In Every Kingdom - Chapter 2 - sterlingonacid (2024)

Chapter Text

Being a small business owner means that sometimes Thomas has no choice but to put his work before his personal life. His cat café has really taken off after being featured in the local newspaper, as well as the ensuing boom of popularity generated by social media.

With the café being at capacity for several days in a row and closed for a private event on Saturday—followed by an even busier Sunday—Thomas has had virtually no in-person contact with his boyfriend except for the occasional kiss during Edwin’s lunch breaks.

On Sunday night, after both of them are done with work and back at their respective homes, Thomas gives Edwin a call. He’s in his gratuitously large bed, idly running his hand through one of his fuzzy blankets, staring up at the chandelier in the ceiling.

“Is everything okay?” Edwin asks right away. “It’s unlike you to call rather than text.”

Thomas sighs, truly worn out. “Yeah, I just miss your voice.” He already knows Edwin won’t know how to react, and smirks when Edwin does, in fact, struggle to respond.

“Oh. I see. I, um, miss you too.” Thomas knows the sentiment is truly genuine, despite the effort it takes for Edwin to get the words out.

“You should take the day off tomorrow,” Thomas says casually.

“What?” Edwin huffs, annoyed at the lack of preamble. “Thomas, I can’t just take a day off on such short notice.”

Thomas shrugs. “Sure you can. Jenny won’t care.”

Edwin rolls his eyes. Thomas might not be able to see Edwin, but he can feel the gesture. “Jenny absolutely will care.”

“Nah. I’ll bribe her with something. Is there space somewhere in that bookstore for a big box with 42 cupcakes?” Thomas turns over onto his stomach, grinning. He giddily kicks his feet, expecting Edwin to be even more annoyed at this question.

He’s right, of course. Edwin sounds angry, but Thomas knows he isn’t all that upset. “I hardly think Jenny wants forty two cupcakes in her bookshop. Honestly, Thomas, can you take this seriously?”

As fun as it is to mess with Edwin, Thomas switches back to a more serious tone. He does truthfully miss Edwin beyond words and aches to be close to him.

“I really miss you, babe. Take the day off.” Thomas sounds plaintive, trying his best to convey the fact that he’s doing his most convincing sad kitten face. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while,” he adds more salaciously.

There is a pause. Thomas can sense Edwin reconsidering. After a long-suffering sigh, Edwin relents. “Fine. I will tell Jenny that something came up.”

Thomas suppresses a joyful cheer, instead opting for a silent fist pump. “Excellent,” he replies, as nonchalant as possible.

Edwin sighs again, which Thomas thinks is simply a distraction to mask his own excitement. “Frankly, you’re lucky I have an impeccable attendance record. Otherwise, the chances of her agreeing to this would be abysmally low.”

“Pick you up at 10!” Thomas replies cheerfully.

The following silence suggests that Edwin has found yet another reason to be uncertain or displeased—this time for real. It makes Thomas very antsy, but he’s soon relieved when he hears Edwin’s ridiculous misinterpretation.

“10 am or 10 pm?” Edwin sounds legitimately concerned, and Thomas can only laugh at his adorably misguided confusion.

“Yes, Edwin, 10 pm. We’re going clubbing.” He grins stupidly, like the besotted fool he is.

Thomas can tell Edwin is close to hanging up on him just to make a point, but he firmly believes that, behind his grumpy façade, Edwin actually enjoys Thomas’s silly little jokes.

“See you at 10 am, sharp,” Edwin says primly.

“See you then, sweetheart. I lo–” Thomas snaps his mouth shut to stop himself from accidentally slipping up. He carries on in what he hopes is a smooth voice, even though he is silently screaming in his head. “I look forward to seeing you.”

He hangs up hurriedly with shaky hands. Stupid, stupid Thomas. Always getting ahead of himself.

Thomas buries his face in the fuzzy blanket beneath him and groans. How has one solitary week away from Edwin messed him up so thoroughly? It’s out of character for him to be so desperate for someone’s attention.

