The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)

in the ceramic and chemical in NEW CANCER THEORY- dustries. Dangerous Trade Of Espionage Grows In Peril And In Profit ore in this country, but now one is lecated at Perth Am boy, N. J. The deposit in Rockbridge county, ne stated, is similar In geological conditions to the ores produced at Potosl, in Bolivia, South America, and in Cornwall, Some high grades of tin have been reported from the Irish Creek deposits. Samples sent recently to CHICAGO, March 30.

(Research on hormones may yield clues as to the cause of cancer, says Dr. Anton J. Carlson, Uni plete investigation of the mine. Needed For Defense In case of war, said Major Washabaugh today, there would be a scarcity of tin in the 'United States, a metal necessary in the making of shells. In his opinion, the government would do well to provide the necessary funds for drilling the mines in the Irish pendent on getting its supply of tin from other nations, in the event of war.

Major Washabaugh is thoroughly acquainted with the outlay at the plant in Rockbridge and is conflient that if it is thoroughly worked it will produce all the tin this government would need at any time. Forty years ago, he 4CNDEB, KIEL CANAL1 BERLIN, March 30 A new motor road from Hamburg to the Danish frontier, as planned, involves the boring of a tunnel more than a mile in length and 100 feet wide under the Kiel canal. Japanese plan to harness North uatesoy jonet, of Richmond, state chemist showed from 6 to 59 per Ancient Tin Mine By WILLIAM McCAFFIN (AP feature Service Writer) versity of Chicago physiologist cent of tin, (8 worth of gold, and May Be Reworked Insects are usually near-sighted LONDON If acme enterprising i-oQ worth of silver to the ton. Helium has been used expert- and rely for protection on their espionage agent had written Creek district, so as not to be de mentally to treat asthma. said, there was no refinery for the cense of smell.

unina rivers for electrical power. book twenty-five years ago on Other samples analyzed at the plant of the Southern Minerals Products corporation, at Piney river, in Nelson county, showed Charlottesville, March 30 UP) The visit here last weekend of 5 How To Be A Spy," he could publish It today with few revis Congressman James G. Scrugham, former Governor of Nevada, it a percentage of 25.4 tin. ions aud sUU be in step ith the times. Representative Scrugham, who was learned today, was for the purpose of obtaiiing information The possible spoiis are perhaps richer and the technique improved served for two years as state en regarding the possibility of re gineer of Nevada, spent two days in Charlottesville in consultation opening the tin mine located near but in the end It's still the fcu man factor that counts.

with Major Walter Washabaugh, Irish Creek, in Rockbridge county, after a lapse of forty-five The perfection of cameras, for lnsteoce especially the miniature, local civu ana mining engineer, and Arthur Bevan. or the Univer years. easily conoealed type has given The Kevadan, himself a mining sity of Virginia, state geologist during which time the eeoloeical the spy a deadly weapon. Yet the traditional beautiful blonde prov engineer and geologist, is chair man of the minerals committee of ed even deadlier in London rec situation in the state was discussed at length. He took with him back to the capital samDles of the the house of representatives.

ently. Miss as she is known, helped the secret service trap ore produced in the Irish Creek which is investigating all mineral deposits over the country that would be necessary in the event band of Englishmen who, she aid, had been making photcgra district ana otner data. This information, it is understood, will be submitted to the minerals com of war. phlc copies for a "foreign pow There are but few deposits of er" of secret armament plans smuggled out of the arsenal where tin in the United States. In 1930 America used 60,000 tons of tin.

Lowest Price mittee of the house. If the project appears to have merit, congress will be asked to make an appropriation sufficient for a com- they worked. Aided By Beauty only fifteen of which were produced in this country twelve tons Beautiful, she had no trouble winning their confidence. Soon she from a deposit in Alaska, and IN WARDS HISTORY! 1 mi 1 11 it- 11 ir I was helping them with the Job. three tons from a deposit in North Carolina.

