceased 1912.♦Gentry, Ruth, ha Stilesville

    1894-1902instructor mathematics, Vassar College,Poughkeepsie, New York

    1902-1909 incharge of private school for girls,Poughkeepsie, New York

    1909-1917 retired from school activities on accountof ill health, engaged in real estatewith trips abroad

    deceased in 1917

    Ph. B. University of Michigan 1890

    Ph. D. Bryn Mawr College 1894.Goodykoontz, Joseph, nr.Kemp, Ell wood Wads worth, pa 517%Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    1880-1881principal high school, Franklin

    1881-1882 superintendent of schools, Franklin

    1882-1883 .assistant grammar andmathematics, Indiana State Teachers College

    1883-1885, student, Harvard University

    1885-1888 assistant in history,Indiana State Teachers College

    188S-1913 head of department Americanhistory, Indiana State Teachers College

    1913-1914 student, Sorbonne University, Paris

    retired 1914

    now livingin Terre Haute.King-Warren, Mrs. Mary E., nr.Lawrence, Clova A., pa 1629 ChestnutSt., Terre Haute

    taught in elementarygrades until retiring in 1925

    spentmost of this time as a teacher of elementary grades in city of Terre Haute.♦Mail, William R., ha Terre Haute

    1881-1882 principal schools, Edwardsport

    1882-1883 principal schools, Clinton

    1883-1885 graduate student. Philadelphia Dental College and Hospital ofOral Surgery

    1885-1904 practiced den-tristy, Terre Haute

    1904-1920 movedto California and practiced dentistry

    died January 21, 1920.Mitchell, Commodore P., pa 616 OakdaleDrive, Fort Wayne

    taught in thecounty schools for three years beforegraduation

    1898-1929 in business.♦Mitchell-Van Duyn, Mrs. Malissa, haMonroeville

    deceased Feb. 27, 1925

    taught in country schools in Vermillioncounty for six years.Thompkins, Arnold, brilliant scholar,teacher, lecturer and author

    was professor of literature in Indiana StateTeachers College, member of faculty ofDePauw University and University ofIllinois, president of Illinois State&...

    at time of hisdeath was president of the Cook CountyNormal, Chicago, 111

    author of several

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

  • TROIS (Three Rivers' One In Six), 1980-07

    The July 1980 issue of TROIS (Three Rivers One In Six), a publication of the Gay/Lesbian Organization (GLO) at Fort Wayne....

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

    Human SexualityNewsNewslettersPoliticsReligionhom*osexualitymore ...Gays--Indiana--Fort WayneGay cultureGay rightsGays--Social life and customsLesbians--Social life and customsless ...

  • isua-alumniassociation-directory-1930-175

    THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY143Huntingburg

    1917-1927 taught in Huntingburg public schools, third and second grade work

    1927-1928 at home

    not teaching.Pate, Agnes J., pa Ft. Wayne

    1917-1920 teacher of English and domesticscience, high school, Ridgeville

    1920-1921 teacher of English and domesticscience, high school, Jasonville

    1921-1923 student, Indiana University

    1923-1929 teacher of English, Central HighSchool, Ft. Wayne.Patterson, E. A., pa 8570 Lowell Ave.,Indianapolis

    1917-1919 teacher of algebra, manual training and agriculture,New Goshen

    1919-1920 principal highschool, North Terre Haute

    1921-1924teacher of public schools, Indianapolis

    1924-1929 teacher of industrial arts,Manual Training High School, Indianapolis.Patterson-Domer, Mrs. Myrtle, pa 350W. 91 St., Los Angeles, Calif.

    1916-1918 teacher of grades, Deming School,Terre Haute

    1918-1928 teacher of art,sixth grade, Gardner Street School, Hollywood, Cal.

    extension work toward B.A. University of California.Peck, Florence G., la 500 North 6th St..Attica

    lr 1912-1924 taught primarygrades, Attica.Perry, Marjorie Anita, la Indianapolis

    1917-1920 teacher of history in Hillsboro High School

    1920-1921 teacherof history, Portland

    1921-1922 teacherof history, Cannonsville, Pa.

    1922-1923attended Iowa University, worked for A.B

    1923-1924 principal high school,Aurelia


    1924-1927 teacher of literature and geography, Indianapolis.Ponsler, Rolla, A. B. pa Flatrock

    1923-1924 principal high school, Tunnelton

    1925-1928 principal Flat Rock townshipschools, Flat Rock.Pope, Charles, A. B. ha Newcastle

    nr.Price, Iva M., pa 200 South McllroyAve., West Terre Hautij

    1917-1930teacher home economics, high school,West Terre Haute

    B. S. Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute, 1929.Pugh, Helen L., A. B. pa 1107 South7th St., Terre Haute

    1917-1919 teacherin high school, Dana

    1919-1929 teacherin commercial department, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute.Ray, Ethel M., pa 1221 South 9th St.,Terre Haute

    1917-1918 teacher of English and history, high school, Fontanet

    1918-1919 teacher in Nevins townshipconsolidated schools

    1919-1922 teacherin grades, Terre Haute

    1922-1929 teacher of history, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute

    received B. S.from Indiana State Teachers College in1923.Reavis-Hamilton, Mrs. Mary Edna


    pa Daleville, RFD 1

    taughteight years before graduation

    1917-1918 teacher, Latin and English highschool, Bruceville

    1918-1919 teacher,grades, Mount Summit

    1919-1920 teacher English and history, high school,Middletown

    1920-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married Mendal L. Hamilton in 1920 and living on a farm inDelaware county.Reece-Dryden, Mrs. Mary Naomi

    paWirt, taught three years before graduation

    1918-1914 teacher, Clinton

    1914-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married.Reed, Bonnie B., ha RFD C, TerreHaute

    lr 1917 teacher of domestic science. Pimento.Reynolds-OIsen, Ruth Irene, pa 621Pennsylvania St., Jeffersonville

    1917-1918 supply teacher, grades, city schools,Terre Haute

    1918-1921 teacher, Montrose School, Terre Haute

    1921-1924teacher, Davis Park School, Terre Haute

    1924-1929 homekeeper, not teaching.Richardson, Rosalie, A. B. pa Dale

    1901-1902 taught grades, New Harmony

    1902-1905 taught grades, Anderson:1906-1915 taught German, grades ondhigh school. Tell City

    1920-1929 teacher of music, art, domestic science, highschool. Dale.Rinkard, Samuel R., pa Edinburgh

    1910-1911 tought district school in Marioncounty

    1911-1914 principal Broad Ripple grade school

    1915-1916 principal ofSchool 6 at 46th and Central Ave., Indianapolis

    1916-1917 taught part of theyear at Mooresville

    1917-1918 principalBroad Ripple grade school

    1918 inUnited States army and taught part ofyear at Hopewell High School

    1919-1920 principal Hopewell High School

    1921-1922 taught mathematics in Edinburg High School and coached athletics

    1922-1929 principal Edinburg HighSchool and teacher of mathematics.Rochelle, Charles Edward, A. B. 2723East Indiana Ave., Evansville

    1917-1918principal Rockville public school forcolored children and teacher of literature, American history, commercial geography and algebra

    1919-1920 teacherin public schools, Terre Haute

    1920-1922 dean of Florida Memorial College,Love Oak. Fla.

    1922-1929 teacher ofhistory and geography, Fred DouglasHigh School, Evansville.RoJohn-Watkins, Mrs. Anna, pa 1146Lake Ave., Whiting

    1916-1922 teacherin grades and junior high school, Whiting

    1922-1929 at home, not teaching.Root-Taylor, Mrs. Nellie, pa 466 W HihMontpelier

    1917-1919 traveled

    1917-1919 teacher of grades, Montpelier

    1919-1923 married, not teaching

    1923-1929 teacher of English, high school,Montpelier.Roscoe, Alma Alice, pa 651 Skinner Bldg.Seattle, Wash.

    1917 traveled

    1917-1919 teacher of history, Blackhawk HighSchool

    1919-1923 teacher in Fayettetownship high school

    1923-1924 onstage in New York City

    1924-1930 intheatrical business, private booker.Rosenmand-Grubb, Mrs. Ella G., pa 3210Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis

    1916-1917teacher of English and opportunity classat Owensville: 1917-1918 ward principalMadison

    1918-1920 teacher in department of mathematics, Connersville

    1920-1929 department of mathematics,Indianapolis.Schmitz-Rvan, Mrs. Rose M., pa 1227South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1917-1924teacher of grades, city schools, TerreHaute

    1924-1929 not teaching, home-keeper, married to John Ryan.Schuck, Cecelia, pa 550 Crescent St.,N. E. Grand Rapids, Mich.

    lr 1928 instructor. Grand Rapids junior college.Grand Rapids, Mich.: see class 1922.Senour, Alfred C, A. B. pa 4133 Ivy St.,East Chicago...

    for complete information.Bee class of 1914.Shipman, Gladys Elizabeth, la 417 W.Second St., Madison

    lr 1924 teacher of

    Indiana State University Archives

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  • isa-normaladvance-1909-00034

    34THE NORMAL ADVANCEA Brief Account Rendered of a Hundred DaysOut of SchoolBy DR. C. R. DRYER of the Department of Geography and GeologyBy...

