Pokemon Dark Tidings (2024)

Here's chapter 8: Love at first sight?

This story remains popular it seems, winning again on Patron, even beating out HammerTime this time.

Time to train, and prepare, plus, new tournament to show off in soon.

Hopefully I can keep entertaining you all with Ezra's hijinks.

Named team:

Cheshire - Haunter

Loki - Shuppet

Nyx - Spiritomb

Rider - Alolan Marowak

As usual, I do not own Pokemon or the associated companies that deliver material from it. I'm just playing in the kiddy pool, don't hurt me.


Azalea town, Johto.

Azalea Town, nestled quietly in the southern part of Johto, was a quaint, almost sleepy village surrounded by dense forests and clear rivers. As Ezra approached on his Pidgeot, the sight of the town below him was a different view to the more active cities he'd been through recently. Here, the houses were simple wooden structures with thatched roofs, painted in faded pastel colors that had weathered the elements over the years. Small, winding dirt roads connected the homes, and a large, majestic oak tree stood proudly in the center of town, its branches spreading wide as if embracing the village in a protective canopy.

The aroma of freshly baked bread from a nearby bakery and the sound of a distant mill wheel turning added to the town's rustic charm. Pokemon and people moved about leisurely, going about their daily routines without any of the rush he was used to seeing in larger towns.

Ezra landed Pidgeot just outside the Pokemon Center, giving his loyal bird a pat on the neck as they touched down. "Good job, Pidgeot. Rest up," He said, returning Pidgeot to its Pokeball, knowing he'd eventually be replacing it when he evolved his Murkrow. He stepped inside the Pokemon Center, which was a modest building with a warm interior. The soft glow of the lamps and the clean, comforting scent gave the place a cozy atmosphere even as it surprised him to see a Pokemon center that wasn't exactly the same as the rest. Nurse Joy was behind the counter, her familiar smile welcoming as always.

I gotta look into that one day, it's still weird. No way any family has that many identical kids…

It was just a passing interest, but if someone was cloning people, he'd definitely want to know about it. They cloned Pokemon a few years ahead in the future, so the possibility was there, however remote.

"Good day, Nurse Joy," Ezra greeted as he approached the counter. "I need to make a quick switch."

The Pokemon centers were really a clever idea, healing, room and board, and access to the PC to call and video call someone was all a major boon for any traveling trainer. Although unlike in the games, transferring Pokemon wasn't as easy as logging into the PC, you had to give them to Nurse Joy, the Pokemon Center having the technology that allowed the Pokeball and Pokemon to transfer into data and traverse the distances required.

Many league buildings also had the same capabilities, and so did many of the larger stables as well, allowing trainers to easily access their Pokemon. Ezra's stable did not have such a machine as of yet however.

Of course in Ezra's case, he simply needed the switch from Pokemon he already had on hand, one needing to go inactive, while another went active - due to the six Pokemon limit.

"Of course," She replied kindly, scanning his trainer ID efficiently. "Which Pokemon would you like to swap?"

Ezra handed over Pidgeot's Pokeball and paused for a moment. "Could you switch Pidgeot to inactive for now, and this one to active." He handed her Dreepy's ball, not sharing the name of the Pokemon.

He'd taken a look at his own profile in the Pokedex and had realized several of his captures were labeled as ???, so he wasn't going to reveal them that easily, by telling a Nurse Joy their breed.

Nurse Joy nodded, and within moments, she had Pidgeot safely locked away from use and Dreepy's Pokeball ready for him. "Here you go, young man. It is all set." If she had any curiosity about his Pokemon, she didn't show it.

"Thanks," Ezra said, taking the Pokeballs and attaching them to his belt. He gave a polite nod before heading back outside, ready for his next journey. Unfortunately he would no longer have an easy escape avenue, with Pidgeot locked away, but he needed to keep training his actual fighting team.

So with his team now complete, Ezra left the town of Azalea on foot, making his way west toward the Ilex forest. The path leading from Azalea to Ilex was narrow and winding, bordered by tall grass and wildflowers that swayed gently in the breeze. He released his Pokemon one by one, wanting them to enjoy the open air and stretch their legs. Loki hovered close, its eyes darting around with curiosity. Cheshire floated lazily beside him, occasionally sticking out its tongue playfully at the passing wild Pokemon who wisely kept their distance. Nyx drifted along the ground, its ethereal form shifting slightly with each step, while Rider walked at his side, its bone club resting confidently on its shoulder.

Dreepy and Deino, the newest additions to his party, moved a bit more cautiously, sticking closer to Ezra for guidance. Dreepy floated just above the ground, its spectral tail leaving a faint, shimmering trail behind it, while Deino trotted along with its head moving back and forth, its blind eyes not preventing it from taking in the world through other senses.

As they traveled further from Azalea, the trees began to grow taller and denser, their branches intertwining to form a natural archway that marked the entrance to the Ilex forest. The light dimmed as the thick canopy above blocked out the sun, casting them in darkness, something they were all comfortable with. The air grew cooler and filled with the rich, earthy scent of moss and damp leaves.

Walking deeper into the forest, the sounds of chirping Pidgey and rustling leaves filled the air, creating a somewhat tranquil yet vibrant symphony of nature. Ezra kept a steady pace, allowing his Pokwmon to explore their surroundings. Loki and Cheshire played a game of tag through the trees, their ghostly forms weaving effortlessly between branches. Nyx moved more slowly, occasionally pausing to inspect a particularly interesting root or stone. Rider, ever vigilant, kept an eye on their surroundings, suspicious of every noise or movement.

Dreepy and Deino, still adjusting to being outside their Pokeballs for an extended period as part of the team, followed closely behind Ezra, watching the others, but not participating in their antics.

Ezra took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp, fresh air of the forest. This wasn't exactly where he felt most comfortable, away from the cities and surrounded by the tranquility of nature. But the needs for training away from prying eyes, and the benefits he alone held - made a few days of roughing it worth it in the end.

Here, he could focus on his Pokemon, on his training, and on the journey ahead. As they continued deeper into the forest, Ezra couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over him. For now, at least, everything felt right in the world. He had a plan, he had the tools to get to where he wanted to be - and he was going to cheat like a motherf*cking beast.


