The Weirton Daily Times from Weirton, West Virginia (2024)

a a a a a a a a a --'(4 Weirton Daily Times, Wednesday, March 5, 1958 SOCIETY Club News Fashions Features Had Phone 186 Pi Chapter Announces Date Of Eastern District Meeting Bliss Beth Boyer presided last night, in the Lion's Club Room, al the regular meeting of Pi Chap1er, of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. was announced that May 73, 24, and 25 will be the date of the Eastern District Convention, to be held in Haltimore, Maryland. Ways. and means chaicman, Mary Ludewig gave a complete; report. on the coming style show "Around The World in 80 to be held Monday, March 24 in the VFW Auditorium, at 8 p.m, Mrs.

Tom Jonca, nominating, committee chairman, gave the report of the nominating committee. Miss Boyer read the Ritual of firmalion to new members of the past year. The members gave group responses. The Founder's Day Social which was postponed in February due to the weather, was held last ing. Tables were altractively sel, n1sing the color scheme of red and white.

The evening was enjoyed with the ploying of novel games. The following members formed the "I've Got A Secret" panel and gave an entertaining question period: Mrs. Joseph Cullinan, Miss Elbel Zakutansky, Mrs. Robert Byers, Mary Alice Moore, Mrs. Kermit McIntyre.

Other members participated as guest panelists, Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Marovich Elected President Mrs. Jack Dollefate of 256 North 20th: street, received the members of the Camellia Twig, on Tuesday evening. Airs. Nick Maravich was elected president of the Twig.

Serving with her will be Mrs, Rudy ich, secretary-treasurer. Two tables of 500 were in progressive play and winners emerg. ed as: Airs. Michael Visnie, Mrs. Donald Ulicny.

Others attending included: Airs, Frank Crisci, Mrs. Rudy Kraina, Mrs. Nick Marovich, Mrs. Rudy Stanovich, Mrs. Rudy Stanich and the hostess.

Guests of the evening were: Mrs. Philip Dellatteis and Michael Visnic, A luncheon was served to the attendants. The next meting of Mrs. Rudy Kraina, of 116 Capibe held on April, in the home tal Drive, Marland fleights. WIN the social committee: Mrs.

Thomas Walsh, chairman, Mrs. Stephen Brinsko, Mrs. Darl Ferguson, Mrs. Edward Dorrance, Mrs. Lewis Osterling, AIrs.

E. Justice and Mrs. Joseph Knolls. Guests present at last night's meeting were Mrs. V.

Al. Mosti-1 cone and Mrs. Marsh Lantz. Those, atlending included: Stephen Brinsko, Mrs. Robert Byers, Mrs.

Harold Cox, Mrs. Joseph Airs. Albert Daugherty, Jean Diekman, Airs. Edward Mrs. William Dorrance, Beverly Evans.

Mrs, Darl Ferguson, Mrs. Jam.cs Harmon, Mrs. Robert Hendershot, Airs. Lee James, Mrs. Tom Jones, Airs.

El L. Justice-sponsor, Mrs. Joseph Knotts, Airs. Robert Hesse, Mrs. Schiller Marlin-! honorary member.

Mrs. Kermit McInlyre, Mrs. A. McLaughlin Director, Mary Alice Moore, Mcs, Don Mulgrew, Airs. Lewis Oslerling, Mrs.

John L. Ovington. Mrs. Nick Radakovich, Airs. Jack Richards, Mrs.

Michell Sagan, Vi Sembrat, Janice Spencer. Mra. Jack Robinson, Mrs. Ted Varner. Mrs.

Thomas Walsh, ELhel Zakulansky, June Zakutansky, Mrs. Warren Kirk, Mary Ludewig. Donation Made By Alliance A donation of $30 was made last night by the Polish Women's Alli-. ance, toward the purchase of a ano, for the choir. The Alliance: met Church in the Auditorium, Sacred Heart with of Mary Zielinski in charge.

Another donation of $5 was made to the Cancer Fund. It was Announced that flowers had been sent to three members who were: confined in the Weirton Generali Hospital. Three now members were welcomed into the group, The next mceling will be held on. April 1, in the church auditorium, at 7:30 p.m. Cut own ironing time by hangstacks or trousers by the legs after washing.