    Indiana State University Archives

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  • isa-normaladvance-1909-00227

    THE NORMAL ADVANCE227Swihart of our Faculty were present at themeeting.At the meeting of the Northern General History Teachers Association held in...

    CalvinGriffith, solo cornet

    O. H. Meckley, solo cornet

    Cobert Jenkins, solo cornet

    Leslie Childress, first cornet

    Leo Hopkins, first cornet

    Peter W. Vitz, second cornet

    Ernest Wicker-sham, first clarinet

    Guthrie Wisener, firstclarinet

    Chas. Shepherd, second clarinet

    G.B. Hines, second clarinet

    M. E. Swango, baritone

    Wiley Hichco*ck, baritone

    Clyde Hillis,B-flat bass

    George Meyer E-flat Bass

    Jas. F.Mackell, first alto

    Fane Nugent, second alto

    Joseph Sergesketter, first tenor

    Howard Mc-Cracken, second tenor

    Nelson Van Cleave,snare drum.LOCALMiss Leila Parr, who has recently returnedfrom New York, was a visitor at I. S. N.,April 14. Miss Parr was...

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

  • isua-alumniassociation-directory-1930-101

    THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY69r in public school, Terre Haute

    substitute tro.-her TerreHaute: 1928-1910 .orial director, ThetaTin Alpha sorority. Indiana University.Yaeger, John H., Brazil

    1905-1909teacher of grade*. Brazil

    1909-1924principal junior high school, Brazil

    1924-1929 principal grade school, Brazil.Yoder, Jennie C, nr.CLASS OF 1906Arnry, John N., pa Montverdc, Fla.

    1B0C-1907 principal. Paris Crossing

    1907-1908 superintendent, Castlcton

    1908-1909 superintendent, Avilla

    190J-1912 principal of high school, Wanatah

    1912-1916 superintendent, Rolling Prairie

    1917-1919 principal. Coal City

    1919-1920 principal, Dowagiac, Mich

    1920-1(24 teaching science and manual training, Larwill

    1921-1929 music supervisor, Montverde Industrial School, Mont-verde, Fla.

    attended Michigan State College, Cincinnati Conservatory of Musicand Indiana University.Awlei, Daisy, pa 637 North Poplar St.,Seymour: 1906-1910 principal ...

    1910-1929 principal of Washington GradeSchool, Seymour.Bledsoe, Grace, pa Washington, D. C.

    1906-1907 teacher in Vigo c*nty Homefor Dependent Children

    1907-191Hteacher of grades, Terre Haute: 1918-1928 employed in U. S. Veterans Bureau,Washington, D. C.Block, Martha H., ha 2900 South 7th St.,Ter...

    la Madison, Wis.: 1900-1907 teaching grades, Des Plaines, 111.

    1907-1911 teaching grades Terre Haute

    1911-1012 attended University of Chicago: 1912-1915 assistant history teacher. Wiley High School, Terre Haute

    1915-1920 acting head of history department, Garfield High School, Terre Haute

    1920-1928 railroad commission, Madison,Wis.Bundy, Alma, la Boston. Mass.: 1906-1908 teacher of grades, Anderson: 1908-1911 teacher of geography, Bloomingto...

    1911-1914 training school of ChildrensHospital, Boston, Mass.

    1914-1915supervisor in Childrens Hospital

    nrsince 1915.Burnworth, Levi, pa Lincoln: 1906-1910 principal, Lexington: 1910-1913principal of Saluda High School: 1913-1916 principal, Dupont...

    1915-1919 principal Saluda: 1919-1921 principal, LittleYork

    1921-1926 principal, Smithville

    1925-1929 farmer and principal ofschool, Lincoln

    attended Indiana University 1921.Cass-Hyde, Mrs. Elsie, pa 4101 Pen-hurst Ave.. Baltimore. Md.

    1900-1903teacher in Servia. Wabash county

    1903-1905 teacher. Chester High School, NorthManchester

    1905-1906 student, StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1906-1907 attending Indiana University

    1907-1910 teacher in public schools, Indianapolis

    1910-1929 not teaching, home-keeper, married, Sept. 1910 to Roscoe R.Hyde of the class of 1906.Chancc-Filby, Mrs. Lena, pa 1207 East60th St., Chi...

    1906-1909 teacher of primary grades, Elwood

    1909-1929married to Emory T. Filby

    not teaching,Ht home in Chicago. 111.Cloyd-Walsh, Mrs. Ester, pa 103 WestPoplar St., Oaklahoma City, Okla.

    taught six years in Tippecanoe countyand ten years in the schools of BattleCreek. Mich., before graduation: 1907-1910 teacher in schools. North...

    retired from teaching in 1924

    Ph. B., University of Chicago 11(10. lr 1929.Crawford, Elizabeth M., pa 1632 SouthCuter St., Terre Haute: 1906-1907 teacher of English, Wile...

    1907-1909 assistant principal In-iana State Teachers College TrainingSchool and teacher of English and history in high school, Terre Haute

    1911-1918 principal Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School and teacher ofEnglish in high school. Terre Haute:Ph. B. degree, University of Chica...

    1918-1921 principal of boysschool in Minnesota

    1921-1924 teacherin English department, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1924-1930 associate professor of English, Indiana State Teachers College

    Ph. D. Indiana University 1930.Cumins, Roy, pa 461 Bailey Road. Yea-don, Pa.

    1906-1908 principal of WilliamsGrade Building and teacher of sixthgrade, Crawfordsville

    1908-1909 doingwork on M. A. degree Wabash College

    1910-1913 teacher of mathematics, highschool, Ft. Wayne

    1913-1914 statescholarship student and instructor inschool of education, Indiana University

    1914-1915 graduate student in TeachersCollege, Columbia University and instructor in school of education, Indiana University

    1915-1924 teacher in SouthPhiladelphia High School for Boys,Philadelphia, Pa.

    1926-1929 teacher ofmathematics, Boys High School, Broadand Jackson St., Philadelphia, Pa.Deming, Janie, ha Shelbyville: 1906-1909teacher of science in hig...

    1909-1910 student in Universityof Chicago, working for B. A. degree

    1910-1911 teaching high school, Shelbyville: 1911-1912 teaching science, Evansville

    1912 teaching science, Parker HighSchool, Chicago, 111.

    nr since 1912.Deupree, Lourie, ha 4 006 Ross Ave.,Dallas, Tex.: 1906-1907 teaching firthgrade, Shelbyville

    1907-1909 teachingEnglish, high school, Newport

    1909-1910student in Indiana University, Bloomington: 1910-1915 teacher of departmental English. Indianapolis

    1915-1916 teacher of English, high school. Dallas, Tex.:summers of 1913. 1914. 1915. ond 1916student in University of Chicago

    nrsince 1916.Druckemiller, Myrtle, pa 2824 SouthWashington St.. Marion

    1906-1907Franklin township. Grant county

    1907-1913 West Branch

    1913-1919 Roseburg

    1916-1930 teacher in public schools,Marion.Felbaum, Bertha, nr.Frazee, Oren Ernest, pa 405 S. 11th St.,LaCrosse. Wis.

    1906-1908 teacher, highschool, Decatur: 1909-1912 high school,Columbus

    1912-1915 Thornton Township

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

  • isua-alumniassociation-directory-1930-122

    90THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYmatics department, high school, Elkhart

    1915-1916 teacher of mathematics, township high school, Joliet, 111.

    1917-1920teacher of mathematics, Harrison Technical High School, Chicago, 111.

    1920-1923 teacher of mathematics, ChicagoNormal School, Chicago, 111.: 1923-1924teacher education, Chicago NormalSchool, Chicago, 111.

    1924-1929 principal,Libby School and Parker Senior HighSchool, Chicago, 111.

    1928-1930 president Chicago Normal School, Chicago,III.

    professor of education, summer of1925, Louisiana State University, BatonRouge, La.

    A. B. Indiana University,1914

    A. M. 1916.♦Lenip, Charles E., nr.Leonard, Katherine Margaret, ha Indianapolis

    1910-1911 teacher, Huntington

    1911-1912 teacher, Indianapolis

    1912-1913 teacher, Huntington

    1913 de-paremental English, Huntington, nr. since1913.Lidikay, Otto G., pa Lebanon

    1910-1928high school prin. at New Salisbury, DePauw, Edwardsport and Linden

    1928-1930 prin., Community High School, Lebanon.Linicome, Alice Laura, nr.McBride, Katherine, nr.McClure, Charles E., pa Albuquerque, N.Mexico

    1910-1914, principal and supt. ofschools in Indiana

    1914-1917, professorof education and history, New MexicoNormal University

    1917-1920, supt.schools, Socorro, N. Mexico

    1920-1923supt. of schools, Belen, N. Mexico

    1923-1929 manager of S. W. Ed. Exchange,Albuquerque Teachers Agency and schoolsupplies.McClure, Sara S., nr.McCormack, Charles K., pa 4540 Suther-erland Av...