He paused eventually, calling his Pokemon to a halt, the towering trees around him forming a natural barrier that seemed to isolate this part of the world from the rest of Johto. The forest was alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant calls of wild Pokemon, but there was a strange stillness to it as well. A forest of Pokemon was not the same as a forest of animals back home.

It was more alive in a way, but at the same time quieter, as the Pokemon had a level of intelligence normal animals didn't possess, and were much better equipped to keep the forest silent while avoiding invaders.

"Alright," He muttered mostly to himself, "Time to get to work."

He rolled his shoulders, letting his aura run more freely, signaling quietly to the ghosts in his shadow to come out.

From the depths of the shadow, ghostly forms began to emerge immediately after he loosened his hold. A Misdreavous was the first, its spectral body slipping free from the darkness like a wisp of smoke. Its eyes glinted mischievously as it hovered just above the ground, looking around eagerly for something to scare. Next came a trio of Haunters, the wide, unsettling grins seemingly stretching even further as they rose from the shadow.

His own team greeted them enthusiastically, at least the first four, the two newest additions a little shyer, although in Deino's case, the Pokemon was standing quite aggressively, looking ready to fight. Ezra gave it a calm wave, "Don't worry, this is all normal." He soothed, allowing his aura to stretch, the Pokemon snuffling as it got a good feel of it.

A Gengar appeared next from behind him, its swirling form coalescing from the shadows like mist solidifying into stone. Other spectral shapes followed, wisps of ghostly energy forming into Duskulls, Gastly and more, each one slipping from the shadowy pool that was Ezra's aura. All in all two dozen Pokemon swirled around him now.

The scene was almost hypnotic, the way the ghosts moved like they were still part of the darkness, yet separate, ethereal forms breaking free from a physical constraint. They floated up, lingering around Ezra, their eyes glowing with eerie light, waiting for his command. This is what power feels like, he couldn't help but think, smiling as ghosts almost caressed his face as they circled around him.

Ezra shook his head, gathering his focus, his eyes on the cavalcade of ghosts before him. "You know what to do," He instructed, his voice calm but firm. "We need to toughen up Dreepy and Deino. I want you to find the weaker Pokemon in the forest - no need to hurt them too much, just drive them towards us. Funnel them in. The team will take it from there."

He'd used this tactic previously to evolve Pidgeot, and he didn't see why it wouldn't work to give his newest Pokemon some experience, some practice - and help them gain strength through victories, however assisted that they were.

The ghostly Pokemon nodded - or rather, many of them seemed to nod, their forms shifting in acknowledgment. Without another word, they dispersed, melting into the shadows of the forest, their presence becoming a whisper of cold air and a fleeting shadow. Ezra watched as they disappeared into the trees, his heart steady. He had done this before with his main team, and they had grown significantly stronger from the experience. Now it was time for Dreepy and Deino to learn the same lessons.

From his shadow, Ezra summoned tendrils of darkness, thin but strong, weaving them through the underbrush around him. He could feel the energy flowing through him, his aura extending out into the forest, searching, probing, and preparing for what was to come. His Pokemon wasn't the only one needing training.

He had his shadow, this darkness he could control. It would be foolish beyond the extreme to not utilize it, train it. He needed to become better, as they became better.

Not long after, the forest erupted into chaos. Ezra could hear the distant rustle of leaves and the sound of startled Pokemon fleeing from his ghosts. Loki and Cheshire, invisible in the shadows right ahead of them - were doing their job well, scaring and herding the weaker Pokemon the others were harassing - towards the clearing where Ezra waited.

Through the trees, he saw flashes of color as various Bug type and Grass type Pokemon darted between the trunks, fleeing from some unseen terror. A cluster of Caterpie and Weedle scrambled over roots, their tiny bodies trembling in fear. An Oddish bolted past, its leaves quivering as it tried to escape the relentless pursuit of the ghosts.

Ezra watched intently, his eyes scanning the forest as he stood calmly in the clearing. The first wave of wild Pokemon broke through the underbrush, a mix of Weedle, Caterpie, and Pidgey, all looking harried and exhausted. They burst into the open, their eyes wide with fear, driven forward by the relentless presence of Ezra's Ghost types.

"Now!" Ezra said calmly, pointing them out to Deino and Dreepy, who had been waiting eagerly. "This is your chance, strike!"

Deino snarled, sensing the movement of the wild Pokemon. It charged forward, its compact body surprisingly quick as it barreled into a Caterpie, sending it sprawling with a single tackle. Nearby, Dreepy hovered low to the ground, its form shimmering as it shot forward with surprising speed, using the move Infestation several times in a row on several exhausted Pokemon. The bug type move was something Dreepy had from the start, and it was effective in this kind of fight, inflicting damage and then trapping the opponent, causing them to get more damage over time.

With several Pokemon running into this gauntlet, Infestation would give Dreepy several 'kills' for low effort. It pleased Ezra to see, because it meant his mock battles and what they taught, something he'd barely been able to start so far with his new additions before this - was actually sinking in.

It especially worked well when Dreepy had a partner in Deino, who with cheerful aggression clomped down on the trapped Pokemon.

The two young Pokemon worked well together, the momentary hesitation at seeing the many Pokemon funneled through completely gone now. Deino's raw power and aggression paired with Dreepy's agility and moveset made for a formidable combination. They moved through the clearing, knocking back Pokemon after Pokemon - taking them out with relish, each victory bolstering their confidence.

Ezra kept his focus sharp, watching every movement, every strike. He could see the improvement with each encounter as the weakened Pokemon tried to fight back - Dreepy's movements becoming more fluid, Deino's strikes more precise, wasting less effort. This was exactly what he wanted to see. It wasn't just about winning these small skirmishes - it was about building their strength, their endurance, their instincts.

Dreino in its aggression would bleed stamina by wasting energy on unnecessary motions and moves as it raged across a battle, and with so many Pokemon to fight, Deino knew it. Which forced Deino to hold back, to only do the exact amount of damage needed and then move on. Teaching restraint in a way it would have probably taken Ezra weeks in a normal setting to hammer into the Pokemon's head.