Most of the supply of tin used in the United States is Then, when the time was ripe, she called in the secret, service and Tour disillusioned young men Manufacturer's Overstock 19c Printed procured from Bolivia, the Straits settlement, 'and in Cornwall, England. were arrested. Three were sen tenced to Jail terms of six, four "1. The occurrence of tin in the and three years respectively. The fourth was discharged for lack Irish Creek district in northeastern Rockbridge county has been known for a lone time and has of evidence.

A nations beauties are not always on the home team's side. led to several attempts to develop the deposit The ore occurs in Two handsome noblewomen lost mmm. quartz veins in granite rock near the crest of the Blue Ridge, in the corner of Rockbridge, near the Augusta county line. and extending into Nelson county. 12B City Was Interested This deposit was worked forty- five years ago by Virginia capital.

Voile Dimity Lawn Batiste All combed yarn cottonsextra fine, first quality. Pastels or dark colors. Large or small printa. 36" and "Every Spring number of residents of Char lottesville and the University of i Virginia being interested in tha Hurry'' While Quantities Last! Compare Any $19.95 Quality! development Progress was slow. however, due to the fact that I take a course of S.S.S." there was no refinery in the Unit SALE Unbleached Muslin BG Sturdy 64x60 count heavier than usu- sjD yi ally found at 5c yd.

4 days only! ed States, and all ore obtained had to be shipped abroad. Smooth as a Pillow! Imported Damask Tick! 182 Comfort Coils I Sisal Insulator Padsl In 1918 Boston capitalists be came interested in the protect SALE Heavy 25c Oilcloth Full 46 inches wide. Serviceable finish. New prints and plain colon. but on account -of the heavy ex pense involved in drilling and ex Here it is the most luxurious type of mattress NOW at the lowest-price we ve ever ploring the depths of the property the was finally abandoned.

SALE 69c Thrift Sheeti P(fhc Save 30c on Extra lengths, ll'x mT)j 99. Smooth finish. Bleached white. -r w-w I KNOW that tired-let-down-ex-hauited-feeling ii oftea due to a lack of strength in my red cells." It it all so limple, too! Jut build up thrie oxygen-carrying cells and the whole body takes on new life food is turned into real energy and strength, S.S.S. Tonic he lps rebuild these precious red cells.

S.S.S. is a simple, internal remedy. irtrA 4nr You Save 820! Other attempts made in recent their heads In Germany in one of the most famous cases of recent time for betraying German tary secrets. London, like every other major European capital, is teeming with spies attracted by rearmament activities. They Include: 1.

Intelligence service experts who go out only for big game. Old-line, thoroughly unrelli able professional spies who sell to the highest bidder. 3. Native accomplices. 4.

Political spies who check up on the activities of expatriates. 5. Counter-espionage agents. The best known professional pies run to type: they speak eral languages, are at home in the most expensive places, and have an astounding number of friends and acquaintances. Simple As A Here is how they work.

The British army produced an effective anti-tank gun, and one afternoon staged a review at which newspaper photographers took all the pictures they wanted. It was as easy as buying a newspaper to get the anti-tank gun picture which the spies immediately did and sold to buyers who had not read the morning papers carefully. Pictures are rarely that easy to get, however. Visitors to British war plane factories were forbidden Co carry cameras recently after it was charged that young Englishmen were snapping photographs with miniature cameras supplied to them by a foreign embassy. years to interest capital in the development proved futile.

heard of for such quality! Hundreds of layers of felted cotton upholstering mean LUXURY COMFORT for you! Sol. 90 Coil Platform Spring. Smart Aluminvm Finish .9.83 SS Monthly, Plvs Carrying Charge The tract containing the ore 8' SALE Turkish Towels Special purchase! Size large for thii low price. Borden. 3 4 to00 Warrfi prjee wis $70! 3 maa-live piece! in "Waterfall" veneeri on hardwoods.

also proven by scientific research. consists of 10,000 acres of land, at present owned by the South Elver Lumber company, whose main offices are located in Pennsylvania It contains an abundance of valu iiiVirttfi" ssJa' able timber, and is underlaid With Warclolciim Yard Goods Sale! CHIFFON HOSE ou, too, will want to take S.S.S. Tonic to regain and to maintain your red-Mood-cell strength to restore lost weight to regain energy to strengthen nerves and to give to your skin that natural health glow. Take the S.S.S. Tonic treatment and you should soon be delighted with the way you feel and have your friends compliment you on the way you look.

