Washington Afro American from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Eastern Stars With the lady Elks Prince Hall Masons By THEODORE CONWAY OTHER VISITORS were 'District Deputy Grand Mas Spiring message to the youth rt TT 7 DrAtirn Innm f' Xf tho Brother Hector McPhail of is aver jnvonderfuh GrandLecturenMarttaJHoiE idea and it is hoped that The Mystic Shrine second anniversary Among the many choruses that jour WMV wn xrjiurkrj nv The Imperial Council is in DRILL TEAM put on an exhi Chaplain Worshipful Master James XL Deacon Childress and Grand Master Church Usher NewsC Curtis Blakely Mt Zion Methodist recalls 146 years It was not 1864? with origin here too at a time ot tne cnurcn "Among the visiting guests were the Rev Mr and Mrs DJ Sparrow of Baltimore whojpastors of the St Step hens AME Church in Elk recent dinner a success Aspecialthanks to Mrand rTknvcnr KffrMoiVfnr ihp use of their home at 2004 17th Street NW Sundays for sermons only: beginning about the first of January the parent body of the ICUA ofDC iS" asking all Units Boards Committees Hebron Lodge No 42 of Wil son NC Best G'rbve Lodge No: 8 of Goldsboro NC was repre sented by worshipful master Curlie Bryant Brother Irvin Coley and Past Masters WHEN you INISH READING YOUR ARO PASS IT ALONG TO A RIEND A REQUEST was sent in that past Grand Princess Captain Beatrice Hayden be granted past grand interna fflE WASHINGTON ARO AMERICAN NOVEMBER 3 1962 versaries and on Sundays! Church Ushers News: This will leave Sundays for only This very timely idea "advanced by the CoSncil should be complied with It will help all presidents including the weekday sessions picnics to transport clubs and other groups The Reverend Edward McGowan a native Texan a' product of Methodist Schools He was graduated ors Also the Grand Princess Captain Ercell Brown asked that a donation be giv en to the Merriweather Home at 733 Euclid Street NW On October 22 the Daugh ters of Columbia Temple No 422 held their regular meet ing at the Elks Home 301 Rhode fslahd Ave NW with Daughter Ruler Ruby Ridge ley presiding Daughter rances I enderson is re cording secretary The meeting opened with prayer by Daughter Elsie Dandridge chaplain follow ed by roll call of officers and absentees noted' The sick committee made its report and prayer was offered for sick and shuMns (by Daughter Edna Veas ey Daughters were request ed to visit the shut in mem bers Session of sorrow was held for Daughter Mary Jones after which communications were read and acted on Daughter Lillian Brown thanked the Daughters for endorsing her and announced that she would be aspiring for Grand Auditor Past Grand Daughter Ruler Eva Stewart was appointed campaignmanager the process of raising the per capital tax from $7to 8 per year to offset the expense of the quarterly Pyramid sent to each Noble This means the Temple Dues will be jtuuu uavia scipio ana mi i ton Morgan Pictures were shown by Charles Henry junior master of ceremonies The historical lecture was rendered by Past Master William Conrad and the candidates were charged byBrother William Bugg Grand Commissary Vi ola Ashley Later past In ternational Grand Royal Ad visor Melvin Key offered prayer for Past Grand Prin cess Captain Ruth Stock ton who is confined' in the hospital Members please send cards Zion has been appointed Chairman of the Installation 'Committee Watch this col umn for date and place of program Sermon: "Sunday Nov 4 at riendship Baptist Church irst and Sts SW Sympathy: to the bereaved families of Mrs Mary Eliza THIS TIMELY program is sponsored every fourth ri day night at 1923 16th Street NW by the and Officers Council ICUA Instructor Henson is one best of the best in the business forget that Church By REGINALD 0 COOPER The second class in Parli mentary Procedure was held last riday evening in the Interdenominational Church Ushers Headquarters Building Deacon John Henson in structor organized the class into aworking group of par liamentarians This made1 ushers friends and officers feel that they one step further in an at tempt to strengthen the ties' among the membersof