For Dreepy, it was a lesson in battle control for the more flighty Pokemon, with so many moving parts, and Deino to keep a track of, it taught Dreepy to be aware of everything around the battlefield.

Really his Ghost gauntlet was an excellent cheat, something other trainers could do as well in a limited fashion by utilizing most of their team to train a newer member. If they weren't so limited in thought to never imagine harassing a bunch of Pokemon for XP.

Now the world didn't work on XP, but he could literally feel his Pokemon improving doing this, so it wasn't that far off.

The forest continued to yield more Pokemon, his ghostly team harassing and driving them towards the clearing in waves. A small group of Bellsprout stumbled into the open, their leaves flailing as they tried to regain their balance. Deino and Dreepy moved in quickly, Deino using a headbutt to knock one aside while rushing forward to tackle another, Dreepy using Astonish to decent effect, managing to make the Bellsprout desperately trying to hit Deino's flank as it ran through its friends, flinch. Deino finished its Tackle just to turn around to use Bite on the lone Bellsprout.

This is going excellently. Couldn't have had a better first time, Ezra thought, pleased.

Ezra's other Pokemon, Cheshire and Loki, made sure the incoming Pokemon came in small manageable waves, Nyx keeping them from running off their flank. They were all using techniques to scare the Pokemon into the funnel, keeping them from scattering too widely - shooting the techniques into the ground to force them into a set direction, also training their own stamina and technique. Rider stood close to Ezra, its bone club ready, its eyes never straying too far from Ezra, as if daring any wild Pokemon to try and get close.

In desperation, even a weak wild Pokemon might get the idea to take out the human. Normally humans weren't attacked like that unless it was a particularly aggressive Pokemon, or they got near a nest of some sort. But this wasn't a normal situation.

The strategy was working well so far. Deino and Dreepy were gaining valuable experience, learning to fight as a unit and honing their abilities in real-time. They grew more confident with each victory, their movements more assured, their attacks more potent.

Above all that, it was the experience from real battles that was the most valuable. So called low level 'mons biggest detriment were the fact they don't fight as much, learn as much. Even with a trainer they usually spend a lot of time being trained up before they get many battles under their belt, and even then that is under full direction from a trainer for their every move in battle.

Ezra had given them guidance before this, told them what would likely work, and what would not. But just like with his Ghosts - the main point here was to teach them that although they follow him and his orders, they could also anticipate what would happen, react, and become more intuitive of the flow of battle so that if a Sandstorm took over a battlefield in the League for example - they would be better suited to operating on their own, without orders.

It was early days still, and this slaughter was nothing against a real battle, but it was a start.

Just then some of the more desperate wild Pokemon tried to break through the line, probably thinking that their best chance lay in a direct attack on the human obviously orchestrating this chaos. A trio of Aipom jumped over Deino's lunge, aiming directly for Ezra, ready to strike.

Ezra was ready for the eventuality. The dark tendrils of his shadow shot out like whips, snatching two of the Aipom out of the air before they could reach him. With a flick of his wrist, he flung them back into the clearing, Loki and Cheshire falling on them with vengeance in their eyes. Ezra supposed this exercise was never going to finish without casualties.

The last one he never worried about, Rider had already moved to intercept the moment it was clear who their target was. The Alolan Marowak spun its club with practiced precision, knocking the Aipom out of the air and sending it tumbling to the ground, the club taking on a steely glint as Rider smashed it down with a vicious chirp of derision.

"Good work, Rider," Ezra called out, nodding in approval. The Alolan Marowak gave a solemn nod, then began to circle Ezra protectively, its eyes scanning the forest for any more threats.

As the training continued, the wild Pokemon became more frantic, their movements more erratic as they realized they were being driven towards a losing battle. But Ezra's ghostly team was relentless, corralling them with unyielding determination, funneling them into the waiting claws and teeth of Deino and Dreepy.

The clearing was soon littered with exhausted or fainted wild Pokemon - with a few casualties joining the Aipoms. Deino and Dreepy crowed as they looked over the battlefield, victorious, their eyes bright with pride and exhilaration. They had faced numerous opponents, and while they were tired, they had grown stronger, more confident in their abilities.

Ezra walked over to them, offering quiet praise and a gentle pat on each of their heads. "You both did great," He said, his voice calm, even as he smirked proudly. "This is just the beginning, but you're already showing how strong you can become."

Deino let out a satisfied growl, nudging Ezra's hand with its head, while Dreepy floated closer, its eyes shining with determination. They were tired, but they were also eager for more, ready to continue their training and prove themselves further. Ezra wouldn't let them, not right now. There was no point in overdoing it either. An injured Pokemon over foolishness would be a setback.

While the Pokemon Center could easily heal fainting and minor ailments in seconds without ever taking a Pokemon out of its Pokeball, more serious injuries had to be treated in a different manner, and usually took time to fully heal. He wasn't going to overdo it here, these two still had physical bodies that could suffer from overexertion.

"Alright," Ezra said, his voice steady and reassuring. "Let's call it a day. You've all earned a rest. We'll keep at this and get even stronger. But for now, let's head back."

As he turned to lead them out of the forest, Ezra couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for his team. They were growing stronger every day, and soon, they would be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

His own training wasn't going as well, the use of his shadow incredibly draining still. But he'd persevere.

It would be perfect to scare the crap out of uppity trainers once he had his gym.

Ilex Forest, days later.

On the third day of training, the air in the Ilex forest was thick with tension. Even though they used a different area each day, the Pokemon were now aware of them in a manner they hadn't been before. Ezra had continued pushing his team, testing the limits of Dreepy and Deino with each session. Today had started no differently than the days before - his Ghost types had fanned out through the dense forest, herding wild Pokemon towards his younger charges. Dreepy and Deino were becoming more confident, their attacks sharper and their coordination improving. Ezra watched them with a faint smile, pleased with their progress.

Then, without warning, the forest exploded into chaos.

A deafening roar shattered the tranquility, and from the shadows of the trees, a pack of Mankey burst into the clearing. Their eyes were wild with rage, and their fur bristled as they charged forward, flailing their limbs in a frenzy. Ezra's eyes widened in surprise as he counted their numbers - at least a dozen, maybe more.