    1909-1910supt., Lawrence

    1911-1912 supt., WestNewton

    in 1913 graduated from IndianaUniversity

    1913-1916 practicing law inIndianapolis

    was nominated on the Democratic ticket for State Legislature fromMarion county

    1916-1929 attorney, Indianapolis.McReynolds, George W., pa Clinton

    1910-1914 prin., Princeton

    1914-1615 received A. B. degree from Indiana University

    1915-1917 teaching history,Evansville

    1917-1918 prin., Brazil HighSchool, Brazil

    1918-1929 supt. of schools,Clinton.Mathews, Alice, nr.Merchant, Miriam, ha Newport, nr.Meyer, George J., pa Haubstadt

    1910-1920 supt. of schools, Haubstadt

    1920-1921 prin., Wabash Township HighSchool

    1921-1929 teacher of English andmathematics, Haubstadt.Meyer-Rockwood, Mrs. Freda, pa 2309College Ave., Terre Haute

    1910-1914taught grades, Greenwood, Terre Haute

    1914-1916 taught grades, Fairbanks,Terre Haute

    191G married to WilliamH. Roekwood

    1916-1930 at home, notteaching.Milholland, Harry C, pa 142 SpencerAve., Indianapolis

    taught in Jenning3county, rural schools three years beforegraduation

    1910 prin., Brewersville HighSchool

    1911-1912 prin., Hayden HighSchool: 1913 prin., Butlerville HighSchool

    1913-1914 attended Indiana University, received A. B. degree

    1914-1916prin., high school, teacher of mathematics, Winamac

    1916-1918 supt. ofschools, Wolcott

    1918-1920 supt. ofschools, Rockland, Mich.

    1920-1929teacher of mathematics. Technical HighSchool, Indianapolis.Mitchell, Waldo F., pa Greencastle

    1907-1908 teacher country school Monroe township, Howard county

    1908-1909teacher high school, Scotsburg

    1910-1911 principal high school, Cory

    1913-1914 principal high 6chool, Greenville

    1914-1918 professor, economics, IowaState Teachers College, Cedar Falls, la.

    1918-1919 teacher social science, highschool, Tulsa, Okla.

    1919-1922 professor economics, University of Chicago

    1922-1925 professor, economics andbusiness administration, Evansville College

    1925-1927 professor business administration, Lawrence College, Apple-ton, Wis.

    1927-1929 professor economics, DePauw University, Greencastle

    1929-1930 head department of economics, DePauw University, Greencastle

    attended Indiana University summer1909

    A. B. Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, 1912

    A. M. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., 1913

    Ph. D. University of Chicago, 1922.Montgomery, Charles Edgar, pa 512College Ave., DeKalb, 111.


    1912-1915 Bloomington

    1915-1916 taught in Purdue University, WestLafayette

    1916-1929 taught in TeachersCollege, Dekalb, 111.

    seven years as headof biology department.Moore-Watson, Margaret, pa 1579 Warren Road, Cleveland, O.

    1910-1911 taughtLatin and English, Prairie Creek

    1911-1912 taught high school, Bellflower

    1911-1929 married to Mr. P. M. Watson

    athome and not teaching.Moreland, John W., pa Valparaiso, lr 1928teaching in Lena School, Valparaiso.Morrill, Clinton, pa 45 N. Ritter Ave.,Indianapolis...

    1910-1915 supt., Mulberry

    1915-1923 prin., semi-industrial school,Indianapolis

    asst. in mathematics, StateTeachers College, Terre Haute, springterms of 1912 and 1913

    1923-1924 supt..Beech Grove

    1924-1929 practicing lawin city of Indianapolis.Muchmore-Lacey, Mrs. Joy, pa 1666 N.7th St., Terre Haute

    teacher of primarygrades, Sullivan

    critic teacher, Manchester College, North Manchester

    atpresent, asst. prof, of primary education,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    A. B. Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute

    A. M., TeachersCollege, Columbia University, New YorkCity

    graduate student, University ofChicago, Chicago, 111.Neal, Alva L., ha RR 1, Linton

    1910-1913 teacher, Knightstown

    lr 1913-1916teacher in public schools, Mason City,Ia.Neyhouse, Alvin R., ha 2705 S. 7th St.,Terre Haute

    1910-1911 teacher ofscience, Poseyville

    1911-1913 prin., highschool, Posevville

    1913-1917 prin., Fairbanks School, Terre Haute

    1917-1929teacher of grades ,Ft. Harrison School.Nolcox, Mathias, pa 2866 Highland Place,Indianapolis

    lr 1930 prin. Crispus At-tucks High School, Indianapolis.Nugent, Milton B., pa New Albany

    1911-1915 teacher of science, high school, Attica

    1915-1916 prin., high school, Attica

    1916-1917 taught at Newton: 1917-1929 county agricultural agent, NewAlbany.Nusbaum, Lola E., nr.

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    110THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYPauw University, Greencastle

    for complete record see class of 1910.Moore-Singhurse, Mrs. Lydia, pa Riley

    taught six years in grade schools otVigo county, before graduation, marriedin 1917, homekeeper

    attended TeachersCollege, Indianapolis, in 1914.Neal-Jones, Mrs. Hazel B., ha 734 N. 9thSt., Terre Haute

    1913-1916 taught inDavis Park School, Terre Haute

    1916-1919 taught domestic science McLeanJunior High School, Terre Haute

    1919-1929 domestic art teacher, Pontiac Michigan.Nelson-Emery, Eva, pa E. 10th St., Indianapolis

    1913-1915 teacher of historyand English in the high school, ValleyMills

    1915-1916 teacher of algebra inthe high school, Greenfield

    1929 married: at home and not teaching.Nugent-Smith, Mrs. Cora, pa Elnora

    1913-1929 assistant principal, ElmoreTownship High School and also teacherof English.OHaver, Madge, nr.Oswalt, Alonza B., pa 102 Waldron St.,West Lafayette...

    1913-1914 superintendent of schools, Lincolnville

    1914-1915superintendent of schools, Linlawn

    1915-1919 principal and superintendent ofschools, Wabash county

    1919-1929 principal Chippewa, Hartford township andWea High School, West Lafayette.Palin-Applegate, Mrs. Katie Maude, paNoblesville

    1912-1917 teacher in Centertownship schools, Indianapolis

    1917-1924 principal, departmental, Indianapolis

    1924-1927 clerk in the auditorsoffice, Noblesville

    1928-1929 deputy inauditors office, Noblesville.Parker, Ethel Lee, pa 71 Ferry Ave., E.,Detroit, Michigan

    1917-1918 taught inBrazil High School

    1918-1921 IndianaState Teachers College, department ofhome economics, Terre Haute

    1921-1924 Winona State Teachers College,department of home economics, Winona,Minnesota: 1922 Kansas AgriculturalCollege, department of education, Manhattan, Kansas...

    1924 attended WomensCollege, University of Delaware, head ofdepartment of home economics, Newark,Delaware: 1926 summer, dean of women.University of Delawar...

    1927-1928 student, Teachers College, Columbia University, New YorkCity.Pate-Logan, Mrs. Lottie, pa 618 S. NewHampshire Ave., Los Angeles, California:taught ...

    1913-1918 teacher of English, Marion

    1918-1919 teacher of English and Latin, high school, Moore, Montana

    1919-1921 teacher of English andLatin, high school, Minneapolis, Minnesota

    1921-1926 teacher in. MexicanSchool, Los Angeles

    1926-1930 teacherin special room of gifted children, LosAngeles

    attended Minnesota Universitysummer 1919

    attended University ofSouthern California summers of 1922 and1924.Pear man-Gray, Mrs. Nora, ha Gas City

    ha Dana

    1912-1915 teacher of gradesone and four, Hillsdale

    1916-1916 teacher of grades one to four, district school,Helt township, Vermillion county

    1916-1919 teacher of grades three and four,Hillsdale

    1919-1921 principal, juniorhigh school. Gas City

    1921-1927 housewife and substitute in city school. GasCity

    died in 1927.Peyton-Kluppell, Mrs. Edna E., pa 1128Tweed St., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    1904-1908 teacher in Lost Creek township schools

    1908-1918 teacher in public schools, Terre Haute: 1918-1919 workin War Risk Insurance Bureau at Washington, D. C.

    1919-1929 not teaching

    homekeeper, married in 1919.Pisheck-Stirwalt, Mrs. Edith, pa 519 W.Dryden St., Glendale, California, 1913-1916 teacher in Terre Haute publicschools...

    married Aug. 1, 1916 to ErnestStirwalt

    1916-1929 not teaching, home-keeper.Pruitt, Thomas V., pa Rockport

    1913-1922 superintendent of schools. WestTerre Haute

    1923-1929 superintendentof schools, Rockport

    attended ColumbiaUniversity in 1921

    A. M. WisconsinUniversity in 1922.Railsback, Lotta V., ha Farmersburg, nr.Reece, Raymond J., pa 2448 N. 14th St.,Terre Haute

    1913-1914 principal highschool, Hardinsburg

    1914-1916 superintendent and principal, consolidatedschools, Emison

    1916-1917 superintendent of schools, New Haven

    1917-1919principal, Cresce, Iowa

    1919-1921 principal, Cayuga

    1921-1927 teacher. Central High School, Evansville

    1927-1929assistant professor of history and economics, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    A. M., University of Wisconsin 1926

    graduate student IndianaUniversity.Reifel-Wiley, Mrs. Matilda, ha Josper

    lr1916 married to A. W. Wiley and livingin Harstow, California.Rielag, Corrine C, 1722 N. PennsylvaniaSt., Indianapolis

    1913-1914 teacher ofgrades, Vincennes

    1914-1916 teacher ofgrades, school 15, Indianapolis

    1916-1929 principal of Horace Mann School,Indianapolis.Rockhill, Howard, ha 429 S. 14th St.,New Castle

    lr 1924 living in Tulsa,Oklahoma.Rollings-Ramsey, Mrs. Minnie M.t pa 232S. 3rd St., Terre Haute

    1913-1914 teach- •er of grades, Seelyville

    1914-1916 teacher of grades, Glen Ayre: 1916-1929 married to Dr. S. V. Ramsey, homekeeper,not teaching.Ropp, Benjamin F., ha Clifford

    1913-1914 teacher of botany and agriculturein Columbus High School, Columbus

    1914-1916 principal. Flat Rock TownshipHigh School and teacher of agriculture,botany and mathematics in high school

    1920-1929 teacher of mathematics andscience in the high school, Columbus.Rubin-Goodman, Mrs. Cecelia, A. B., pa1083 Linden Ave.