the body of Christacross nation alandpolitical divisions The social problems con fronting the early church were as vital to' that day as our problems are to us to day Mt Zion is noted as be ing the first station of the Entries in our Journal re cord the triumphs of those who escaped safely to Harp ers erry and from thence to Canada as well as the sad fate of those caught by the patrollers and sent back: The ree Masons had their THE BANQUET COM MITTEE for the" Grand Daughter Ruler Nettie Smith of Washington and vi cinity visited the Daughters of Columbia Temple No 422 bringing greetings and ask ing their support in honoring the Grand Daughter RulerVisiting? committee mem Marie I Smith Grapd Guild will continue this every year for some worthy1 cause Grand Princess Captain retiring address was outlined up to the closing ses sion She thanked everyone on each committee Truly she can beam with pride on a job well done She closed her ad dress with a beautiful poem? The Grand Royal Advisor Oliver Jackson gave a very inspiring1 closing ad dress retiring leaders are from Belle Lewis Guild No 5 The princess captains who were seated at the session were Cleo Kendall of Colum bia Guild No 6 Mozelle Hob land? Emanuel Guild No 1 Madeline Neal Princess El eanor Guild No 3 Estelle Burrell Belle Lewis Guild No 5 and Advisor Mel vin Hughes of Columbia Sickles Edna Clory Irene i 9eth Powell amember of the Stancil Senora Hinson El amPbell AME Church and nota Tarlton lorence Jasp Ltlle family of Bishop rank er Hilda Talbert Henrietta I Madlson Reid of' the" AME outcome of the voting particularly in and information from the national close contests COMBINED these have 10 Senate 273 House and 9 governor Commission on Christian So cial Concerns was author ize by the General Confer ence to place greater em phasis through a planned program of vigorous action on the issues of the day This program covers a wider area of concern than ever before as changes in our social or der present new problems In October the Commis Notes from' Lee Chapel Kennsington By VIOLA NELL This reporter confesses that she has been derelect in her duties to her readership and at this time makes an effort to bring them up to date bn the news of Lee Chap el AME Church in Kensing ton On September 30th a Re building of the Church pro gram was sponsored by Mrs Effie Ellis A tremendous success is reported At the 11 a services of October 1 Holy Communion was offered with the Rev SP" Tindall pastor conduct ing the services THE OCTOBER 14th serv By PORTER NEAL Mecca Temple No 10 held its regular meeting Thursday at the Masonic Temple Illus trious Potentate William Bennett gave his report of the Imperial Council session held in Minneapolis Minn This was a combined report with that of Chief Rabban Noble Charles Taylor As sistant Rabban Noble John Howard was unable to at tend the session JAMES HILL Lodge No Brothers'C Best Roose 16 the sublime de Jvelt Edmundson Lester Rog gree of Master Mason on Clarende Pettiford Ben i 5 fellowcrafts on Oct jamin Pettiford and Moses 12 The five fellowcrafts Wal iSpells all hailing from Mt 4 1 On wi i i nl a 3 nn "KT AO I pies met and elected officers for the Banquet committee Daughter Barbara Rogers of aws was chairman Past Grand Daughter Ruler Eva Stew art recording secretary and Daughter rances I ender son corrsponding secretary" Other officers will be an nounced later On riday fun washjd at Every bodys Birthday 'Party at Bethlehem Baptist Church The mood was set with mu sic by Miss Rachell Ellis at the piano Rev James Coates gave the invocation followed by a solo by Mrs Clara Brown and everyone sat back: to relax and enipy a gourm'ets delight A timely solo was rendered by Miss Doris Anderson as the wait ers Messrs Stanley Padgers Major Duglas William Reed Lawrence Briscoe George Baggess and Carl Ellis served the gourmets AMONG THOSE ENJOY ING the party Mrs Jerusha Wilson Mrs Ethel Scott Miss Stephanie Miss Claudette Macrayf Jo seph 'Bell Arden Tyler Miss Doris Anderson Mrs Adren Lyles Mrs Grace Henry Louise Blakely Mrs Edna Carroll James Sim mons Mrs Alena Jones