Leading the charge was a massive Primeape, its eyes burning with unrestrained fury. Its muscles bulged beneath its fur, and every step it took sent vibrations through the ground. The Primeape's movements were erratic, driven by an uncontrollable rage that made it lash out at anything in its path.

Ouch, including one of the Mankeys which was just punched into a tree, eyes spinning. Ezra's mind snapped into focus as he realized he'd overstayed his welcome in the forest. This was no ordinary pack of wild Pokemon - this was a coordinated assault led by a Primeape gone berserk. He had to act quickly to protect his team.

"Dreepy, Deino, fall back!" Ezra shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. The two young Pokemon immediately obeyed, retreating to a safer position behind him. Deino did not look happy about it however.

The Mankey swarmed toward his Pokemon, their eyes filled with fury, but Ezra was already issuing orders. "Loki, occupy the Primeape! Frustrate it, lead it away from its minions!" He commanded. "Nyx, Cheshire, use Confuse Ray and Hypnosis, free targets! Rider, bowl them over with Iron Head, scatter them, and then circle back to pick off any stragglers!"

The good thing about berserkers was they lacked coordination, the Mankeys getting in their own ways more than not, especially as Loki and Cheshire began hitting the ones in front of the pack, forcing them to run into their suddenly sleeping mates, or find themselves in a fight as a suddenly confused Mankey started punching whatever was closest.

Loki, his mischievous little Shuppet, cackled with delight as it darted forward to face the raging Primeape. With a sudden burst of speed, it weaved through the air, its ghostly form making it difficult for the Primeape to land a hit as it winged it with a quick Shadow Ball that did little damage, but drew its attention. Loki's eyes glowed with a ghostly light as it shot a Confuse Ray directly into the Primeape's face, causing the wild Pokemon to stagger back, disoriented.

Either way, it's focus was now entirely on Loki, and the Primeape wasn't leading the charge anymore. Reducing the threat of the small horde as his ghosts got to work. The ghosts who hid in his shadow and who had harried the weak Pokemon through the forest, returning to his flared aura, taking the group of Mankeys in the rear.

Meanwhile, Nyx and Cheshire moved with practiced coordination, their spectral bodies gliding through the air as they kept casting Confuse Ray and Hypnosis on the advancing Mankey. Some of the Mankey immediately slowed, their eyes glazing over with confusion, while others stumbled to the ground, overcome by a sudden, irresistible drowsiness. Which kept fumbling up the group each time.

Into this confused and hodgepodge group, Rider leapt in with a fierce determination, its bone club spinning in its hands flaring with fire. With a powerful swing, it knocked several Mankey off their feet, as it rushed into the group, lowering it head like a bull, a steely gleam to it as Rider bowled right though, coming out on the other end, circling back to strike at any Mankey that managed to avoid the others' attacks.

The battle quickly descended into chaos as the Mankey pack became completely disorganized. Taking attacks from every corner. With some of them under the effects of confusion and others asleep, their once-coordinated berserks rush fell apart. Rider continued to dart in and out, striking at any Mankey that tried to escape the confusion, his other Ghosts taking the Mankeys out one by one.

Ezra turned his focus on Loki, who was doing an admirable job of keeping the Primeape occupied. Loki darted in and out, using Shadow Sneak to hit the Primeape from behind with Confuse Rays. Each time the Primeape tried to retaliate, Loki would vanish, reappearing a few feet away, taunting it with a ghostly laugh, apparently having the time of its life.

The Primeape, already in a frenzy, became even more enraged as Loki continued to elude it. It swung wildly, smashing its fists into trees and the ground, its punches crackling with energy as it tried to hit the elusive ghost. Loki, however, was quick, always one step ahead, leaving the Primeape frustrated and disoriented and really really pissed off.

But then, in its blind rage, the Primeape managed to predict Loki's next move as Loki got sloppy and did the same move twice in a row. Just as Loki emerged from the shadows for another Confuse Ray, the Primeape spun around with surprising speed, its eyes blazing with fury. Its fist crackled with electricity as it delivered a devastating Thunder Punch directly into Loki's side.

Loki let out a cry of pain as the Thunder Punch connected, electricity coursing through its spectral form. The impact sent it hurtling back, its body trembling with paralysis. For a moment, it hung in the air, stunned by the blow.

Ezra's eyes widened in alarm, but he reacted quickly. Drawing on his aura, he reached out with his energy, sending a surge of rejuvenating power towards Loki. "Loki, get out of striking distance and pepper it with Shadow Balls!" He commanded, his voice steady but urgent.

Loki shivered as Ezra's aura washed over it, the paralysis fading away as it regained its strength. With a determined glint in its eyes, Loki quickly floated out of the Primeape's reach, dodging another Thunder Punch. It immediately began forming Shadow Balls, firing them at the enraged Primeape with a rapid barrage.

The Primeape roared in frustration, swinging its arms wildly as the Shadow Balls struck it, each one hitting with more force than the last. The ghostly energy battered the Primeape, but it refused to back down, its rage fueling its relentless assault. It charged at Loki again, fists swinging with reckless abandon, but Loki was ready this time.

Ezra's other Pokemon had already dealt with the rest of the Mankey pack by then. The forest clearing was littered with Mankey, most of them either asleep, confused, or fainted from their relentless assault. With the battle against the Mankey effectively over, Ezra's team turned their attention to the Primeape.

"All of you atta-"

He was interrupted by a furious chirp from Loki that stated in no uncertain terms that this was Loki's fight.

"Alright everyone," Ezra said, holding up a hand as his team moved to assist Loki. "Let's give Loki a chance to finish this. You can do it, Loki! Kick its ass!"

He'd give him a chance, the Primeape shouldn't have the reach to harm Loki now anyway. If things turned south, he'd send everyone in, Loki's feelings be damned.

Loki chirped happily in response, a fierce determination burning in its eyes. It floated higher into the air, its gaze never leaving the Primeape as it continued to launch Shadow Balls at the enraged Pokemon. The Primeape swung wildly, but each strike hit only empty air or a nearby tree, its confusion making it difficult to target Loki effectively. Whether due to the Confuse Ray or it's rage, it was only using Thunder Punches, and not whatever else it might have in its repertoire.