No, it’s not attention that he craves. It was, at first, but it’s no longer about him. He wants to make Edwin happy. He’s always wanted to make Edwin happy, ever since he first saw this strikingly handsome man with a bitchy demeanor standing in his café, but now it’s a need so deep that it sits inside his bones. He has never wanted anything this bad. He has never wanted anyone this bad.

He falls asleep like that: in the middle of his bed, wearing nothing but a robe, phone clutched in his hand, dreaming about Edwin.

Thomas barely gets any sleep. He’s ready way before 10 am, even taking into account the whole hour he spends digging through his crowded closet in search of the ideal outfit, knowing full well that he will probably shed it within minutes of having Edwin in his apartment.

Right before he takes off, Thomas checks himself out in the full-length gilded mirror in his walk-in closet to make sure that everything looks flawless. He has picked an outfit that makes him feel irresistible and, most importantly, makes him look like an absolute snack.

The dark red sequined shirt and matching silk pants are stunningly stylish and perfectly contour his body, with the shirt showing plenty of cleavage in a way that is sure to capture Edwin’s full attention. The booty doesn’t look too bad either; he turns to inspect the goods and stamps his approval with a firm little smack. He’s caught Edwin’s eyes wandering enough times that he knows exactly which parts of his body to accentuate.

A little too dressed up for 10 am, perhaps, but one thing about Thomas is he will always dress to impress, and nothing is more important than impressing his dear Edwin.

When he pulls up to the front of Edwin’s building at 9:59 am, Edwin is looking at him like he’s 15 minutes late. Thomas lifts a hand in perplexed self-defense.

“You said 10 am sharp. It’s 9:59.” He double checks his phone just in case.

Edwin rolls his eyes and walks around to the passenger side, opening the door with swift and unrepentant disdain. “Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.” He punctuates the statement with a pointed look and lets the words sink in while Thomas stares at him like a deer in the headlights.

“And hello to you too, darling,” Thomas says, breaking into a sweet smile after a second of stunned silence. The reception is not what he was expecting, but it is Edwin, after all, so he’s not all that surprised.

Edwin stops before stepping into the car and inspects Thomas’s outfit with unease, quickly glancing down at his own plain white button-up shirt and dark green slacks. “Were you serious about taking me to the club?”

The sincerity of the question makes Thomas crack up, which Edwin does not appreciate.

Thomas looks at Edwin with unadulterated affection. “Babe, I would never take you to the club. I promise.”

The reassurance satisfies Edwin, whose expression turns from disapproval to happy relief. He finally steps into the car and returns Thomas’s look of adoration. “Hi,” he says with a heartfelt smile.

“Hi,” Thomas replies, smiling back softly.

They stare at each other with equally dopey looks on their faces, slowly inching closer like they’re about to share a demure first kiss.

When their lips finally meet, it is very much reminiscent of their first kiss: innocent and ephemeral with a flash of emotion that cuts through the veil of anticipation hanging over them. They pull apart, mouths hovering close, before closing the distance once again and delving into a deeper, more urgent kiss, the reality of their momentary separation finally crashing into them.

Thomas breaks the kiss, winded from its intensity, and briefly pauses to study Edwin’s face.

“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” he whispers, bringing a hand up to Edwin’s cheek.

Edwin covers Thomas’s hand with his own, leaning into the touch. He closes his eyes and sighs placidly. “I think I do.”

Already in tune with one another, their lips meet again for a quick peck before each recedes back into their seat.

Edwin takes a moment to further examine Thomas’s outfit, his expression going from contemplative to amused. “Are you aware that your outfit is the same color as your car?”

Thomas stares at him blankly while the cogs in his head turn, processing this information.

“Huh.” He leans out the window and briefly inspects his car before sliding back into his seat, laughing. “Oh my God, you’re totally right.” He looks at Edwin briefly and scrunches his nose at him fondly before starting up the car and driving them back to his place.

Being away from Edwin has really done a number on Thomas; he’s pulling out all the stops to woo his boyfriend as if they are still in the courting stage. Before Edwin even has the chance to open the car door, Thomas is there, opening it for him, and offering a hand that Edwin certainly doesn’t need to get out of the car. The gesture earns Thomas a bemused look, but he is too busy swimming in endorphins to even notice.