Mrs Louise Coates Diane Bum bry Monica and James War ren Edward and Darell Waynes JMrs Johnness Greehe 7 Also Mrs Virginia Barnes Miss Melissa Johns Mrs Ju lia Warp Miss Thomasina Harp Barbara Prailoy Mrs Alma James bamuei Bris coe Mrs Erma Simon Mrs Ethel Scott William Bobo Jr Charles Anderson Oa 4 THE CHAMPIONSHIP DRUM and Bugle Corp of Mecca Temple No 10 are re hearsing each Thursday at Union Hall 525 New Jersey A vp NW at 8 pm The members have se cured instructors from the Air orce to learn more mu sic and a better stvle of exe cuting it Thev intend to have the best civilian Drum and Bugle Corp in the country To date the grouo has won the championship in the My stic Shrine and first place prizes throughout nearby Maryland Past Potentate Walter Barnes is the direc tor of music for the Temnle and Noble David Chandler Director of the Drum and Bu gle Corp siA Corn officers include No ble Charles Scott presi nent: Noble Herman Queen" vice nresident: James itzhugh ddie Jo seph and Bertram Woodruff secretaries 7 Noble Edge business manager: and Merriman Penn chair man of the Sunshine Commit tee Noble Jeff Smith Drill Instructor and Nobles Harry Lancaster and Robert Ander son Drum Instructors Noble Porter Neal is the Drum Ma jor of the Corp The Corp will hold regular business meeting Noyember 10th at 7:30 pm in the Gren adier Club meeting room Jasper Estelle Moore La mia Wimbs Also Richanj Dandridge Mack Calvin Dewitt Drew George Scroggins Wilkie Dunn and Reginald Coop er A buffet was ejoyed by all who stayed Also present were repre sentatives from all of the 35 ICUA Committees Look for advertisem*nts for the annual holiday veterans trip to Brooklyn New York on Nov 10th and be sure to take in the New York State Ushers Annual Memorial Services 1 You will meet the Church Ushers from thet entire East ern "Region in the irst AME Zion Church Thompkins Ave and McDough St Brooklyn NY the Rev Car General Conference Bishop Reid is the father of the Rev George Reid pastor of St Paul AME Church 14th and Emerson Sts NW On Sunday Night at Anniversary Service of the Senior Usher Board of Mace donia Christian Community Churchy Mrs Amy White president They are featuring the ICUA Chorus in recital The Senior Usher Boards of John Wesley AME Zion Church '14th and Corcoran St NW The Rev rank lirt Jacksonpastor will ob serve their Annual 8 Sunday They will be featuring the Mansfield Singers Mrs Pearl Robinson mistress of ceremonies Ushers serving will be the raised $100 per year The is sue will be voted on at the November regular meeting of Mecca temple Past Potentate Lawrence Tyson captain of the Drill Team of Mecca Temple No 10 stated that the team is do ing extremely well They re hearse each Tuesday night at Cardoza High School at 8 pm MECCA TEMPLE Nn in bition drill at the request of the American Legion post No 58 at Andrew Air orce Base on Sunday for crippled chil dren Wrestling matches and judo teams completed the show Antionina Rocco was the top wrestler in the match Col Ale Cohan of the Post chairmaned theshow Members othe Drill team participating were Nobles Charles Prentiss Jr Talf Moye Jr John JE Whitmyer Vincent agin Cblen Hawk ins George Woodard Charles Carpenter Milton Jordan Leroy Crummerf Ernest Hall Jr John Sammons Jr How ard Jackson Carl Younger redrick Minor George Worsley Lawrence Norwood John Wallace Eugene John son and Naudain Jones Noble Leonard Perkins "a member of the team who did not drill went along to ob serve the show AT THE CLOSE THE DRILL TEAM exhibition Captain Tyson and Noble Colen Hawkins went directlv to Mt Zion Methodist Church in Silver Spring Md to at tend the 15th anniversary of the Zionairs of Silver Spring Md Capt Tyson is business manager" anda'memberof the Zionairs Noble Colen 'Hawkins is with the Spiritual Jubilee Singers that rendered sever al selections for the Zionairs No 24 of Kinston NC Past Master Case of Queen of the East Lodge No 79 of Aurora NC: and Worshipful Master A' Senior Deacon Eddife Pierce and Brother Thalbert Harvey of J7W Hood Lodge No 8 of'Goldsboro NC After the degree the lodge members and riheir