Finally, the Primeape managed to steady itself, shaking its head to clear the lingering effects of the Confuse Rays it had taken earlier. It let out a furious roar, its muscles tensing as it prepared to charge at Loki with everything it had, eying a particularly large tree as an avenue perhaps to get up high. But Loki was ready, its eyes glowing with a fierce light as it summoned a massive Shadow Ball, larger and denser than any it had created before.

With a defiant cry, Loki hurled the Shadow Ball at the charging Primeape. The attack struck the Primeape square in the chest, the force of the impact sending it crashing back into a tree with a thunderous impact. The ground shook with the force of the collision, and for a moment, the forest was silent.

The Primeape struggled to its feet, its breath coming in ragged gasps. It was battered and bruised, its energy all but spent, but it refused to give in. It took a shaky step forward, its eyes still burning with defiance.

Loki floated down, its eyes locked onto the Primeape, its expression one of steely determination. It had come too far to lose now. With a final surge of ghostly energy, Loki launched itself at the Primeape, its body glowing with a dark, ethereal light. It struck the Primeape with a final Shadow Ball at point-blank range, right in its face, as the Primeape weakly tried to hit Loki, the force of the attack sending the Primeape crashing to the ground, unconscious.

As the dust settled, Loki hovered in the air, slightly battered but triumphant. Ezra watched with a proud smile as a dark aura began to surround Loki. The shadows around it begin to stretch and warp, drawn towards the ghostly Pokemon like iron filings to a magnet.

A faint, unsettling hum filled the air, a sound that seemed to come from deep within Loki. The Pokemon's body shivered and pulsed, the soft purple hues darkening to a deeper, more menacing shade. The glow from its eye intensified, a sharp, eerie light glowing brightly, almost blinding Ezra to the rest of the process.

As the transformation took hold, Loki's form started to twist and contort, the wispy edges of its body pulling inward, compressing and solidifying. The cloak like form pulled tighter around it, becoming less ethereal and more corporeal, stitching itself into a rough, patchwork fabric. Threads of energy, like spectral needles, weaved through the air, binding together the shadows that clung to Loki, reshaping them with an almost frantic urgency.

Suddenly, the fabric ripped open along a jagged seam, revealing a row of jagged, grinning teeth. The sound was like a whisper in reverse, a chilling hiss that echoed in the stillness. The single eye split into two, each now filled with a cunning, malevolent glint. Limbs sprouted from the new body - a pair of wiry arms ending in sharp, claw-like fingers that flexed and twitched with a newfound life. The transformation continued as the energy around it crackled and sparked, a final surge of power sealing the change.

In a breathless instant, the evolution was complete. His Shuppet had become Banette, a sinister, puppet-like figure with a zipper mouth, its expression frozen in a perpetual, malevolent grin.

Ezra grinned. "Well done, Loki," he said, his voice filled with pride. "You did it. You evolved!"

Loki, now a Banette, let out a victorious cackle, its new form crackling with energy. It turned to face Ezra, its zipper-like mouth curving into a wide, unsettling grin.

He had no idea how exactly it worked, a ghostly Shuppet suddenly becoming a ghostly possessed doll, it didn't make any sense, but that was 'mon for you. Especially Ghost ones - they rarely made any sense. He really doubted there were any dolls laying around in this forest for example.

"Nice work," Ezra said, walking over to his newly evolved Banette. "You've earned this evolution." He praised, tossing Loki a berry, which the Banette eagerly grasped. He reached into his bag and pulled out a Pokeball, turning his attention to the unconscious Primeape. "This one's got potential. Let's see if it's interested in joining us."

Ezra tossed the Pokeball at the Primeape, the ball striking the unconscious Pokemon and absorbing it in a flash of light. The ball wobbled on the ground for a moment before clicking shut, signaling a successful capture.

He picked up the Pokeball, turning it over in his hand with a satisfied smile. "An Annihilape in the making," He muttered to himself, tucking the ball away. "That's going to be fun."

Turning back to his team, Ezra couldn't help but feel a surge of dark pleasure. They had come a long way in their training, and today's unexpected challenge had only made them stronger. He had no doubt that they were ready for whatever lay ahead - he was going to crush all opposition.

Part of him almost wanted to hide his entire team somehow until the conference, and give old Agatha a heart attack when he suddenly unveiled all the new Ghost types in front of her eyes.

"Alright, everyone," He called out, his voice carrying through the forest. "Let's head back. We've got a lot more work to do, but you all did great today."

Ezra strode back into the Azalea Town Pokemon Center. The training session with his Pokemon had been intense, and they'd made progress, but he had to keep up with the practicalities too. There was always work to be done.

He made his way to the far side of the lobby, where a row of computers lined the wall, designed for trainers to contact friends, family, and in his case, business associates. He pulled out a chair and sat down, logging into the system. The screen blinked to life, and he quickly navigated to the video call function. Brock had likely done well looking after his Pokemon, but he needed to make sure the new addition wouldn't cause any problems in his absence - as in keep Brock from messing with his plans for it.

After a few rings, Brock's face appeared on the screen. He looked slightly disheveled, as if he'd been in the middle of a workout or dealing with a difficult Pokemon. His expression brightened when he saw Ezra. "Hey, Ezra! How's it going out there?"

Ezra leaned back in his chair, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Going well. Just wanted to give you a heads up about a new capture I made today. It's a Primeape. A bit of a wild one, so I'm going to need you to keep it in its Pokeball until I get back, I'll be transferring it over to Pewter's Pokemon center for pickup."

Brock's brow furrowed in confusion. "A Primeape, huh? I can handle it, no problem. Why keep it in the ball, though? I'm sure I can help it settle in and calm down. It's not like I haven't dealt with temperamental Pokemon before."

Ezra appreciated Brock's confidence, but this wasn't a matter of managing an unruly Pokemon. "No, it's not about your ability to handle it," Ezra clarified, his tone even. "I trust you, Brock, really. But I'm trying something different with this Primeape. It's got a lot of anger in it, and I want it to stay that way. If you try to calm it down or get it to adjust to the stable environment, it'll ruin what I'm planning."