    Zanesville, Ohio

    1913-1920 teacher at Fairbanks Schooland McLean Junior High School, TerreHaute

    1920-1929 not teaching

    home-keeper, married to A. A. Goodman in1920

    attended University of Chicago in1918.Sandiford, Elizabeth, nr.Schwalm, Grace E., ha RFD 9, Logansport

    taught six years in rural schoolsand township graded schools before graduation

    1913-1914 substitute teacher

    1914-1917 teacher of English and homeeconomics, high school, Walton

    1917-1918 attended Indiana University

    1918-1919 teacher in high school. New Wav-erly

    1919-1923 teacher in high school.

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    THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY27teaching manual training and historyhigh school, Marengo.Prather-Laswell, Mrs. Anna, nr.Rader, John H., pa 412 Lemcke Building, Indianapol...

    1885-1889 teacher oftownship schools, Delaware county

    1890-1892 teacher of grade schools,Daleville

    1892-1893 student in IndianaState Teachers College

    1893-1894 taughtat Selma

    1894-1895 attended IndianaState Teachers College and received degree

    1895-1897 teacher at Selma

    1897-1899 attended Indiana Law School, University of Indianapolis, LL. B. degree

    1899-1929 practicing attorney at law,Indianapolis

    instructor in BenjaminHarrison Law School since 1921 andpresident of the Indianapolis Bible Institute, Indianapolis

    graduate Indianapolis Bible Institute 1926.Ramsey, Dudley D., pa Fort Wayne

    1888-1889 attended high school, Roann,Wabash county

    1889-1890 attended DePauw Normal Department, Greencastle

    1891 attended Indiana State TeachersCollege

    1891-1892 taught SwampSchool, Butler township, Miami county

    spring 1892 attended Indiana StateTeachers College: 1892-1893 taughtBender School, Butler township, Miamacounty

    spring 1893 attended IndianaState Teachers College

    1893-1894 taughtCowdens, Brandywine township, Hanco*ck county

    spring 1894 attendedMichigan University

    fall 1894 attendedIndiana State Teachers College

    Januaryto March 1895 taught Pleasant Hill,Brandywine township, Hanco*ck county

    April to June 1896 attended IndianaState Teachers College, graduated

    1895-1896 taught sixth grade, Trenton

    spring 1896 attended Indiana University

    summer 1896 attended Turkey LakeZoological Experimental Station, Indiana University

    1896-1897 attended Indiana University

    1897-1899 principal,Modoc High School, Randolph county

    1899-1907 principal high school, Economy

    1907-1917 principal, WhitewaterWard, Richmond

    1917-1921 principal,West Ward, Columbia City

    1921-1922principal, Huntertown

    1922-1923 principal, Harlan

    1923-1926 principal, NewHaven

    1926-1929 real estate business.Fort Wayne.Reifsmider-White, Mrs. Eva L., pa 2006North 13th St., Terre Haute

    married,at home and not teaching

    nr.Retherford, Jessie Edward, pa Pocatello,Idaho

    1895-1896 principal of school,Sanford

    1896-1897 principal of school,Azalia

    1897-1898 attended Indiana University

    1898-1899 taught at Elizabeth-town

    1899-1902 superintendent schools,Carmel

    1901 received A. B. degreefrom Indiana University

    1902-1903 attended University of Chicago

    1903-1905taught school at Ogden

    1905-1914taught at Academy of Idaho, Pocatello,Idaho

    1914-1916 professor of socialscience and history, Idaho Technical Institute

    Cornell University, summer of1915

    1916-1925 teacher in Idaho Technical Institute, also president of aboveinstitute

    graduated from Indiana University with A. B. degree in 1901 andfrom University of Chicago 1903

    1928-1929 doing advanced work in Universityof Chicago

    1929-1930 head of Americanhistory department at University of Idaho, Pocatello, Idaho.Rhine-Heironimus, Mrs. Edna E.t pa535 National Road

    Richmond 1895-1929at home and not teaching

    married toNorval C. Heironimus.Ross, Orlando, nr.Ross, Samuel M.. nr

    deceased.Severin, Huldah, pa Dillsboro

    taught oneyear in grades before graduation

    1895-1897 teacher of grades, Aurora

    1897-1923 teacher of mathematics, highschool, Aurora

    1923-1929 teacher ofmathematics and science the last twoyears, principal high school, Dillsboro

    attended Columbia University two summer terms, 1920 and 1921.Shepherd, John W., la 6828 Harper Ave.,Chicago, 111.

    1893-1896 teacher in Owencounty schools

    1896-1897 principal ofPatricksburg schools, Patricksburg

    1897-1900 instructor of chemistry, RosePolytechnic, Terre Haute

    1897-1899 instructor in Indiana State Teachers College, spring terms

    1900-1902 teachingfellow in chemistry in University of Chicago

    appointed assistant in chemistry.University of Chicago, 1902

    1902-1921head of department of science, ChicagoNormal College

    1921-1929 assistantprincipal or vice-president of ChicagoNormal College

    1929 president ChicagoNormal College

    A. B. Indiana University 1896, A. M. 1898.Splaty, Fannie E., la 819 Beacon St.,Los Angeles, Calif.

    1897-1907 taughtgrades, Torre Haute

    1904-1914 taughtgrammar grade teacher, Los Angeles,Calif.

    1914-1916 teacher of German,Virgil Intermediate, Los Angeles, Calif

    lr 1916.Strain, Viola, nr.Strong, Harry Carter, pa 2032 EastSuperior St., Duluth, Minn.

    1895-1896student, Butler College

    1896-1899 student, Harvard University, A. B. degree1899

    1899-1901 copy editor in NewYork

    1901-1902 importor of chemicals

    1902-1909 teacher of history and civilgovernment, State Normal School, Duluth, Minn.

    1909-1916 manufacturing,and served in Spanish-American Warwith 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery

    1916-1929 manufacturing business. Sulgrove-Boyle, Mrs. Ada, deceased1900

    nr.Sumption-Bell, Mrs. Gertrude, lately reported to be living in Indianapolis.Troth, Alonzo P., pa 2203 Grand Ave.,Spokane, Wash.

    taught two years ruralschool, Owen county before graduation:1895-1896 superintendent schools, Monroe City: 1896-1900 principal highschool, Leadville, Colo....

    1900-1930 headdepartment of biology and general science, The Lewis and Clark High School,Spokane, Wash.Vail, David Albert, la South Pasadena,Calif....

    1899, came to California soonafter graduating

    engaged in art andstationery business in San Francisco

    president of Duncan Vail Co., the largestart and stationery store in southernCalifornia.Vance, Elias E., nr.Waldrip, Enid, pa Attica

    1890-1895taught in rural schools, Indiana, beforegraduation

    1895-1929 teaching historyin elementary grades, Attica.Walker-Frist, Mrs. Arietta, nr.Walker-Elder, Mrs. Phebe, pa 131 EastOttawa St., Logansport

    taught severalyears in Bluffton, Waterloo and Monroeville before graduation

    1896-1896teacher in grades, LaPorte


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  • isua-alumniassociation-directory-1930-165

    THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY1331920 teacher in the high school at Mt.Olympus

    1920-1923 teacher in thejunior high school, Oakland City

    1923-1927 teacher in the rural schools, Columbia township, Gibson county

    1927-1929 not teaching, homekeeper

    A. B.Oakland City College.Lowe, Grace, pa 224 Gilbert Ave., TerreHaute

    1911-1916 teacher of grades,Seelyville: 1916-1921 teacher of science,Muncie

    1921-1928 teacher of science,McLean Junior High School, TerreHaute. 1928-1929 teacher of science,Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute.Lyda, Chester H.,...

    1916-1917 principal gradedschool, Lyles

    1917-1918 student, Indiana University

    1918-1919 United Statesarmy, medical department in France

    1919-1920 student, Indiana University,A. B.

    1922-1930 professor of history,Bluefield Institute, Bluefield, W. Va.McCauley, Norbet, pa 1829 Meharry St.,Lafayette

    1916-1917 teaching

    1918-1919 in the army

    1919-1920 principalof the high school, San Pierre

    1920-1929 Northern Indiana Public ServiceCompany, working as chief clerk, Lafayette.McClain-Lord, Mrs. Louise, pa 2515Deming St., Terre Haute

    taught primary grades two years in Harrison township

    1916-1922 teacher of grades inMont Rose school and geography atSara Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute

    1922-1929 not teaching, home-keeper, married to J. L. Lord of theclass of 1917.McMaken .Delia J., pa RFD 3, FortWayne

    1916-1924 teacher of domesticscience, English and drawing, Argos

    1916-1928 factory inspector, FortWayne

    1928-1929 teacher of home economics, Chester township, Poneto.Mason, Mildred, pa Swtiz City

    1916-1918 teacher in Switz City

    1918-1921teacher in Spencer

    1921-1922 attendedIndiana University, receiving A. B.