visitors repaired to the' Brent Me morial Djiiing Hall where a sumptuous a was served iihder the guidance of the Junior Warden Hardy Whitehead and his com mittee? consisting of Brot hers John Couch Joseph Marshall and rederick Jackson The toastmaster for thisoccasion was Past Master 'John Rudd A short pro gram was rendered Invoca tion was by Chaplain Brother Havkin uaii uvjnin Introduction of the newly made brethren of this juris diction and the North Caro lina jurisdiction followed The James Hill Quartette rendered a soul stirring se lection! Remarks were made by Smith the second vice riesiuenL Brother Raymond Gray local ILUA of DC Council Mrs Mae Belle Holmes LI 7 5439 or John Henson TA 9 2866 Mrs Vio la Sickles TU 2 8106 Rich ard Dandridge at the Ushers Headquarters AD 4 4913 or George Scroggins LU 1 7402 At this meeting I met Mes dames Martha Alston Viola discover and revise what has rington pastor Ushers serving will be the the Senior Mens Usher and the Courtesy Board of John Wesley AME Committees Janie Madden Zion' Church wishes to thank and Moses Cashwell respec all wha helped to make their tive chairmen ler Juanita Davenport deliv ered a timely reading of the sick The Rein deer Choraliers rendered sev eral selections Remarks were given by Grand Em press Estelle Wilson Prin cess Javins expressed how thankful she was at being honored She later introduced her court friends and rela tives and thanked all for their presence and many gifts belong to this friendly family 1 Since instructions are free and never long and very in teresting anyone in Wash ington can take advantage of this free knowledge of how tol' run a meeting 1 11 1 matt nr wac to the mo 0 please stop having Anni tion jn jUn6) 1961) before a vast and wondering audi ience a young white man took a sacred vow thereby becoming the first to inte grate the Washington Annual Conference This event was not world shattering in itself in fact 7 it probably passed unnoticed 'I by any except those directly concerned 1 cant in the history 'of Mt Zlon Methodist Church for Jon Iseminger who now pas torS the Bowie Lanham charge of the Washington Annual Conference was be fore his appointment assis tant minister to this church for three years The situation of a white minister pastoring a colored Charge is not unique Jn our history When in 1816 the 'colored membership of the Montgom ery Street Church (which la ter became Dumbarton Ave nue Methodist Church) or gamzed and built their own church they were at first pastored by the ministers from that church Smith 7 1 Visitors from" other subbr 'dinate lodges of this jurisdic tion were past master Lynch Warren Lodge No 8 Ed Chambers and William Stephenson grand lectifher from Prince Hall Lodge No 14 Rudolph Robinson Eure ka Lbdse No 15 Petersburg Virginia: Brother Henry Carter andGrandZ Master Curtis Blakely Jomes Hill Lodge also represeated this jurisdiction when they played host to ap proximately brethren from kl 1 LAL LcUl Llvll UL LN UL Uu rolina who witnessed the ferring of third degree and attended the banquet held in honor of the newly made brethren These brethren were here to con fer the third degree am the class of elix Lodge No 5 on Oct 13 Those attending were Past Master Milton itch Worshipful Master Speight Senior Warden James Williams Marvin Jones Junior Deacon John Cox neyed to Lee Chapel to share in the celebration were The The Variety Choraleers The Ideal Gospel Chorus of DC St Marks Junior Chorus of Seneca Md PleasantoneSi Zioners Emory Grove Junior Chorus The Gospel Guides The Minor Melodies and the Brightlight Choral Ensemble logical' Seminary Atlanta Ga (BDj'He did post gra duate wprk at the Union Theological Se'minary New" jt orx city He served as assistant pas tor of Warren Memorial Met hodist Church Atlanta Ga and at St Mark Methodist Church New York City He served the following pastor ates: Epworth Methodist Church New York (11 a s) Asbury Methodist Church' Md (3 years) and now in his 7th year at Mount Zion Metho dist Church Washington DC He is Registrar of Confer ence Board of Ministerial Training and Qualifications of