He takes Edwin’s hand in his and brings it up to his lips to give it a teensy smooch, keeping their eyes locked together. Thomas guides them to the elevator, gleefully swinging their hands, and as soon as they step inside, he positions himself behind Edwin to slide his arms around his waist and slot their bodies together.

“You are exceptionally touchy today,” Edwin notes, trying his best to remain level even though the slight tremors in his movements indicate that he wants to give in to Thomas’s touch.

Thomas nuzzles into Edwin’s neck and runs his nose against the back of his ear. “Mmm, not into it?”

Edwin huffs, not so much with annoyance as with escalating arousal. “That is not what I said.”

Edwin gasps when he feels Thomas’s hands closing on his hips to pull him backwards and press his ass into his crotch, rubbing against the hardness underneath.

“Then what, pray tell, did you mean?” Thomas caps off his question by gently tugging on Edwin’s earlobe with his teeth.

Before Edwin has a chance to respond beyond his initial involuntary moan, the elevator arrives at its destination and the doors slide open.

Thomas instantly reverts to an unaffected façade, only betrayed by the tenting in his pants, which draws Edwin’s gaze and keeps it there. Far too swept up in a daze, he lets a giggling Thomas pull him out of the elevator and guide him down the mercifully empty hallway.

As soon as the apartment door locks behind them, they crash against the wall in a torrid kiss—sloppy, ravenous, all limbs and tongues and heavy breathing. Their joint ferocity is enough to make the various framed pieces of art and decorative mirrors on the wall rattle. Thomas has only gotten harder and is now riding Edwin’s thigh, doing his best to bring Edwin’s half-erect co*ck up to speed.

Edwin throws his head back and pants as Thomas clasps the back of his head and marks his neck with hungry kisses and the sporadic love bite, making Edwin’s hips buck.

Without warning, Thomas drops down to his knees and all but tears Edwin’s slacks and underwear off, exposing his creamy thighs and rigid pink co*ck. He licks his lips in anticipation, raking his hands down Edwin’s sides and nudging him sideways to expose his backside, giving it a playful chomp.

Edwin shrieks, more from surprise than pain. “Thomas!” he chides breathlessly. Thomas can tell that Edwin enjoys it from the way his co*ck twitches. Nonetheless, he soothes the bite apologetically with a kiss and a lick.

They barely manage to avoid knocking over a lamp as they are swept down the entry hall by an unstoppable torrent of passion. Thomas crowds Edwin against a buffet table covered in trinkets and knick knacks, just as busy and vibrant as the rest of his maximalist apartment.

Edwin glances behind him, noting the sheer amount of objects that are in disturbing proximity to his bare ass. He falters a few times before asking, “Should we, um, be worried about—”

His words are cut short by Thomas taking the entire length of his co*ck in his mouth in one fell swoop. Edwin has no choice but to hang on to Thomas’s head for dear life with a choked cry.

Thomas moans around him, sucking eagerly and pumping Edwin’s co*ck with his hand a few times before easing off and moving further down.

To Edwin’s surprise, Thomas’s mouth ends up around one of his balls, almost causing him to collapse. Edwin lets out a guttural groan and clutches Thomas’s head even tighter, pulling his hair until he whimpers, sucking on Edwin’s testicl* with renewed vigor.

Thomas lets go of Edwin with a delicious wet sound. He closes his eyes and runs the tip of his nose to the base of Edwin’s co*ck, inhaling his scent—fresh soap with hints of cardamom and lavender. The tickle of Edwin’s pubic hair makes his skin tingle and his mouth water, head spinning with desire.

“God, you’re so wonderful,” he mutters. Above him, Edwin lets out a high-pitched moan, clinging on Thomas’s hair with one hand and using the other to support himself against the buffet.

“I could get lost in you forever.” Thomas’s nose ghosts down Edwin’s inner thigh as he adorns the silky skin with a glossy trail of kisses. Edwin trembles and holds onto Thomas impossibly tight, as tight as he can, his breathing growing louder and more erratic.