    1922-1926 teacher in Spencer: 1926-1927 teacher of English and Latin, Jefferson High School, Lafayette

    1927-1929 teacher of English and Latin inthe high school, Switz City

    attendedthe University of Wisconsin, summersof 1924 and 1925.Meyer, Alfred M., pa Orlando, Fla.

    1916-1919 head of the history department in the high school, Brazil

    1919-1929 superintendent of schools, Oxford

    1925-1930 director of secondary schools,Orlando, Fla.

    received A. B. from Indiana University in 1920 and A. M. in1925.Michael, Ernest, nr.Milner, Maude E., pa 1620 Central Ave.,Apartment 1-A, Indiana...

    1917-1918teacher of grades, Riley

    1918-1920teacher in the junior high school, Elkhart

    1920-1929 teacher of departmentalwork, Indianapolis.Miner, Floyd H., A. B. ha Carthage

    1913-1915 principal French Lick HighSchool, French Lick

    1914-1915 summerassistant in psychology, Indiana StateTeachers College

    1915-1916 teacher ofmathematics, intermediate department,Hackensack, N. J.

    1916-1917 principalof schools, West Baden

    1917-1920 principal of high schools in Manilla township

    1920-1930 superintendent ofschools, Pendleton.Montgomery, A. D., A. B. pa Crawfordsville

    for complete record see class of1912.Moore, Miss Vinco, ha Georgetown

    paGlenville, W. Va.

    1916-1928 teacherrural school, Floyd county

    high schools,Georgetown, Bruceville, Miami, Fla.

    Iron Mountain, Mich.

    1928-1930 teacher expression and physical education,Glenville State Normal School, Glen-Ville, W. Va.

    B. S. Indiana State Teachers College 1928.Morphet, Edgar L., pa Auburn, Ala.

    1919-1922 principal junior high school,Fairmount: 1922-1923 Hois highschool, Philippine Islands

    1923-1924principal of Albay high school andNormal School, Philippine Islands

    1924-1925 attended Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City receivingM. A. degree

    1925-1927 attendingTeachers College, Columbia University,receiving Ph. D.

    1926-1929 professor ofeducation, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala.Mowery, Harry H., pa RFD E, Box 116:1916-1917 not teaching, bookkeeper...

    1916-1924 ward principal and supervisor of writing in Terre Haute cityschools

    1924-1929 teacher of manualtraining, McLean Junior High School,Terre Haute.Mylin, Christian S., pa 115 South GSt., Marion

    1916-1917 teacher of grades,Marion

    1917-1918 principal consolidatedschool, Marion

    1918-1919 teacher ofmanual training in the high school,Laketon

    1919-1929 teacher in the highschool, Marion.Nantz-Carlisle, Mrs. Katherine G., A. 1923, 1000 East 29th St., KansasCity, Mo.

    lr 1923 married, homekeeper.Neukom-Cooper, Mrs. Esther, A. Denver, Colo.: 1915-1916, teacher inpublic schools, Terre Haute

    1916-1924teacher in Garfield high school, TerreHaute

    1924-1929 married to SidneyCooper, living in Denver, Colo.Nichols, Joshua, ha Templeton

    1916-1917 teacher in the high school, Stilesville

    1917- 1918 teacher of high school,North Salem: 1918-1920 principal ofhigh school, Raub

    1920-1921 principalof the high school. Toluca, 111.

    1922-1924 principal of the high school, Stilesville

    lr 1924.Noland-Douglas, Mrs. Nola L., A. B. ha716 Waveland Ave., Chicago, 111.

    1916-1922 teacher of English, Anderson andGary

    married in 1922 to Mr. W. L.Douglass

    1922-1929 married, home-keeper.Norris-White, Mrs. Esther

    pa 1709Thompson Ave., Terre Haute

    1915-1916assistant registrar and bookkeeper, Indiana State Teachers College, 1916-1929married, homekeeper.OConnor, Eleanor, pa 1124 North Warren St., Huntington...

    1916-1929, supervisor elementary grades, Huntington.Oelgeschlager, Edna, pa 825 South 3rdSt., Terre Haute: 1916-1923 teacher atGreenwood School, Terre Haute...

    1925-1927 teacher elementary grades, HookSchool, Terre Haute

    1927-1929 teacherof elementary grades, Deming School.Terre Haute.Orman, Clarence

    pa RFD 3, Box 359Houston, Tex.

    taught two years, Marion

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    1926-1929 teacher of English, Indianapolis.True, Frances, 2IG, ha 1624 South Center St., Terre Haute

    1922-1929 teacherof elementary grades, Terre Haute.Turpin, Charles, P., A. B., ha Marco

    pa 500 North Walnut St., Lansing,Mich.

    1922-1924 teaching mathematicsand athletics, Mt. Vernon

    1924-1925teaching mathematics and athletics,Frankfort

    1926-1929 teaching mathematics and athletics, Lansing, Mich.Utterback, Zena, 2IG, ha Winamac

    pa4801 Forsythe Ave., Chicago.

    taughtrural schools, Pulaski county beforegraduation

    1922-1930 teacher grades,East Chicago

    B. S. Indiana State Teachers College, 1929.Volkers, Clyde, A. B., ha 1025 North6th St., Terre Haute

    1922-1923 teacherin Sarah Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute

    1923-1924 not teaching

    1924-1929 engaged in making hand-colorededucational lantern slides

    and in writing for various educational magazines.Wade-McWethy, Mrs. Edith, A. B., ha1839 North 10th St., Terre Haute

    pa1469 Bosart Ave., Indianapolis: 1922-1923 teacher, short hand, typewritingand bookkeeping, high school, Marshall,111.

    1923-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married.Weaver, Silvin, B. S., ha Brazil, RFD 2,Box 31

    1922-1924 teaching manualtraining, junior high school, Bedford

    1925-1929 teaching, Bedford.•Webster, Pearl, 2IG, ha 14G0 South19th St., Terre Haute

    1922-1923 teaching grades, Terre Haute

    died Aug. 19,1923.Westfall, Vera Lenore, 2IG, ha WestTerre Haute

    pa 519 North Riley, Indianapolis

    1922-1924 principal of Concannon Grade School, Ferguson Hill

    1924-1929 teacher of grades in publicschools.Whelan, Lloyd, B. S., ha 1739 South 6thSt., Terre Haute

    pa 412 Mapine Drive,Fort Wayne

    1922-1923 teaching science,Fort Wayne

    1923-1924 teacher of physical geography, Ft. Wayne

    1927-1930teacher in science department, highschool at Ft. Wayne.Wilkins, Bertha, 2IG, ha 417 ChestnutSt., North Vernon

    pa 314 The Ambassador, Indianapolis

    1909-1911 teacherof rural school Jennings county

    1911-1918 teacher of grades, Vernon

    1918-1919 teacher of grades, North Vernon

    1919-1920 teacher of grades, Sandusky

    1920-1922 teacher of grades, Greensburg

    1922-1925 teacher of grades,North Vernon

    1925-1929 teacher ofgrades, Indianapolis

    attended Universityof Chicago summer terms of 1926 and1927.Williams, Geneva, 2IG, ha Worthingtonpa East Chicago

    1922-1930 teachinggrades, East Chicago.Wimer, Elizabeth, A. B., ha 1405 North8th St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1922-1930 teacher in McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute.Withers-Kingery, Mrs. Ruby, 2IG, 620Gilbert Ave., Terre Haute

    pa 4710 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111.

    lr 1924 married,clerical work at LaSalle Extension University.Wolfangle, Leonard, A. B., ha Brazil

    1922-1923 teaching English, Van BurenHigh School, Clay county

    1923-1924teaching in high school, Harmony

    1925-1928 principal at Ashboro

    1928-1929teacher of mathematics, West Baden.Wood, Helen, A. B., ha Clinton

    1909-1914 teaching public- schools, Clinton

    1914-1922 principal of Columbia WardSchool, Clinton

    1922 studying for A., Indiana State Teachers College

    1922-1928 head of commerce department,Clinton

    assistant in commercial department at Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute summers of 1927-1928-1929

    1928-1929 assistant in commerce,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 graduate work Indiana University.Wools-Fitzimmons, Mrs. Bertha S., A.B., ha West Terre Haute

    pa 2231 Crawford St., public schools, Clay county,public schools, New Goshen

    King Classical School, Terre Haute

    critic teacherIndiana State Teachers College Training School, Terre Haute

    summer assistant, Indiana State Teachers College

    critic teacher, State Teachers CollegeTraining School, Terre Haute.Wright, Homer, 2IG, ha Clinton

    lr 1923at that time principal of Smiths School,Vermillion county.Yeager, Otto N., B. S., pa 441 MadisonSt., Gary