the Washington Annual Conference? He was elected to membership on the World Methodist Council at the Tenth World Methodist Con ference held in Oslo Norway in Augut 1961 Sjbce Rev McGowan his wife Dorothy and their son Bobby have been with us many innovations have been made Mrs McGowan formed the Mt Zion Drama tic Guild out of which has evolved The ine Arts Com mittee and the Senior and Junior Players These groups contribute to our church life by placing jem phasis on' through the We stand now on the thresh old of our 146th Anniversa ry to look back at our record of progress not to bask in past performancesbut to re been done in the past to evaluate 'the present and gain new insight into the fu ture SUNDAY PAST THE Nurses of the Purple Cross Health Unit of Columbia Tem ple No 422 celebrated their 35th Anniversary at the Elks Home 301 Rhode Island Ave NW with a most inspiring pro gram program opened with the processional Are Climbing Jacobs Lad which was a sight of' beauty to see the Angels of Mercy' as they are often called in their uniforms of white and purple the colors of Elkdom A Closer Walk With the Nurses theme song was followed with the invo cation by Nurse Addie Kem per chaplain of the unit Nurse rances I enderson an iron nrpn rno rmef vace nf ceremonies Daughter Lillian Brown welcome address was extended byzNursezAlma An derson followedby asolo by Mrs Dorothy Lynn after which the response to the welcome was given by Daugh ter Virginia Wallace Nurse Grace Coombs' gave thehistory of the unit and a selection was rendered by the Majestic Choraleers A sermonette was delivered by Rev How ard assistant pastor of Met 7 ropolitan Wesley AMEZ Church Selections were rendered by the Columbia Temple Echoes after which Brig Gen George Hunt organ izer of the unit gave timely and impressive remarks committee mem ON OCT OBER 25 the bers were Daughters ot various Tem headquarters of both the Democratic Rep Adam Clayton Powell New and Republican parties as well as York Rep Charles Diggs Michi trom state county ana municipal gan ana ttep itooeri ni inix bl headquarters here are some evalua Pennsylvania tions of the more significant contests V' irst all four colored members of TO CALIORNIA will go the honor Congress are due to be re elected of sending the fifth colored congress ter Brock Samuel Byron Gibert Henry Elbert Mar tin and John McAllister were' conducted through the south west and east gates by senior deacon Isaac Hall The degree team consisted of James Childress worship James Coley: and Alonzo ul master Chris' Boykin cherry By SAMUEL HOSKINS make up a big part of the conversa tion heard these anxious pre election WASHINGTON I ays aroUnd both the Democratic and How will the colored vote go Tues Republican headquarters here dav Nov What 1 hmm the miestionl are What will be its influence on the plaguing political strategists in at ships in the balance plus numerous outcome of the election? least 14 states where the colored vote state offices 1 Possible answers to these questions is of such weight as to determine the Based on spot surveys)' interviews the organization of the Wash ington Annual Conference that Rev John Brice be came the first colored minis ter to Mt Zion Then as now the church suffered dissension ships and disappointments There were those who op posed its organization and withdrew to'form other con gregations inancial prob 1 beset this early church when" in 1874 the Building unds were lost through a bank failure Then in 1880 after great1 sacrifice on the part of the: members when the corner stone was laid for the pres old burned to the ground Only a few pos sessions were salvaged Un daunted by misfortune building' activity and the" new building was finally completed and dedi added another bus to accom catea in ia4 The of our present Commission structure the Guild No 6 The Annual Session was re By MATTIE HAWKINS cessed for a lovely dinner After business the closed in harmony Many thanks to the dinner commit tee headed by Princess Doro thy Harper chairman and Viola Ashley co chairman Other members of the com mittee were Princesses