He didn't mention his real intentions. The truth was, he wanted the Primeape to keep its rage burning, to foster that fury into something more potent. Anger, in the right hands, could be a powerful tool, and he had plans for that Primeape that wouldn't involve it becoming a docile stable dweller. He needed it to become so enraged it would literally reject death and evolve into an Annihilape.

He wasn't absolutely sure it would take all that, but it seemed too weak a reason for it to evolve just from using a particular move twenty or so times - he'd find out in the end, but just in case, he wanted that rage burning.

Brock nodded slowly, though he still seemed puzzled by Ezra's instructions. "Alright, if you say so. I'll leave it in the Pokeball until you get back. Just seemed like it might be good for it to get used to the place."

Ezra appreciated Brock's inclination to nurture Pokemon, especially his, but this was different. "Thanks, Brock. I knew I could count on you." I made the right choice picking him, even if it is only temporary.

There was a brief pause on Brock's end, and he seemed to hesitate before speaking again. "Hey, Ezra, can I ask you something?"

Ezra raised an eyebrow, sensing the shift in Brock's tone. "Sure, what's up?"

Brock scratched the back of his head, clearly choosing his words carefully. "Are you… acquainted with Lady Agatha of the Elite Four?"

Ezra's expression shifted to one of surprise, followed by a slight frown. "No… I know who she is, of course, but I don't know her personally. Why would I?" Did I call this into being by thinking of giving the old bitch a heart attack?

Now he respected her ability, how couldn't he? She was the premier Ghost Mistress after all. But anyone that controlled that many high level Ghost Pokemon without his inherent advantages was most definitely a complete monster.

Brock sighed, glancing around as if to make sure no one was listening in. "She visited the stable a few days ago, right after you left. Wanted to speak with you. When I told her you weren't there, she asked to inspect your Pokemon, well less asked and more pressuring."

Ezra felt a spark of anger ignite in his chest, his fists clenching unconsciously. His eyes narrowed as he fixed Brock with a hard stare. "And did she?" She better not f*cking have!

Brock quickly shook his head, raising his hands defensively. "No, I refused. You don't just let someone inspect someone else's Pokemon without their permission, not even an Elite Four member. Unless they have a warrant or something official, they can't just barge in like that. I told her I couldn't allow it."

Ezra's anger simmered down, replaced by a grudging respect. Brock could have easily been intimidated by Agatha, but he had stood his ground. "Good. That couldn't have been easy, telling Lady Agatha to buzz off. You're getting a bonus added to your pay for that." You're a bro, Brock, you deserve it.

Brock looked genuinely taken aback by Ezra's words. "A bonus? Come on, Ezra, I was just doing my job. You don't have to pay me extra for that." The tips of his ears pinked as he looked embarrassed, glancing away from the screen.

Ezra's lips curled into a small, teasing smile. "It's already decided, you're getting a bonus. I don't go back on my word. Besides, you wouldn't want to make me a liar, would you?"

Brock chuckled, though he still seemed a bit uncomfortable with the idea. "Alright, alright, if you insist. But seriously, it's no big deal. Just didn't seem right to let her in without you being there."

Ezra nodded, his expression softening slightly. "I appreciate it, Brock. I'll be back by the end of the week. Just keep things running smoothly until then."

Brock nodded. "Will do. Take care out there, Ezra."

Ezra waved before ending the call, the screen flickering back to the main menu. He sat back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. Agatha's sudden interest in him was concerning. Was it because of his Pokemon that showed up as question marks in the system? Or… Did Lavender finally get off their asses and report his peculiarity.

The first was manageable, the second was more… Annoying. Who knew what the League would want with his abilities if they came fully to light.

Lavender only knew he had an affinity for Ghosts. That minimal information wasn't too bad. But what he could actually do, he couldn't reveal that. And someone like Agatha might have the best chance to suss that out if he was around her for too long.

Whatever, he'll deal with it when it comes up, the League doesn't conscript people, so he could always just say no to whatever she wanted. It wouldn't be entirely without consequences. She was an Elite Four, it could make his gym idea more untenable if she took offense… But this wasn't a dictatorship. He could still just say no.

Pushing the thought aside for now, he navigated to his email to check for any new messages. His eyes lit up with satisfaction as he saw a notification from Mark, his lawyer. He opened the message and quickly read through it, a smile spreading across his face. Devon Corp had accepted the amendments Mark had proposed, and the agreement was ready to be signed when he returned to Pewter.

That was quick. Seemed Steven Stone really did want this to happen. Normally contract negotiations like that would probably be more drawn out, especially after Mark had found them trying to sneak in some extras.

Ezra allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. Things were coming together. With the contract ready and the business about to get off the ground, he was one step closer to achieving his goals. And with his team growing stronger by the day, he felt more confident than ever in his abilities as a trainer.

He glanced at the clock on the computer screen. It was getting late, and he had a tournament to attend the next day, with flying time involved he'd had to get up very early. He needed rest if he was going to be at his best. But first, he logged out of the computer and stood up, stretching his arms above his head. The Pokemon Center was quiet, most trainers either resting or tending to their Pokemon. He walked over to the front desk, where Nurse Joy was busy organizing some paperwork.

"Excuse me, Nurse Joy," Ezra said politely. "I'd like to reserve a room for the night." He handed her his ID card.

Nurse Joy looked up and gave him a warm smile, taking the card and scanning it quickly. "Of course. We have plenty of space. You'll be in Room 5, just down the hall."

"Thank you," Ezra replied, taking the keycard she handed him, he also handed her Primeapes inactive Pokeball, "And can you transfer this to Pewter City's Pokemon center, with pickup privilege for Brock the son of Flint." He asked.

Nurse Joy had no issues with that, just requiring him to fill out a quick electronic form confirming the information, before she sent the Pokeball through to Pewter.

He made his way to his room, his mind already turning over the events of the day and what lay ahead. As he opened the door and stepped inside, he took a deep breath, letting the familiar scent of a Pokemon Center room wash over him. It was comforting in a way, the smell of clean linens and the faint scent of berries.

He set his bag down on the floor and flopped onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Tomorrow was another day, another step on his journey. He had a tournament to attend, battles to fight, and more Pokemon to train. After that, it was back to Pewter to sign the contract and get his business officially off the ground.