The delectable tension of the moment is cut short by Edwin leaning a little too far back into the buffet, involuntarily swept up in the ecstasy of Thomas running his tongue up the side of his thigh, hungry for a taste of his skin.

Both of them are equally startled by the clatter of knickknacks collapsing under Edwin’s weight.

“f*ck,” Thomas huffs in a decidedly unsexy way. His erection goes from straining against his pants to quickly waning as he scrambles to stop one of his ceramic cats from crashing to the floor.

Thomas stands up and gently pulls Edwin away from the buffet. Edwin can hardly walk with his pants around his ankles, so Thomas stoops down once again to free him from the tangle, carefully setting his clothes aside in the nearest armchair.

When he’s done he runs his hands up and down Edwin’s legs, peppering his thighs with kisses and turning to look up at him reverently. Edwin’s co*ck had begun to soften, what with the trinket mishap, but seeing Thomas on his knees looking up at him with wide eyes and slightly parted lips rapidly alters the course of his blood flow.

Thomas rises slowly, his hands tracing the curves of Edwin’s body as he goes, slipping underneath the still-buttoned shirt. Once he reaches Edwin’s shoulders, he brings his hands back down to the hem of his shirt, fingers caressing the length of Edwin’s torso, and begins undoing the buttons deliberately, holding Edwin’s gaze all the while.

The air around them is already filled with traces of Edwin’s musk and it only grows more sultry with every button popped off. At last Thomas reaches the uppermost button and nudges the shirt off, hands promptly moving to cradle the back of Edwin’s neck, pulling him into a languorous kiss.

Thomas takes his time, sucking on Edwin’s lower lip like nothing else matters, like they have all the time in the world. Their frantic breathing slows down as they melt into each other, the lines between them blurring and their movements becoming a symphony of sensations.

Surprise, it takes a few seconds for Thomas to realize that Edwin has begun to unbutton his shiny sequined shirt. There aren’t many buttons to undo as it is, so it doesn’t take long for Thomas’s torso to be completely bare. Edwin stops to admire Thomas’s chest, his voluptuous pectorals with their pert nipples, the subtly defined abs with a hint of belly, the way his skin is golden and dewy from the exertion, a clear mark of his mounting arousal.

As they so often do, Edwin’s eyes wander to Thomas’s chest and linger there. His mouth hangs slightly open, and Thomas knows Edwin is considering bringing his lips to one of Thomas’s nipples, the lone thought of it making them tingle and harden even further.

Finally, Edwin lunges forward and sucks hungrily on a nipple. Thomas gasps and takes a hold of Edwin’s head, encouraging him to suck harder, to bite and claim him.

When Edwin lets go, Thomas briefly captures his mouth in a passionate kiss, sighing into it, his hands finding Edwin’s waist and traveling down to his hips to pull him closer. All of a sudden, Thomas’s hands come to rest on the back of Edwin’s thighs, right underneath his ass, and hoist him up, situating him just so, encouraging Edwin to wrap his legs around him.

Edwin lets out a gasp that verges on a scream, instantly wrapping his arms around Thomas’s neck to better secure his position.

“Thomas! Why would you do that?!” Edwin scolds, alarmed.

Thomas ignores his protests and smirks impishly, diving in to kiss Edwin’s neck and jaw rapidly before pulling back to look at him. “Calm down, baby, I know you’ll love this.”

He walks them over to the couch—a mercifully short distance—and eases back into it, keeping Edwin on his lap. Thomas rapidly moves several throw pillows out of the way by chucking them into the loveseat (which is already covered in various pillows), allowing him to slide further back into the couch and giving Edwin more room for his legs. Once they are comfortably seated and Edwin appears to be more secure, Thomas looks into his eyes as he runs his hands tenderly up and down Edwin’s thighs.

“Right where you belong,” he says, voice soft with adulation, and Edwin is too busy finding his footing on Thomas’s lap to launch any further complaints about the unexpected relocation.