Available at any drug itore.O I.J.S. deposits of titanium-bearing mineralstin, cassiterite, rutile (oxide of titanium) and llemite (oxide of titanium and ferrous iron. A deposit of rutile near Rase land, Jn Nelson county, hu been operated 6T) QJJ Regularly 39c 1 Mirror-like enamel surface resists dirt and atainal A damp mop keeps it sparkling! New patterns! 6 4 9' widths! Regularly 49c! Flatter your leg! with these beautiful sheer stockings. Full length or ringlets chiffon knee length. All first quality and full-fashioned.

quqV Sale! Carpet Sweeper Sale! 70c Union Suits It I "1 i By the American Rutile company for about thirty years. This company has for a long time supplied a large amount of the rutile consumed annually in the United States. The chief use for titanium minerals is in the manufacture of menite and titanium-base paints and titainum-steel. Titanium oxide produced from ilemite and to a lesser extent from rutile is used Hurry in while these values last! Made oTe a79 Imagfatef-A fl.98 twee pel with a dnrablf metal caae, at thla amating low price Genuine bristle brash picks np all the dirt Rubber tires! good quality combed cotton. Ankle length 5 (B short sleeve.

Firmly knit in full-cut tizee! The improvement of planes since the World war and the importance they will have in the next war, have made them one of the most 0xl2Axiiilnslvrs U8 100 PURE PENN OIL 24" Only S4 Monthly Sale! nOI'SE DRESSES coveted objectives of modern spies. A new long distance mystery bomber strangely vanished Into the Regularly 25cl "Standard Quality" the blue one dav recentlv. Compare with J32.5C quality! Woven SEAMLESS of two-tone blended wool yarns! 25-30e grade at aervlre stations every Regularly 98c Newest spring printa! Bolero shirt waiat or frilly types highlighted where! In your container. Plus A few days iter, holes punctured by sabotagers were discovered In the gas tanks of two other new bombers Just before they were to with crisp white. Sue 14 to 52.

Hurry save I ib mm S-qt can 8-qt can I be taken up for tests. Lonny Frey Baseball Glov But todays espionage scare Is not the kind Europe was accus Sale! Overalls MHt33i9' (On tomed to curing the war. And de -V If spite its dangers, the espionage profession never lacks for re n155 Autographed by Lonny Frey, Big League star! Full aize, tan horsehide. Leather-lined In palm and finger! Lon Warn eke "Big Leaguer" Ball 38c Regularly 79c! Super-Homesteader! they're Smforized Shrunk! Heavy denim triple-stitched and bextacked for EXTRA wear! Sizes 30-42. t- MMWWjJJUIJ(l IJIHIrfmillJIUlWJU.j;jUJJMUHII jih ir'itrri'iwrfiiriirtiiH irr iiiftisiiiir cruits.

-0 HUGE APPROPRIATION FOR NAVY GIVEN Certified Halsomine Sale! Galiardine Shoes SENATE'S APPROVAL A beautiful flat, velvety finish that won't rub, "7 Wards famous $1.96 value-leadenl Neweet blue sihardinc Thevre flitterinfflv fritrmuxl T184 Washington, March 30 IPyK appropriation for the crack or peeL Easily applied, driee quickly, one coat covers. Choice of many colon. with bands of perforated patent leather I SLre 4-S. 1 1 navy, biggest fund in peace-time, passed the senate today. It now goes back to the house for action 5-TuboAC Record low (oriij jr Automatic Tun- iogl Superheterodyne Super- Poy it dynamic month, carry speaker I ing charge Sale! Curtain Materials a minor amendments.