Jen nie 'poljihson Elmira Parker Carrie Hackley Al freda arrar Emma Hall and Lucile Mosley MATRONS of 1960 held their regular monthly meet ing at the lovely home of Past Matron' Elizabeth Cur ley of 610 Place NW The meeting opened with Vice President Viola Ash ley presiding We all very sad to hear of the death of 'the brother in law of Past Matron Thelma Matthews Past Matron Mary Handy our secretary was unable to attend this meeting because she had visiting guests from out of town After a very interesting meeting based on benevo lence or charitable benefits weMvere delightfully served a repass by the hostesses Past Grand Matron Viola Hampton Past Grand Pa tron DavidPCrosbyrPast Matrons Dessie Morton Verl Yearwood Elizabeth Curley Mary Viola Ash ley Rosetta Jones Linda Lo vell Coaty Johnson and Past ON OCTOBER 21 Mrs Ef Day im Mrs Beatnct inomas presi dent of the Stewardess Board served as food chairman Her elaborate dinners were quick sale for tfce many guest Proceeds the sale' will" go toward the One Day Conference slated for November THE JUNIOR and? Young Peoples of Lee Chap el under the direction of Wal ter Adams have participated in many recitals during the past months Among them were presentations at Quince Orchards Popular Grove and Silver Spring and Wash ington DC ON OCTOBER 21 the Youth Chorus celebrated its Ushers Association has from having toatare very good also Such attend so many programs on National Bnf vnil hovz anv niohf in and also the week for your programs ine iaea win also onng out more ushers and friends fa President and ntfirorc irst Baptist 1 Mt 0 Zinn hac noon annAwfAl Robinson Willie Larry How Cr MilesWilliam Smithy Chaplain7 Samuel Purdis jtLVLdtc rtuauii uubepn nau doph pasmastersJohne vilson Lodge Tidge TfllHH lavin CMnin on rl IViL 1 junior warden Earl Boykin "chaplain Miltoii Boddie til er Tj A I vnanw nnuj i tr Brown trom Brown Joseph Marshall Brown Lodge No 392 of rederick Jackson Dennis Goldsboro NC Junior iflbAnn Krnwn By Theodore Conway Marie 1 Smith Grand Guild Heroines of Templar Crusades' recently held their annual session at the Mason ic Temple under the leader ship of Grand Princess Cap tain Ercell Brown and as sisted by Grand Royal Ad visor Oliver Jackson After reading of the min utes by assistant grand sec retary Dorothy Harper vall committees made a very fine report which built 7 pur treasury financially obituary committee headed by past Grand Prin cess Captain Alice Harri son held a memorial serv ice for our deceased mem bers who passed during thisadministration Those who assisted were ices were conducted by Grand Chaplain Arena Rev Dolphus bmith assis tant pastor of the church Rev Smith delivered an in Daughter Ruler Lillian Joppy Past Daughter Ruler lorine Bowie past Grand Daughter Ruler Eva Stew art Daughter Lillian Brown and Past Grand Daughte? Ruler Dorothy Lucas Greetings were extended to the Daughters by the Broth ers of the Past Exalted Ru ler's Council No 4 Brother Cato Kelly chief antler Among them Brothers Joseph A Jackson James Kelly Herbert Sandifer William Lewi "James Hayes William Rush John Hunter and others Past Daughter Ruler Ver gie Jackson responded to the visiting Brothers after which they retired IT WAS A pleasure to see Daughter Ada Scott Butcher out Due to illness of her hus band she has been unable to be with us Among othere were Daughter Josephine air Past Grand Daughter Ruler Henrietta Carter Past Grand Daughter Ruler Ora Morton Daughter Mary Ross Daughter Nancy Ra Virginia Wal lace Daughter Alice Booker Daughter Laura Wiley Daugnter Miiarea Deianey Past Grand Daughter Ruler Leona Greene Past Grand Daughter Ruler Anna" Evans and many others 484 Wilson NC Wnrchinfiil Mactw lnvH Banks of King David Lodge Ge EUie chairmaned the WHO'LL GET OUR VOTES NEXT TUESDAY? Rep William 1 Dawson Illinois man to Washington ne 10 AUgUOl a yvf State assemblyman who won the Democratic nominaton last June in I a new district in Los Angeles The district is 789 per cent Demo (Continued ob Page 21) CIVIL DEENSE CER TIICATES were presented to nurses who took the course by Mr Cowan the