It takes a moment for Edwin to find the right positioning, squirming around to adjust his legs. He quickly discovers how much pleasure he can derive from the wriggling, and his hips begin moving reflexively. His eyes shut and his mouth hangs open as he grinds down against Thomas’s crotch. His balls are cradled tightly between Thomas’s muscular thighs, the sensuous pressure forcing Edwin to bite down on his bottom lip.

Thomas chuckles, enjoying the spectacle, and grasps Edwin’s hips tightly to encourage the gyrations. He rewards Edwin by taking his engorged pink co*ck in hand and giving it several slow pumps. He presses his fingers close to the head of Edwin’s co*ck, eliciting a keening moan and the lift of Edwin’s hips, which he stills with the hand that remains clutching his hip.

“Shh, slow down for a minute. Let me take a good look at you, sweetheart.” Thomas slides his hand up Edwin’s side, pressing into the supple flesh and dragging his thumb down to Edwin’s nipple. He gives it a flick, watching with interest as Edwin groans and grinds down again. Thomas gives Edwin’s co*ck a slow stroke as he brings his free thumb to Edwin’s open mouth, pushing past his lips and resting against his tongue. “You’re absolutely stunning. Do you know how beautiful you are? How perfect you look like this?”

With heavy lidded eyes fluttering shut, Edwin’s mouth closes around the thumb, sucking and licking insatiably as Thomas watches on, captivated by the scene. He lets Edwin thrust lazily into his fist, tightening his grip to elicit a fresh wave of whimpering moans.

Suddenly Thomas draws his hand away from Edwin’s erection while simultaneously removing his thumb from Edwin’s mouth.

Edwin’s eyes fly open and he glares down at Thomas, resenting the abrupt lack of touch. Thomas can only chuckle before leaning over to the side table and rummaging around a small wooden chest sitting among a collection of small cats in different sizes, shapes, and styles. He produces a small bottle of lube and shows it to Edwin with a little shake.

Intrigue immediately replaces the discontent in Edwin’s face. He lets out a small astonished oh before going back to looking disgruntled. “Why do you have a bottle of lubricant stashed in the living room?”

Without missing a beat, Thomas throws his head back and lets out a silent laugh like he had been expecting the accusation. “I’m sorry, did you want me to use my spit again?” He looks delightedly defiant, savoring the confused lust that overtakes Edwin’s features before he straightens up and lifts his chin, preparing to strike the ball back into Thomas’s court.

“Lubricant works just fine, thank you.” Edwin’s expression mellows when he dares to look back into Thomas’s eyes and is met with unwavering endearment.

“As you wish,” Thomas says quietly before taking one of Edwin’s hands and gently kissing his palm. He squeezes a dollop of lubricant into the same spot where he placed the kiss and then steers Edwin’s hand down to his co*ck. Prompting the hand to close, he sets the pace for Edwin to continue stroking his own erection, slathering it with lube as he goes.

Biting back a moan, Thomas gently says, “I want to see you touch yourself.” Thomas rests one of his hands on Edwin’s hip to provide support, while the other cradles his face, its thumb tenderly stroking his cheekbone.

For a second, Edwin’s hand stills as he meets Thomas’s gaze. Their breaths synchronize as they both move in for the most minute kiss, a modest graze of their lips.

Edwin pulls back with a rattling grunt, one hand working his co*ck and the other gripping Thomas’s knee where it meets his ass on the edge of the couch.

Thomas quickly moves his hands away to cover his own palm with lube before swiftly reaching for his co*ck as he rushes to match Edwin’s hastening movements. His other hand flies back to Edwin’s hip, digging his fingers in until Edwin moans and grinds down once more. Their breaths escalate in tandem, heated pants filling the air between them as they grow ever closer to their respective climaxes.

“f*ck, baby. You're amazing.” Thomas says in between gasping breaths. “So close, don’t stop.”

Edwin comes with a loud groan that turns into high pitched moans as he works himself through it until his legs are shaking. Thomas squeezes Edwin’s hip, reveling in his ecstasy as he borders on the edge of his own release.