The wet weight of the gurment takes out most of the wrinkles. A European Vacati Fly via SABENA BELGIAN World ENTER A UM a IMOJUD HOSIERY "FAMOUS PAIR" GIVEAWAY Nothing to fabulous prizes in all HERE'S WHAT ELSE YOU CAN WIN: Luscious Ranch Mink Stoles! G.E, Autornatic Dishwasher! 5-pc. Zephyrlite Luggage Sets! G.E. Oven Toasters! G.E, Steam Irons! RCA Color TY Sets! Brother Sewing Machine! Emerson Clock Radios! Shetland Floor Polishers! Ronson Ladies' Shavers! Come quickly and fill out your entry blank. Remember--there's nothing to buy, nothing to write but your name and address.

It's a real giveaway. from the makers of marvelous Mojud Hosiery. Be sure to see all of our elegant Mojud styles and shades for spring! Get Your Entry Blank Here Street Virginia Wesleyan Service Guild Received In Pernell Residence. The Blanche Garrison Wesleyan Service Guild of the First dist Church, met on Tuesday evening, in the homie of Mrs. Berti Pernell, of Putnam Lane, Mrs.

William, Lind was the deVotional leader and read from' the the Gospel Lord's of Mark. The group spoke Prayer in unison. Mrs. Charles Gilkey presided for thel business session. The Guild voted to subscribe to A group membership to the Weirton Council for Retarded Children.

Mrs. Robert Hurl, mem. bership chairman, reported on the current membership drive: Miss Alice Kirschke was welcomed as 3 new member. report Edwin Wilson, presented a hirs. on "The Kingdom Beyond Cast," followed.

by Mrs. Pope. Group Robinson Cleo will be hostess to the Guild on Apell in her home al 265 Putnam Lane. Refreshments were served to the following: Mis. Gilkey, Mrs.

Hurl, Mrs. Lind, Miss Kirschke, Wilson, Airs. Floyd Tarr, Mrs. William Slates, Mrs. Thomas MeCartney, Mrs.

Ray King, Mrs. Kenneth Melvin, Mrs. Samuel Livingston, Airs. Edward Zierold, Mrs. Chatt Timberlake, Mrs.

Cleo Robinson, Miss Mary Lou Nedrow. Guests Miss Mary Mrs. Jo Williamson, were: Ralph Cu diff, Mrs. Charles Johnston, and Miss Roseann Williamson. Mrs.

Stadelman Receives Twig crt of Lindberg Way, on April 1. Ilot Frult NEW P)-TV snack: Beverages, Serve crackers and cheese, compicmented by a hot beverage fruit neclars containing a dash of spice. U. S. agricultural exports in fiscal 1967 required financing, inland transportation, storage, and ocean transportation for 36 million tons of cargo enough farm duets to fill 800,000 freight cars and 3,600 cargo ships.

Members of the Irig Twig met in the home of Mrs. Valentine Sladelman, of Glencairn Road, on. Tuesday, afternoon. bridge luncheon was enjoyed. Winners al bridge included: Mrs.

Itoland Bangert, and Mrs. J. A. McConnell. Guests were Mrs.

R. S. Strong pi-land Airs. Jonanna Bangert. Others attending were: Mrs.

Jo. Vernon, Mrs. Arch Miller, 31 Robert Miller, Nirs. James, Miller and Mrs. J.

B. Butler, The next meeting will be held in the home of, Mrs. Roland Bang. Christian Fellowship Executive Board Makes Plans The Christian- Women's Fellow-fley ship execulive board of the First Christian Church met Tuesday evening, in the church. Aliss Minnie Heaslett presided for the business session and it was announced that a contribution of $500 will be made toward the bullding fund pledge by the Fel lowshlp.

Announcement was made of the State Board meeting for the Disciple Churches to be held in the First Christian Church In Wheel. ing, April .9 to 11. The meeting will open with a dinner at 6 p.m. Elostesses will he members of the exceutive committee. An all day workshop will be held May 16 in Wheeling Isen land are Christian asked Church.