And, most likely, he'd have to deal with Agatha at some point. Whatever she wanted, he doubted she would just give up. But he'd cross that bridge when he came to it. For now, he needed to focus on the task at hand.

With a tired sigh, Ezra closed his eyes, letting himself drift off to sleep. Tomorrow would be another busy day, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Olivine city, Johto.

Ezra landed in Olivine City, the wind from Pidgeot's wings scattering dust across the street as his feet hit the ground. The city was bustling with activity, a blend of sailors, tourists, and trainers, all mingling under the bright midday sun. The seaside town had its own charm - the salty breeze, the cries of Wingull circling above, and the distant chime of the lighthouse bell, but he preferred the bigger cities if he was completely honest. He quickly recalled Pidgeot into its Pokeball and made his way towards the Pokemon Center.

Inside, the familiar hum of activity greeted him - trainers were lounging around, chatting, or tending to their Pokemon, it was pretty full, no doubt due to the tournament. He approached the counter where Nurse Joy was busy organizing some files.

"Hello, Nurse Joy," Ezra greeted, giving her a polite nod and sliding over his ID card. "I'd like to switch my Pidgeot to inactive for this one." He held out Dreepy's Pokeball.

Nurse Joy smiled warmly. "Of course Give me just a moment." She turned to the computer behind her and started typing with one hand, while swiping her ID card with the other. Within moments, she handed him Dreepy's Pokeball back, as well as Pidgeots inactive one. "Here you go! Good luck in the tournament."

"Thanks," Ezra replied, tucking the Pokeballs into his belt. He left the Pokemon Center, ready to make his way toward the Battle Tower just northwest of Olivine, where the tournament was set to take place. A smart choice really, where else would you manage to get a lot of battle maniacs easily without even having to advertise?

The route outside the city was scenic, with the sea on one side and the dense greenery of the forest on the other. The path was lined with trainers and spectators, all heading toward the tournament grounds. Ezra had signed up online earlier, so all he had to do was show up and pay his entry fee to participate. As he walked, he thought about his strategy for the matches ahead, his mind already buzzing with plans.

He was halfway there when a sharp, angry shout pierced the air behind him. "You! Stop right there!"

Ezra turned around, frowning as he saw a woman stomping toward him. Her long, silvery-blue hair flowed wildly in the wind, her expression a mix of glee and pure fury. Her silvery blue eyes were ablaze with emotion, and her posture screamed confrontation. She was wearing a sleeveless black top that hugged her figure, paired with black pants and combat boots that looked well-worn from travel. Her gaze was intense, and her lips were set in a determined line as she marched up to him, her boots crunching on the gravel.

Ezra quickly put two and two together. This must be Karen, the woman Brock had told him about. As she got closer, he could see the almost predatory glint in her eyes, and it confirmed everything he'd heard. Karen was an attractive woman, no doubt about that, but there was a dangerous edge to her, something wild and untamed. She had an aura of confidence and strength that was hard to ignore. He'd gotten himself the weirdest kind of fan girl…

Before he could say anything, Karen stabbed a finger in his face, standing so close she was nearly towering over him. "You're coming with me, right now, you annoying pest!"

Ezra blinked and roughly pushed her finger away from his face. "I'm flattered, really," He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But I don't have time for a relationship right now. And in the future, you might have better luck asking for dates without making such a public spectacle of it."

He gestured around them, where several trainers had stopped to watch the scene unfold, whispering and chuckling to each other. With how she acted just now, he had a feeling Brock had misinterpreted everything, but he couldn't help but troll her anyway. He didn't like her attitude.

Karen's face turned crimson with fury and embarrassment, her eyes wide with a mix of rage and disbelief. "A date!? Are you out of your mind? I'm not asking you for a date, you insufferable brat!"

Ezra leaned back slightly, his expression mockingly thoughtful. "You're very… Passionate," He observed, his tone teasing. "And I've been told you've been following me, so what else could it be? Especially with you so passionately requesting me to come with you?"

The crowd's murmuring grew louder, some of the onlookers starting to laugh at the unfolding drama. A group of girls nearby giggled and whispered to each other, clearly entertained by what they thought was a lover's spat.

Karen's eyes flicked around, her face so red it looked like a tomato, steam practically coming out of her ears. "Stop f*cking with me!" She growled, grabbing his collar and getting right up in his face. "I'm not here to play games, Kassian!"

Ezra had to control the reflexive reaction of the ghosts in his shadow from interfering. He could feel their agitation, their readiness to lash out in defense, but he kept them in check. He met Karen's furious gaze with a calm, almost bored expression. "I am trying not to 'f*ck' you, but you won't take no for an answer," He said, sounding long-suffering. "I'm too young to have a fangirl really, choose someone else."

Alright, he might be having a little bit too much fun with this…

Karen spluttered, her words caught in her throat. She seemed to realize how close she was and immediately stepped back, clearing her throat. "You're coming with me back to Indigo," she demanded, trying to regain some dignity. Her eyes were stabbing daggers into him as she leaned closer again, hissing low enough that the crowd couldn't hear, "Call me a fangirl again and I'll feed you to my Pokemon!"

Several trainers in the crowd started whispering again, some of them clearly enjoying the show. "On-again, off-again relationship," One of them said with a chuckle. Another girl nodded, "Definitely some unresolved tension there." A third adding, "See how she can't stop getting into his face? She's totally waiting for him to just kiss her and make up!"

Ezra smirked, looking into her eyes, "If I give you a kiss will you stop stalking me?"

Karen's face went an even deeper shade of red, looking like she might explode. She jerked forward and grabbed his arm, starting to drag him away. "Just shut up and come with me before I knock you out!"

Ezra weighed his options for a moment, thinking over whether he should really continue antagonizing her or just go along to find out what Agatha wanted. But… He did have a tournament to attend, so antagonizing it was. He called out loudly, his voice completely deadpan, "Help, someone help! Rape! I'm being dragged away by a crazy woman!"

Karen's eyes flared with anger, and she looked like she was about to punch him out when Officer Jenny, who Ezra had spotted approaching from a distance, finally arrived and put a firm hand on Karen's shoulder.