Just as Edwin begins to slump forward, Thomas comes and brings his hand to the nape of Edwin’s neck, pressing their foreheads together.

They stay like that for a moment longer, foreheads touching and breaths evening out. Thomas caresses Edwin’s neck, noting how soaked it is with sweat.

“Looks like you need a shower,” he mumbles, his satiated grin reflected in his voice.

Edwin sits back and inspects their chests, each of them splattered with cum. He frowns a bit, even though the ensuing forceful swallow betrays his renewed arousal. “It looks like we both need a shower.” He scans the living room, sighing despondently when he fails to find what he’s looking for. “Seriously, Thomas? You have a bottle of lubricant at the ready, yet there is not a single tissue box in sight.”

Letting his head slump back, Thomas lets out a tired snicker. “Always worried about the tiny details.” He swivels his head to either side, trying to think of a solution. He sits back up and straightens slightly, holding on to Edwins thighs. There is a mischievous look on his face, which makes Edwin narrow his eyes at him with mild concern.

“Thomas, what do you have in mind?” Edwin asks trepidatiously.

Without replying and still holding Edwin’s gaze, Thomas deliberately brings up two fingers up to Edwin’s chest and swipes them through the streaks cum as if he is collecting leftover frosting from an empty bowl. He continues to look Edwin in the eyes as he takes the fingers in his mouth and sucks on them until his cheeks hollow out, maneuvering his tongue to lick them completely clean. Thomas moans as he swallows, finally dropping their shared gaze as his eyes close with delight.

“You taste heavenly,” he sighs. Opening his eyes once again, he repeats the motion until Edwin’s chest is mostly free of cum.

Edwin shudders and, by the way his breathing has picked up, Thomas can tell he would be hard again if he weren’t so thoroughly spent.

Edwin quickly shakes himself out of his reverie and straightens up where he still sits on Thomas’s lap. Trying his best to look neutral about the inarguably saucy situation, he asks primly, “What about your own chest? It appears to be in a similar state of disarray and this hardly seems like a viable long-term solution.”

Thomas grins, not even bothering to hide how irreparably smitten he feels. “Don’t worry about me, pretty thing. You will always be my priority.” He co*cks his head to better appreciate the rising blush that Edwin attempts to conceal by looking down at his hands, which have come to rest at either side of his legs.

Thomas briefly covers one of Edwin’s hands with his own in a fleeting gesture of affection before giving Edwin’s thighs a gentle slap, making him perk back up.

“Can you move your legs or do you need me to come to your rescue?” He leans forward, running the tip of his nose along Edwin’s neck. “I’m happy to be your knight in shining armor, my handsome prince.”

Edwin huffs indignantly and looks off to the side, hiding the even stronger blush that colors his face. “I am perfectly able to stand up on my own, thank you very much.” The quiver in Edwin’s legs suggests otherwise, but Thomas is content to watch his beloved stick to his prideful ways.

Once Edwin is back up on his feet and free from the danger of falling over, Thomas adorns his pert bottom with a smack that leaves behind a small reddish mark. Edwin is too worn out for a scandalous reaction, instead flinching and groaning under his breath. Either that or he is beginning to enjoy the playful rowdiness, which is what Thomas would rather believe.

Edwin makes his way to Thomas’s en suite, and the inherent familiarity of the action causes Thomas’s chest to swell. He loves the idea of Edwin feeling at home in his apartment. The thought makes him a little too hopeful, something he can’t allow himself to feel just yet. It’s far too early for that line of thinking; his heart has been broken many times over by thinking two steps ahead.

Thomas sighs before forcing his attention back to the present moment. He wipes his hand absentmindedly on the throw blanket that covers his couch. What is one blanket ruined for the sake of seeing his beautiful Edwin come undone so decadently in his lap? A small price to pay.

He launches himself out of his couch and saunters towards the en suite with a spring in his step. The sentimental acrobatics can take a back seat for now; there’s a hot shower and an even hotter man in it calling his name.

In Every Kingdom - Chapter 2 - sterlingonacid (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.