The womto their old tons for the state project. The nylans will be sent women of Japan. A rummage sale will be held on March 17, to the 22, in the Cunningham Building on Avenue 11. Anyone wishing to have artic. tes picked up, may call Mra.

Arthur Marsion, Mrs. Harold Dud- Parents Club Holds Meeting In Lion's Club The Parents Club of the Marland Heights Extension of the Christian Center Kindergarten met Monday night, in. the Lion's Club. Plans were completed for the Caster candy sale. All members are requested to have their orders compiled and turned in to Airs.

Den Will, by March 14, Plans were also discussed for future partles and field trips for the children. It was decided that at the next meeting Fathers Night will be observed, the date being Monday, April 7. Quiz games wore played following the business meeting. Hefreshments were served at the conclu. sion.

Guild No. 10 Holds Dinner Meet Members of St, Paul's Guild No. 10 met in the Community Center, on Tuesday evening for a dinner card fete. Dinner was served at 6:30 p.m. with Mrs.

J. E. Gallagher as hostless. Two tables of auction bridge were in play. Winners were: Mrs.

John Dineen, Mrs. Charles Erxleben, Mrs. J. E. Gallagher, Others attending: Mrs.

Matthew Burnetta, Mrs. Thomas Drennan, (airs. William Price. Guests were: 'The Heiress' Is Selected As Play To Be Presented by Local Sodality The Mystical Rose Sodality Tuesday at St. Paul's auditorium.

April 24 had been selected as the date for the annual spring play "The Heiress." Sunday, March 9 has. been set as the date. for tryouts and members will be led. Marion Klash and Mrs. Paul mon will direct the play.

Angela Hocchio Is in charge of programs. Tickets will be in charge of Millie Rerlange and Mary Agnes Rujak. Miss Rujak is also in charge of patrons. Rose Marino will have charge of for figure L. control! wear.

them I under everything! MYEES by sao. nymph Comfees are the new must for slimming. trimming figure control. They give you the new found freedom at work and play, -drying, light weight. in Black and White $2.95 Lastex Greenberger's Forget Me Not Twig Entertained Forget Me' Not Twig of the Weirton General Hospital met re cently in the home of Mrs.

John Korzi, of Freedom Way, Mrs, Julius Pizzoferrato, president, was in charge. Three (ables of bridge were played. Prizes were awarded Miss Dolly Bellanco, Mrs, John Sargent and Mrs. Tony Pietranton Jr. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess which was carried out in St, Patrick's Day theme.

The next meeling will be held April 7 at the home of Mira. Julius Pizzoferrato of Oregon avenue, Steubenville, Six Members Of Oakland Club Receive Awards The Oakland Farm Women's club met at Brice Memorial Hall last night and the group voted to $5 to the Cancer Fund. Six members of the group have recelved certificates for home nursing courses given by S. Floyd Crimes, it was announced, They were: Mrs. John Village.

Hirs. Bernard Jackson, Mrs. Ken-: neth Richmond, Mrs. Luke Dailey, Mrs. Helen Markle and Mrs.

Albert Leasure. tion chalrman and Mrs. Atwell Mrs. Arlie Church was recrea-. Sutton was in charge of devotions.

Guests were Mrs. John Porec and Mrs, George Schwerha. Hostesses for the evening were, Mrs. Kenneth and Mrs. Frank Sutton.

A work meeting is scheduled for 18 at the Brice Hall and weaving will be done by the group. Al FUTURE INDICATIVE MOMENTS TO REMEMBER Mrs. G. Ousley Brown, wife of presbyterlan minister, wIll! present a Lenten Meditation on the Moments To Remember program, heard over WEIR, Friday at 12:15 p.m. PLEASANT VALLEY CLASS The members of the Pleasant Valley Church Class will meet today, at 7:30 p.m.,: in the church! basem*nt.

Mary Linda Shaw will be in charge of the devotions. Host and hostess will he Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith. AGATHELIAN CLUB The Agathelian Club members will meet on Thursday at 10 a.m, in the home of Mrs.