    1930 teacher of industrial arts,Emerson High School, Gary

    for complete record see class 1916.Yowell-Haslem, Mrs. Ruby, A. B., paRosedale

    1922-1923 teaching in Rosedale

    1923-1929 married, not teaching,homekeeper.Zettersburg, Edward L., A. B., haGreensburg

    pa 646% North Elm

    1922-1924 teacher of chemistry and physics,high school, Muncie

    1924-1925 attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M. S. Degree

    1925-1929 teacher ofchemistry, Central High School, Muncie.CLASS OF 1923Alexander, DeWitt, B. S., ha Mt. Vernon

    lr 1924 principal of Ullery School, SouthBend.Allen-Logan, Mrs. Mary

    2IG, ha Brazil

    pa Reelsville

    1911-1919 teacherof grades, Jackson township. Clay county

    1919-1922 teacher of grades, cityschools, Brazil

    1922-1925 principal wardschool, Brazil

    1925-1930 not teachinghomekeeper, married.Amick, John P., A. B., pa 116 WestThird St., Anderson

    for complete information see class of 1912.Anderson, Ethel, 2IG, ha Brazil

    nr.Andrews, Fred J., A. B., pa Birdseye:1923-1925 principal high school SugarRidge township

    1925-1927 principalhigh school, Orleans

    1927-1930 superintendent of schools, Birdseye.Applegate, Lucy ,A .B., ha 329 EastMain St., Thorntown

    1923-1924 teacher of mathematics, junior high school,Muncie

    1924-1930 teacher in the Muncie schools.Armstrong, Fred, B. S., ha Huntington

    pa Orange, N. J., 1922-1924 teachermanual arts, high school, Muncie

    1924-1925 teacher manual arts. Orange, N.J.

    1925-1926 New York TelephoneCompany

    1926-1930 teacher, scienceand manual arts, high school. Orange,

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

  • isua-alumniassociation-directory-1930-046

    14THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYClark University, Worchester, Mass.

    Ph. D. degree, 1896. 1896-1901 assistant professor zoology, Indiana University, Bloomington

    1901-1903 associateprofessor of neurology, University ofChicago, Chicago, 111.

    1903-1929, assistant professor and associate professor ofphysiology, Leland Stanford University,Palo Alto, Calif.Tilley, James M., pa Worthington

    18891891 principal schools Knightsville

    1891-1893 principal Bchools Harmony

    1893-1897 superintendent schools, ClayCity

    1897-1899 principal ward school,Brazil

    1899-1903 county superintendentschools, Clay County: 1903-1905 principal ward school, Brazil

    1905-1906 supervisor schools, Terre Haute

    1906-1916assistant superintendent schools, TerreHaute

    1916-1924 superintendent schools,Terre Haute

    1924-1930 superintendentof schools, Worthington.Waits, C. J., pa 614 Dodge St., WestLafayette

    1889-1891 principal ofschools, Prairie Creek

    1891-1892 student, Indiana University

    1892-1893principal high school, Centerville

    1893-1894 student, Indiana University

    received A. B. degree

    1894-1898 superintendent of schools, Carlisle

    1898-1899student. University of Illinois

    receivedA. M. degree

    1899-1904 head of department of mathematics, Terre HauteHigh School

    1904-1910 principal highschool, Terre Haute

    1910-1914 superintendent of public schools, Terre Haute

    1914-1930 professor of mathematics,Purdue University, West Lafayette.Wiley-Pote, Mrs. Mamie, pa 4925 ParkView Place, St. Louis, Mo.

    1928 athome and not teaching.Wilson, Charles A., ha Bainbridge

    1889-1890 principal high school, Petersburg

    1890-1891 principal of schools,Veedersburg

    1891-1894 attended Franklin College, Franklin

    1894-1897 attended McCormick Seminary, Chicago, 111.,and graduated in 1897

    1896-1910 minister, Bethany Presbyterian Church,Chicago, 111.

    lr 1911 minister, Presbyterian Church, Chanute, Kan.♦Wood, John Anderson, lr 1912, professor of psychology and pedagogy, BibleTeachers Training School,...

    deceased April 4, 1926.Wood, Melville Samuel, ha Princeton

    lr1916 farmer, Princeton.♦Woodward-Cozand, Mrs. Emma, nr.Woolman, Albert Jefferson, ha Urbana.111.

    1891-1893 teacher of science. SouthBend

    1893-1902 teacher of science, Duluth, Minn.

    1902-1903 teacher of natural history, Urbana State Laboratory:1903-1912, general agent. New YorkLife Insurance Co.

    lr 1912.CLASS OF 1890•Auker, W. H., nr.Bardsley-AUen, Mrs. Harriet, taughtschool for a number of years, for sometime in the Indiana Stote ...

    reported to beliving in Akron, Ohio.Bauman, E. G., nr.Betcher, Elizabeth, pa Teachers CollegeIndianapolis

    1912-1914 teacher, Indianapolis public schools, Indianapolis

    1914-1924 teacher, Wayne State NormalSchool, Wayne, Neb.

    1924-1929 supervisor of practice and observation, Indianapolis Teachers College

    attendedIndiana University 1893

    attended University of Chicago

    received Ph. B. degree 1921

    did graduate work, IndianaUniversity 1927.Brown, Elvinettie, pa 25th and HulmanSts., Terre Haute

    taught in schools ofTerre Haute and Vigo county until retired

    now at home in Terre Haute.Burlingmeier, J. L., nr.♦Christian, Irene, nr.

    deceased 1893.Colvin, Caroline, pa Orona, Me.

    1890-1891 teacher in high school, Peru

    1891-1898 teacher high school Fort Wayne

    1902-1929 teacher University of Maine.Culver, John M., pa Evansville

    1890-1893 principal high school, Delphi

    1893-1895 student, Indiana Univeristy

    1896-1897 teacher history and English, ManualTraining High School, Indianapolis

    1897-1898 principal high school SouthBend

    1898-1900 student, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.

    1900-1902 headdepartment of history, high school,Evansville

    1902-1929 supervising principal, Evansville.Cushing-Ridgley, Mrs. Bessie, ha Normal, 111.

    taught seven years before graduation

    seven years after graduation

    married Douglas Clay Ridgley

    deceasedSept. 1918.Donaghue-Thomas, Mrs. Anna

    reportedto be living in Minneapolis, Minn.

    nr.Erskine-Headen, Mrs. Anna, nr.Evans, Eugene, nr.Evans, R. F„ nr.Farquhar-Remsberg, Mrs. Belle, pa 473222nd Ave., N. E. Seattle, Wash.

    1884-1891 teaching grades, in and nearRidgeville

    1891-1929 married, not teaching, at home in Seattle, Wash.Fitzgibbon, Thomas F., ha Muncie

    superintendent of schools until 1924

    retired from superintendency and taughthistory in the Muncie Senior HighSchool until the time of his death inOct. 1926

    served for a long period ofyears as superintendent of schools, El-wood, Columbus, and Muncie

    one ofIndianas most highly revered schoolmen

    killed in an automobile accidentwhile returning from the meeting of theIndiana State Teachers Association atIndianapolis.Foltz-Eichorn, Mrs. Etta M., pa Bl...

    taught one year in Prairie Creekand Prairieton before graduation

    1890-1891 teacher in high school at Bluffton

    1891-1893 principal of high school, Bluff-ton

    1893-1894 assistant in the Latinand English departments Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1894-1929 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedto Judge Eichorn.Frazer, Thomas, nr.Hamer, William D., pa 1355 Guilford St.,Huntington: taught district schools,four&...

    1890-1891 principal of highschool, Negaunee, Mich.

    1891-1894teacher in high school, Huntington

    1894-1896 attending Indiana University,A. B. and LL. B.

    1896-1929 practicinglaw, Huntington.Hargrave, Mary, nr.* Harlan-Hoover, Mrs. Laura, marriedshortly after graduation to C. S. Hooverof Valparaiso

    deceased Sept. 30, 1904.

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

  • Boy City 1907

    Front: Script at bottom from left to right reads, Boy City Views; Street Scene, Boy City; Series No. 1Back: Non-crossed-out script...

    The August 9, 1908 issue of the New York Times had a lengthy article about the Boys City in Winona Lake. The event lasted three...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

    Boy City

  • isua-alumniassociation-directory-1930-184

    152THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYAsperger-Boston, Mrs. Mamie, pa Edinburg

    taught five years, grades, Burnett, Lewis and New Goshen, beforegraduation

    1918-1919 teacher, grades,Waveland

    1919-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married to Paul Boston,superintendent schools, Edinburg.Austin, Cecil, ha East Chicago

    pa EastChicago

    1019-141st St.

    taught incountry school, Lewis township. Claycounty from 1915-1916

    1919-1921teacher physical education, elementaryschool, East Chicago

    1921-1922 actingsupervisor of physical education, EastChicago

    1922-1924 teacher physical education, McKinley Junior High School,East Chicago

    1924-1927 athletic directorond coach, Roosevelt High School,


    1926 attending summer University of Illinois, coaching school

    1927attending summer National RecreationSchool, New York City

    1920-1930 physical director McKinley Junior HighSchool, East Chicago.Barr, James, H., A. B. pa 4157 No.Richmond St., Chicago, 111

    1915-1916teacher of rural schools. Stark county

    1916-1918 teacher township high school,Stark county

    1919-1920 assistant principal high school Silver Lake

    1920-1922principal Jefferson Center High School,Columbia City

    1922-1924 teacher Latin,high school, LaPorte

    1924-1930 employed at Montgomery Ward and Company, Chicago, 111.