1 Coverall Ilouse Paint Actual testa prove it often outlastt even $2.35 fl Qil a gallon paints! One gallon coven 300 square I it J' feet with 2 coats. Per gallon, in 5 gallon cans. Ld. The imperial crown of India Make your own curtain! and save! Big assortments gt) eost about (300,000. colorful novelty net! I Firmly woven! 3d inche wide! MlL-L-ll Ul i 1 rpgP 1 in iim in.

-mmmsx Vf PfictaSJarl I Low at i II -A Just $3 DOWN I Pub in your Horn $1 Knit Rayon EWN lowest price in our history VAIIISI Serve 37c WW SALE I 4-Blade, 14-Inch Lawm Mower t. i 7 Cubic Foot Every one a beauty and made like gown coating twict a much I Novelty boucle knit that's run resistant 4 days only at this special price. Has smooth ball-bearing action. Gears completely enclosed from dirt 8-inch wheels. See it! Supreme Model 1 JJL TO --viPQJ WASIIIJIGTOH April 2-3 The cnlc (ptandor of world's woat bMvttfvl national Capital tokM added glamour Ik Spring wi Nio tamow Cborry tlonoaw In bloom.

1 Tali tho foully on ChoMpaolto and Ohio'i low faro Euvnlon and tpmd ho day viiltfng Wcuhlngton. Stroll down Chorry Howo tend Viiif govornmant fomoui o-tionol nuMumt and gaftoriat. acorw of act to mo and rhlngi to del Thrifty mind-trip ratn In oflod tor Spotlol Train. Plan now to tek Hilt Iprinf Travol Tonic I Garden Hose nox S5 DOWN, plu. carrying charge 11 5 u.

Ft, Stand. Model 1114.95 GUARANTEED 2 YEARS I Haa two thick-aeiiei of rubber with cotton cord in between. Save! Fact Growing Lawn Seed Germinate 5-7 days! Well blended! 8 Lbs, 790 wamts StiicMoss Collar StitcKloM CufPi Dress SHIHTS Compare with $236.50 refrigerators. 15.26 aq. ft.

shelf area! 6 Jiffy Trayt. Make 108 ice cubes, 10 lbs. per freezing! Haa Food Frostar, Adjusto Shelves and all Supreme Features. Wards Eliminate Selling "Extras" Wards direct method of distribution Factory-to-Wurds-to-you eliminates manufacturer'! high selling costs, "middleman'!" profits, and huge national advertising costs! SALE 2.39 IRON TABLE Automatic Electric Water System Will fce 1.49$ OO-lIle IIOII Hoofing Alttr Saturday 1.89 a 1 54 15 Inches 49.95 f.98 Reduced to i Regularly 125 Sl'tXIAL COACH TRAIN FROM STAUNTON lf 40 Sunday, April 3 tLar, 5:26 m. Arrlv Wnthlnrtnn 7 n.m.

Apr. 1. ft, turnlar qidiU train Ivn. at 4f m. April I.

Chlldroa i-lj" Hlf (oro Roll Fully Preshrunk; woven ielf-c 0 1 0 Eguree! No welt seams on edges of collar or cuffs. NEW! "-V-'Mir ftr Has 18-gaL copper-steel tank, galvanized against rust. Pump 250 gat per hour. Extra durable. Non-fading Ceramic Granule surface.

Roll coven 100 iq. ft. Sturdy wood board! Strong, lightweight ateel lege that operate easily, fold compactly. 108-112 W. BEVERLEY ST.

PHONE 12S5 FREE DELIVERY MM) iltli Extri Items 0 sick Service Catalog Order Dept. 108-112 BEVERLEY ST. STAUNTON, VA. EHONE 1285 'L.

The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.