"I don't know what's going on here," Officer Jenny said in a stern voice, "But I've witnessed enough to know that you've been screaming and putting your hands on this young man, and from what I just heard, even if I doubt he was serious… I need you to come with me."

Karen stood up straight, turning around to face Officer Jenny with a cold, steely expression. "I am the apprentice of Lady Agatha of the Elite Four - "

But before she could continue, Officer Jenny tightened her grip on Karen's shoulder, holding her firmly in place. "That makes it worse because you should definitely know better, young lady. Now, while I can't classify this as an assault, you will be joining me to speak about public decency and to de-escalate this situation."

Officer Jenny looked at Ezra, her expression softening slightly but still serious. "You can move along, and if this type of situation happens again, don't make light of it. Just ask for assistance." She chided him, her tone firm but not unkind.

Ezra nodded, putting on a contrite expression. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you for your help." He turned to leave, giving Karen a smug smile as he walked away, enjoying the look of fury on her face as she glared daggers at him.

I'm probably paying for that later… But I bet she'll be in the tournament… His blood was up, and he felt a thrum of excitement. How would he stack up against an apprentice of the Elite Four?

The crowd started to disperse, the trainers who had stopped to watch the drama unfold now moving on with their business, though Ezra could still hear snippets of their conversations, most of them amused by what they thought was a lover's spat. I'll never let her live that down, he thought with amusem*nt.

As he walked away, Ezra couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He wasn't about to be dragged off to Indigo or anywhere else without knowing what he was getting into, and he certainly wasn't going to let someone else dictate his actions. Whatever Agatha wanted, he would deal with it on his own terms. If it was important, the woman knew how to call him.

Ezra made his way to the tournament registration booth, shaking his head with a wry grin. He handed over the entry fee and confirmed his participation, then walked onto the sprawling front lawn of the Battle Tower, where rows of makeshift battle arenas had been set up for the tournament. Trainers were bustling around, some warming up with their Pokemon, others strategizing in small groups.

He looked around at the crowd, his eyes scanning the various trainers. Karen might show up later, but that would be fine with him. He was ready for whatever challenge came his way.

With a final glance back in the direction where Officer Jenny was still lecturing Karen, Ezra turned his focus fully to the tournament. He had battles to fight, Pokemon to train, and a reputation to build. Whatever came next, he was more than ready.

Twenty minutes later, one hour before his tournament slot.

He found himself an unoccupied tent, the tables and containers laid out obviously hinting that it would end up as some sort of refreshment tent for when the tournament kicked off.

Apparently his Orange League victory had made him somewhat interesting to people, and when his trainer ID had been seen by the organizers, he'd been chosen to start the tournament off with the first match. It definitely wouldn't be as easy a tournament as last time out. This time actual badge holders were competing.

He let his entire team out, letting Deino and Dreepy out before him, the rest of the team in a half circle behind them. "We're about to have our first real battles as a full team, although you two will likely only face the first few easy trials, you both need names first."

Both Pokemon seemed excited for the occasion, preening slightly as they looked up at him.

"Dreepy, as you are a female, I'm naming you Morrigan, after a goddess of death and war." He smirked down at her, "And because when you're all grown up, you're going to make people piss themselves all across Kanto and Johto, won't you girl?"

Morrigan looked proud at the name, a gleam in her eyes that showed Ezra she was looking forward to it.

Deino at this point was practically vibrating, Ezra chuckled as he patted his head, "I haven't forgotten about you, how about a name of a powerful Dragon, hm? One called the World Eater?"

Deino jumped in place, butting against his hand, chirping in a way he could only take as, tell me, tell me! Deino was usually more aggressive than his other Pokemon, in the short time they'd had, so he thought of a name that would fit.

"You are now Alduin, and when you're big and strong you'll show them that World Eater isn't far from your capabilities." Ezra said, grinning down at Alduin.

Alduin puffed out his chest, looking thrilled with the name, the ghosts all cheering for them in their own way. Dreepy protesting as Cheshire gave her a long lick up the back of her head.

"Alright, we'll do battle soon, and you'll be introduced to the world, or at least this area, as Alduin and Morrigan." Ezra said, with satisfaction, before pulling them back in their pokeballs, so they'd be a surprise for the first trainer he'd encounter in the tournament.

He'd given them strong names, partly because he knew how strong they'd become, and partly to f*ck with everyone who was going to wonder what these Pokemon were - and wouldn't even get a breed name out of him.

It sucked to suck.

Betcha you'll call me again soon, Professor Oak…

With Karen,

She was humiliated, she couldn't have imagined a way for that to have gone worse. She'd been so elated at finally finding the brat, so pissed off at even the sight of his face at the same time.

She'd forgotten herself, her position.

She'd embarrassed herself, and Lady Agatha.

Her hands clenched around a Pokeball, as she huffed angrily, it's all his fault….

At least he was participating in the tournament, so this time he couldn't just fly off on her. She smiled a satisfied and vicious smile. She'd get to face him, no doubt.

He had won a league, surely he'd make the final here… She'd get to face him.

And destroy him!

All her frustrations, all her stress… It would soon be over as that brat cried at her feet after suffering a monumental defeat. Proving her superiority, earning herself Lady Agatha's esteem.

This stupid boy would never supplant her as the apprentice.

She'd prove it, destroying his Pokemon one by one.

This is going to be sooooo satisfying. She thought, cackling quietly to herself.

League winner or not, he was a new trainer. He didn't stand a chance.

The Orange League wasn't that big of a deal anyway.

She could definitely take him.

Author's note:

So the hunt had to end eventually, now that he has Pewter they would find him anyway.

Of course Ezra being Ezra, he took what Brock said and ran with it.

He's not exactly going to crawl to Agatha just because someone says so, especially someone he can so easily wind up as Karen.

It's going to be an interesting tournament.

And Primeape get, because of course he needs an Annihilape eventually.

Wonder how long Oak is going to be able to hold back once Ezra keeps revealing new Pokemon like this?

And Agatha might really have a heart attack at all the new Ghosts. Imagine her ordering Karen to seduce the young man to her side? Lol.

As for the Eevee he picked up a bit ago, he's waiting until he can give it personal attention to train it, or it won't become an Umbreon anyway.



Pokemon Dark Tidings (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.