    attended ValparaisoIniversity, 1914-1917

    attended IndianaUniversity summers of 1914-1917-1919-1923, Ph. B. in 1917 and M. A. in 1923.Beanblossom, Ward, B. S., ha Mauck-port

    pa Hillsdale

    1919-1928 principaltownship schools at Crawfordsville,Dana and Hillsdale. 1929-1930 countysuperintendent of schools, Vermillioncounty

    A. M., Columbia UniversityTeachers College, 1929.Bolenbaugh, Alta, ha Sullivan, RFD 1,pa Bloomington, 426 E. 6th St.

    1919-1920 teacher high school, New Lebanon

    1920-1923 principal high school, NewLebanon

    1924-1929 general science injunior high school, Bloomington

    received A. B. degree from Indiana University in 1924

    finished work for Masters degree in 1927

    member of StateTeachers Association, N. E. A. IndianaAcademy of Science, Phi Beta Kappa

    Pi Lambda Theta.Boyd, Edythe G., pa 653 8th Ave., TerreHaute

    1919-1929 teacher Lange and ReaSchools, Terre Haute.Boyle, Harry H., ha Pimento

    pa Chicago,Uliniois

    1919-1920 taught GarfieldHigh School

    1920-1923 teacher CassTechnical High School, Detroit, Mich

    1926-1929 medical student in RushMedical College, Chicago, 111.Eoyle-Moye, Mrs. Marion E., ha TerreHaute

    1439 South Fourth St.

    1919-1922 teacher domestic science, highschool, Oaktown and Stewartsville

    1922-1924 housewife

    1927-1929 teaching elementary grades, Fairbanks School, TerreHaute.Briley-Stark, Mrs. Evalyn, ha Jasonville

    pa 4614 Central Ave, Indianapolis

    taught three years, grades, Wrighttownship, Greene county, before graduation

    1919-1920 teacher, Junior HighSchool, Clinton

    1920-1921 teacher,grades, Ann Arbor. Michigan

    1921-1923teacher, high school. New Augusta

    1923-1930, not teaching, home keeper.Brooking, Rollie, ha Markle, RFD 2

    pa527 South Clinton, St., Iowa City, la.

    1916-1917 teacher of grades, Huntington county

    1917-1920 principal andteacher of English, Wayne townshipHigh School, Huntington

    1920-1921teacher of English, New Haven HighSchool, Fort Wayne

    1921-1924 principalEnglish, Lake High School, Fort Wayne

    1924-1928 head of English department,Clinton High School, Clinton, la.

    1928-1929 instructor in English, WashingtonState College, Pullman, Wash.

    1929-1930 graduate assistant, English, University of Iowa

    instructor in English,Iowa State Teachers College, CedarFalls, la., summers 1927 and 1928

    attended Indiana University summer 1914,extension work 1922-1924

    attendedState University of Iowa, summers of1924-1926

    M. A. in 1926.Buckner-Pierce, Mrs. Artie, la 1923, 906Fayette Ava., Indianapolis

    lr 1923teaching in city schools, Indianapolis.Burk-Richardson, Mrs. Bernice, ha TerreHaute, 2209 Sycamore St.

    pa Louisville,Ky.

    1433 St. James Court

    1919-1920received A. B. degree

    1920-1923 teacher North Terre Haute High School

    1922-married and doing substitute teachingin Junior high school, Louisville, Ky.

    1922-1929 not teaching, homekeeper.Carter, D. H., ha Plainville

    pa Bruceville

    1910-1923 principal of highschools, Summitville, Fairmount andPlainville

    1923-1929 superintendent ofschools, Odon and Bruceville

    1929-1930graduate student Indiana State TeachersCollege.Cooprider, J. L., A. B. ha Jasonville,RFD 2

    pa Evansville

    1919-1920 teaching Scircleville

    1920-1930 teaching inCentral High School. Evansville.Craig-Martin, Mrs. Goldie, ha Darlington

    1919-1922 teacher of English andLatin, Wingate and Macy

    1922-1929,married, at home, not teaching, home-keeper

    mr 5-31-29.Demaree, Margaret, A. B. ha TerreHaute

    nr.Dow, William Alexander, A. B., ha Darlington

    pa Grand Rapids, Mich.

    320Charles St., 1919-1922 principal highschool, Greencastle and Warsaw

    1921-1923 student, Masters degree

    1923-1924 head of chemistry department,Concordia College, Moorehead, Minn.

    1924-1927 head of chemistry department, Blackburn College, Carlinville,111.

    1927-1929 professor chemistry,junior college, Grand Rapids, Mich.Drane, Theresa Edith, ha Greensburg,RFD 5

    1910-1923 teacher of grades, Decatur county and Greensburg

    1926-1929teacher in high school, Princeton

    1929-1930 student, Columbia University.Duvall-Keasby, Mrs. Lois, A. B. ha Dunkirk

    1919-1924 teacher of Latin atMuncie and Dunkirk

    lr 1924.♦Eaton, Katherine.Ebbinghouse, Ada Ellen, A. B., haNorth Manchester

    pa Elkhart, 222Hickory St., 1919-1920 teacher in highschool, North Manchester

    1920-1922,teacher in junior high school, Elkhart

    1923-1930 teacher of algebra RooseveltJunior High School, Elkhart.Ehrenhardt-Snyder, Mrs. Helen Louise,A. B. ha Terre Haute, 1523 South 9thSt.

    pa Long Beach, Calif.

    1532 E. 2ndSt.

    1919-1922 teacher in Indiana State

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

  • Indianapolis Baist Atlas Plan # 5, 1908

    Indianapolis Sanborn Map and Baist Atlas Collection

    Indianapolis (Ind.) -- MapsReal property -- Indiana -- Indianapolis -- Maps

  • isua-alumniassociation-directory-1930-163

    THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY131high school, Washington

    1918-1923 WarRick Insurance Department, Washington,I). C.J 1923-1924 teacher of English,Bellingham, Washington

    lr 1924.Fellmy, William S., pa Edwardsport

    1912-1915 principal, two-room gradedschool, Crandall

    1915-1916 teacher inhigh school, DePauw

    1916-1918 principal in high school, DePauw

    1918-1920principal of high school, New Salisbury

    1920-1929 principal, high school, Edwardsport

    graduate student. TeachersCollege, Columbia University, New YorkCity.Field, Eva, ha RFD 1, Jasonville

    1909-1916 teacher of grades in Lewis township, Clay county

    1916-1921 teacher ofprimary grades, East Chicago

    1921-1924at home on account of poor health

    1924-1C125 teacher of grades, Lewis township, Clay county

    1925-1927 principalof two-room school, Lewis township. Claycounty

    1927-1928 at home, not teaching.Findley, Grace, pa 231 N. Cedar St.,Colorado Springs, Colorado

    1916-1921teacher in city schools, Terre Haute

    1921-1929 teacher in Columbia School,Colorado Springs, Colorado

    attendedColorado College summers of 1924-1926-1927.Fisher, Hazel, pa Hammond

    1916-1924teacher of grades, Sharpsville, and Lig-onier

    1924-1929 teacher of grades, Hammond.Fisher, Julia A., A. B., ha Medaryville

    1916-1918 student, Chicago Normal,graduating in February, 1918

    1918-1929teacher of home economics, Chicago public schools, Chicago, Illinois.Foster, Martha E., ha 7 09 Duff Ave.,Ames, la.

    1916-1918 teacher of home economics in the high school. Fowler

    1918-1919 home demonstration agent, GreenCity

    1919-1922 home demonstrationagent, Ames, Iowa

    1922-1929 extensionclothing specialist, Ames, Iowa.Frank, Eftie, pa RFD 5, Jasper

    taughtin rural schools before graduation

    1916-1923 teacher of elementary grades, Jasper

    1923-1929 teacher in rural schools,Dubois county.♦French, Clyde Leroy, A. B., ha Osgood

    1915-1916 principal, high school, Kewanna

    1919 graduate of college course,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1923 blind, not teaching

    deceased, February 18, 1923.Funkhouser, Hazel, B. S., ha 458 S. 13thSt., Terre Haute

    1916-1929 teacher inthe public schools, Terre Haute.Gibson, Avis Goldie, ha Bedford

    1916-1918 principal and supervisor of highschool, Bedford

    1918-1922 teacher inpublic schools, Indianapolis

    1924-1925teaching Cliffside Experimental School,Teachers College Columbia University,New York City

    nr since 1925. ,Gillum, Margaret, A. B., pa 711 S. 8thSt., Terre Haute

    1916-1917 teacher,German and English, high school, FrenchLick

    1917-1920 teacher, English andSpanish, high school, Franklin

    1920-1927teacher of English, Wiley High School,Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacher of English, Training High School, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    teacher,summer terms 1920, 1928, 1929 IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    attended Columbia University summers1918-1919

    Teachers College, ColumbiaUniversity 1921-1922, M. A.Glaveke, Frieda E., pa Los Angeles,California

    1916-1923 teacher of grades,Terre Haute

    1923-1929 teacher ofgrades, 95th Street School, Los Angeles,California.Gouge, Lela Ethel, ha Worthington

    nr.Gray, Arthur D., pa Mooresville

    taughtten years, high school, Morgan county,before graduation

    1916-1925 teacher,Latin, botany and English, high school.Eminence

    1925-1926 teacher, junior highschool, Bluffton

    1926-1930 district manager State Life Insurance Company, Indianapolis

    state representative, Morgancounty, sessions of 1927 and 1929 legislature.Gray-Keith, Mrs. Gladys, pa Paris, Illinois

    tr 1915-1916 supply teacher in TerreHaute public schools

    1916-1920 teacherof grades, Greenwood School, TerreHaute

    1920-1921 teacher of mathematics, Sara Scott Junior High School,Terre Haute

    1921-1929 not teaching

    homekeeper, married.Greene, Gertrude B., ha Mount Vernon

    1916-1918 teacher in the public schools,Evansville

    1918-1919 teacher in thepublic schools, Washington, D. C, 1919-1921 teacher of public schools. MountVernon

    1921-1929 teacher in publicschools, Evansville and Mount Vernon.Griffith, Elbert, ha RFD 1, Greenfield

    1916-1919 teacher of grade work, Greensburg: 1924-1925 principal of the highschool, Greensburg

    1926-1929 principalof Sandusky High School, Greensburg.Gross, Francis William, A. B., pa 654 W.Wabash, Winona, Minnesota

    completerecord in class of 1914.Gunn, Virgil Roy, A. B., ha New Albany

    pa Salem

    1911-1914 teacher in grades,Floyd county

    1911-1916 student, StateTeachers College, Terre Haute, A. B.