instructor Nurse Alice Hayes presi dent of the unit gave re marks after which ast Grand Daughter Ruler Grand Or 'rs ganizer Nurse Laura razier introduced dignitar ies 7 Benediction was pro nounced by Rev How ard Hostesses of the were Past Daughter Ruler Samunetta Brown Past Grand Daughter Ruler Anna Evans Past jGrand Paugh ter Ruler Lois Thaxton Official escort Col Anna Jefferson of the Hospital Corp visiting Nurse Mrs" lorence Parker of 12th Street Christian Church Nursexi present were Josie Mary Dillwood Carrie Sa voy lordia Rush Harriett Adams Juba Bennett So phia Martha Lloyd Alberto Simpson rances Chew Alma Anderson Ma ble Dye Bessie Lee Marri 7 on Calbert Jessie Penn Car rie Dickens Also Marie rancis" Irene Himes Mary Brewer Ger trude Greene Catherine Rush Gladys Smith Henriet ta Carter Dorothy Jones Ella Ricks Stewart Carrie Smith An nie Thomas Mamie Broad nax and many many others AMONG THE GUESTS were Mrs Aleice Holbrook Miss Johnie McLeod Mrs' Katherine orman Past Daughter Ruler Pauline Al len Daughter Pauline Mack Daughter Blonge JV Haw kins and guest Daughter An na Daughter Ruler Edna Daughter Ruler Ruby Ridge ley Elizabeth Bates Juanita Smith Daughter Helen White Daughter Elsie Dajidridge Brother Howard A Walker? Mrs Annie Coats and George Wright Daughter Sarah Grey would like for daughters' to visit her at 321 St NE WE THE MEMBERS Civil Liberties Department of IBPOE of of DC pause to pay tribute to Ar lene Glover who died Octo ber 22 after a long illness She was known to all as a faithful and diligent work er in the field of Elkdom and won recognition for her work in the Civil Liberties ez 4 Club No 1 of DC In spite of her illness she 4 kept the good of the depart ments at heart and often'eonverse with this writ er of her many friends and the wonderfullimes she had working with them r7 Now may you receive a re ward far greater than man could gjve for your laborers as you sleep in eternal rest 7 1 fulness Ever will you be re membered by the works you have done To the family we share' your loss as we miss her too Miss JanicO Dunlap Mrs Pauline Watson Mrs Mag gie Jbhnson Mrs Winifred Johnson Miss Louise Taylor Mrs Bessie loyd and many others Mrs Harriett Briscoe chairman and Mrs Jessie Williams thank all for their wonderful silppbrt MEMBERS of many organ izations Jurned outinfull Sunday past for the Appre ciation Tea given in honor of Princess' Ethel Javins imperial guide and imperial deputy of the' jurisdiction of Washington DC of Saudi Tent No 1 Princess of Omar held at the National As sociation of Colored Home 1601 Street NW Among those enjoying the tea and paying tribute to a worthy Princess were Past Daughter Ruler Marie Minor of Columbia Temple No 422 Mr and Mrs Samuel Cole Daughter Bertha Johnson Daughter Bessie Webster Margaret Clegg Grace Jones Mary McGee Edna Veas ey Grover Lambert Mrs Hattie Greene Daughter Vir ginia Whittington Carrie Smackumn Ruth Williams Bessie Morgan Also Daughter Maggie Smith of Greater Deanwood Temple No 872 Daughter Ruler Ruby Ridgeley Prin cess I Bowman Mrs Mary Campbell Mrs Estell Wil son Mrs Mary Coleman and Mr Eugene Davis Mr and Mrs James John Mrs Mary Miller and Daughter Ruler Mildred Lee of Baltimore Mrs Nellie SpencerTVictor Javins and many many oth ers enjoyed a most inspiring program Past Grand Daughter Ru when freedom for the colored person was restricted even in the District of Columbia This year marked the 100th anni versary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation Mt Zion Methodist Church can boast a history that started 46 years before this historic event thereby claiming thedisyiictioriof being the oldest colored con gregation in the District" of Columbia "or 146 years Mt Zion has been a beacon in the Georgetown community When Rev Edward McGow an came to Mt Zitfn in 1956 he realized that our had extended to the very limits of the Washing Accordingly we purchased a bus to transport oUr children to Sunday School In thf past year we have modate our expanding pro gram Our buses go every where! They are used for A.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.