    1916-1917 principal, Central High School,Boone county

    1917-1918 military service, A. E. F.

    1919-1920 principal, highschool, Linton

    1920-1921 superintendent.Dexter Consolidated Schools, Dexter, NewMexico

    1921-1923 superintendent, MaconCommunity High School, Macon, Illinois

    1923-1924 teacher in high school. Drum-right, Oklahoma

    1924-1926 principal,high school, Santa Fe, New Mexico

    1926-1927 student, University of Chicago, M. A.

    1927-1928 instructor ineducational psychology University ofTexas

    1928-1929 instructor, Illinois StateNormal School, Normal, Illinois

    1929-1930 student, University of Chicago,working on Ph. D.Hadley, Clifford, pa Tangier

    1916-1917principal of school, Farmersburg

    1917-1918 supply teacher, Bloomingdale andRosedale

    1918-1919 assistant principal,Mecca High School, Mecca

    1919-1920principal of the high school, Cayuga

    1920-1929 not teaching, farming nearTangier

    received B. S. in 1906 fromMarion College.Hager, Louise E., A. B., pa 630 V, S. 7thSt., Springfield, Illinois

    1916-1929 teacher in the high school, Springfield, Illinois.Hahn, George W., A. B., ha 526 Hend-rick St., Fort Wayne

    1916-1917 teacherof industrial arts, Rolfe, Iowa

    1917-1919 in the army, aerial service

    1919-1924 salesman

    lr 1924.Hallett, James T., ha 103 Gladstone Ave.,

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

  • isua-alumniassociation-directory-1930-136


    1913-1915 principal, highschool, Jasonville

    1915-1919 superintendent of schools, Jasonville

    1919-1920principal, Morocco

    1920-1924 superintendent of schools, Bruceville

    deceased1925.Townley, Jean A. B., la Oconomowor,Wisconsin

    1912-1916 teacher of English,Evansville

    1916-1922 teacher, CentralHigh School, Evansville

    1922-1924stenographer, Carnation Milk Co., Oconomowor, Wisconsin

    1912-1914 receivedA. B.,Barnard College

    lr 1924.Trueblood, Basil C, pa Watertown, Wisconsin

    1912-1920 manual arts anddrawing, public schools, Watertown,Wisconsin

    1920-1929 director of vocational education, Watertown, Wisconsin.Trueblood-Thul, Mrs. Blanche, pa 1502Burnett Lane, Vincennes

    taught ingrades, Vincennes from 1909-1910 before graduation

    1912-1916 teacher ofgrades in schools of Vincennes

    1917-1921 did not teach

    1921-1929 teacher ofgrades, Vincennes.Vitz, Peter W., pa 64 2 N. 2nd St., Decatur

    1912-1915 superintendent. UnionCenter School, Huntington county

    1915-1916 superintendent, Walnut GroveSchool

    1915-1917 received A. B. degree 1915, Indiana State Teachers College: 1917-1919 principal of school, Fishers

    1919-1921 principal of school, Bippus

    1921-1923 principal of school,Monterey

    1923-1926 principal of school,Modoc

    1926-1930 principal of schools,Pleasant Mills.Ward, L. Pearl, la Frankfort

    1912-1916teacher of grades in city schools, Frankfort

    lr 1916.Ward, Lulu, nr.Ward, Mary A., nr.Watson, Gertrude A., pa 322 S. 4th St.,Terre Haute

    1912-1913 teacher in McKeen School, Terre Haute

    1912-1923teacher in Sheridan School, Terre Haute

    1923-1929 teacher in Sandison School,Terre Haute.Warren, Jay, A. B., nr.Way, Henrietta, A. B., la Terre Haute

    1911-1914 teacher of Latin and Germanin high school, Mooresville

    1914-1916teacher of Latin and German, high school,Sullivan

    lr 1916.Weaver-Crouch, Mrs. Estella, pa 242 1stAve., Lawrenceburg

    1912-1914 teacherof primary grades, Evansville

    1914-1916did not teach, at home Bethel, Kentucky

    1916-1929 teacher in Lawrenceburg.Wells, Ethel, pa French Lick

    1910-1915domestic science, art and music teacher, Montmorenci High School

    1915-1922teacher in French Lick High School

    1922-1924 teacher in West Baden HighSchool

    1924-1925 principal, West BadenHigh School

    1925-1926 teacher of musicand art, West Baden High School, 1926-1928 teacher of music and art, Shoals

    1928-1930 teacher of home economics,High School, French Lick.Wisener, Guthrie, nr.Wood, Frederick, pa Hamline University,St. Paul, Minnesota

    1909-1911 teacherin rural schools, Boone county

    1911-1914 teacher in grades and high school,Westfield

    1914-1917 instructor ofmathematics. University of Wisconsin

    1917-1919 First Lieutenant 328-F. A.

    1919-1923 instructor of mathematics,University of Wisconsin

    1923-1924 headdepartment of mathematics, Indiana StateTeachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania

    1924-1925 head of department of mathematics, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest,Illinois

    1925-1928 head of departmentof mathematics, Weselyan College,Georgia

    1928-1929 head of departmentof mathematics, Hamline University, St.Paul, Minnesota

    received B. A. degree1915

    M. A. degree 1916

    Ph. D. 1923,University of Wisconsin

    1929-1930 deanof men, Hamline University, St. Paul,Minnesota.Wright, Elizabeth, G., la 627 ChestnutSt., Terre Haute

    1912-1916 taught inTerre Haute public schools

    lr 1916.Zimmerman, Charles, pa 2731 N. 11thSt., Terre Haute

    1912-1915 supervisingprincipal, Freelandville

    1915-1916 student, Indiana University

    A. M. degree inhistory

    1916-1921 principal senior highSchool, Clinton

    1921-1930 principal,Garfield High School, Terre Haute.CLASS OF 1913Alwes, Emaline, pa Poughkeepsie, NewYork

    taught in the public schools ofSeymour, several years before graduation

    since graduation taught in Seymour, Clermont, New Harmony, and atpresent teacher in a government schoolat Poughkeepsie, New York.Applegate-Reece, Mrs. Clar...

    1913-1914teacher of English, Bloomington

    1914-1915 teacher of history and civics, Thorntown

    1915-1930 married in 1915 toRaymond J. Reece

    supply teacher inEvansville and Terre Haute for a number of years

    at present homekeeper.Arnold-Jensen, Katherine N., ha 1809 N.7th St., Terre Haute

    pa Washington

    1913-1918 teacher of grades, publicschools, Terre Haute

    1918-1919 teacherof grades, Spokane, Washington

    1919-1920 teacher of grades, Terre Haute

    1920-1922 teacher of English, consolidated schools, Glendale, Arizona

    1922-1924 teacher, Montgomery School, Agriculture, Bozeman, Montana

    1924-1930not teaching, homekeeper, married to Mr.Jensen, county agent

    attended MontanaState College summer of 1921 and springof 1923.Baldwin, James H., pa 1211 Garfield St.,Hammond

    1913-1915, principal, highschool, Sharpsville

    1915-1916, student.School of Agriculture, Purdue University, West Lafayette

    1916-1918 assistant principal, Jersey Township HighSchool and teacher of agriculture, Jer-seyville, Illinois

    1918-1922, Universityof Illinois, Extension

    1922-1927, principal Chrisman Township High School,Chrisman, Illinois

    1927-1929 taughtmathematics, Kokomo

    1929-1930 principal, Washington Junior High School,Hammond

    B. S. University of Illinois1922

    M. A. Columbia University 1928.Barbour-Eddy, Mrs. Louise, A. B., laHilo, Hawaii: 1914-1915 teacher of Eng-La., Philippine Islands

    1916-1917 professor of chemistry, literature, SellimanInstitute, Dumsguette, Oriental Negros,Philippine Islands

    1917-1918 teacher ofalgebra, Spanish-American Normal, ElRito, New Mexico

    1918-1920 teacher of

    Indiana State University Archives

    No subjects listed

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.