Ross Baker, 1053 Pennsylvania Avenue. Mrs.t (Lloyd Barnett will be charge the meeting. Mrs. Daniel Jones will be the lesson leader, "Discipline In Today's. Family." CLass in Swedish embroidery will be held and Mrs.

Charles Johnson will be in charge of the class. CHRISTIAN MOTHERS The Confraternity of Christian Mothers of Sacred Heart of Mary Church, will convene Thursday, at p.m.. in the church auditorium. Mrs. Edward Nogay will conduet the business session.

All members are urged to altend by the president, as clection of officers be held. A cosmetic demonstrator will be present, Guild 4 Feted Tuesday Members of St, Paul's Guild No. met on Tuesday evening, in the home of Mrs. William Conley, of Lindberg Way. Two tables of contract bridge were in play.

Prize winners were: Mrs. C. J. Denne, Mrs. William Prattey and Mrs.

Al Steele. Others attending: Mrs. Anthony Cavalle. hirs. Charles Padden, Mrs.

Eleanor Lewis, Mrs. Gilbert Ferrelli, Mrs. William Conley. The next meeting will be held in the house of Mrs. Eleanor Lexis, of Elm street, on April 8.

Roving Nine Club Feted Tuesday The Roving Nine 300 club met last night nt the home of Pat Danze, 306 Ridge avenue, Weirton. Prize winners were Mrs. Robert Nowery and Mrs. Anthony Luvara. The theme for the evening was of St.

Patrick's Day. A luncheon was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held April 1. at the home of Mrs. Richard Ferrari, 3003 Pennsylvania av.

(nue. Others attending were: Mrs. WIIliam Harmon, Bernadene Bails, Mrs. Richard Ferrari, Mrs. Bernand Sayre and guests Mrs.

Walters and Linda Archart. Dwight Gift Dept. 1886 Main Street Now is the time to Lay. away for Easter Giving PORCELANO FLORAL CENTER PIECES We have a large new selection. Priced from $5.00 to $15.00 Mancinelli Family Attends the (Kostur-Presley Wedding or Mrs.

Glen Ferguson, The general Fellowship meeting will be held Thursday, March 20, at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Edwin Pearce will present the: devotions B. J. llannon of Ravenswood will be the guest speaker.

He Is assistant to the. state secretary of Missionary work. will be an open meeting. and the men, as well as the women of the. church are invited to attend.

A film "Eighty Million Mouths to Feed" will open the session. The four groups will meet at 7 p.m. for a short business session. "'The Road To Calvary' will presented by members of the Fellowship for sacrificial service Palm Sunday evening, March 30. man Hirs.

Russell the Safreed arrangements. is the Attending the board meeting were: Mrs. E. T. Davis, Mrs.

Charles Eddy, Mrs. C. C. Corbett, Mrs. Raymond Walker, Mrs.

Francis Kent, Mrs. W. R. Wagner, Mrs, Paul Richard, Miss Heaslett, Mrs. Matthew Javersak, Mrs.

Safreed, Mrs. C. F. Evans, Mrs. John B.

McKitrick. ICIC Class Holds Meeting In Church Cove Presbyterian Church, met The Class in 'The Corner, of the on Tuesday evening, in the dining room of the church, with Mrs. Carroll Richards, presiding. Approximately 25 members and 7 guests were present al the scssion. Routine business and committeo reports.

were heard. Mrs. Patsy Cafera was the de-! votiona! leader. Mrs. Neil McLaughlin was the program chairman and introduced the Collegiat(S.

The group consists of High school students, namely: Miss Connie Cecil Daugherty, Ronnie Kohnfelder, Philip Cutone, Robert Lawyer, They presented a musical program. Miss Davis played an original composition. niiss Nancy Monseau and Cookie, The Richards programn sang a was duet. closed with the group singing in unison. Mrs.

Hostesses Neil for the evening McLaughlin, Mrs. John Gilmore, Mrs. John Hanna, Mrs. Kenneth Campbell, Mrs. Paul Farrar, Mrs.

Frank Bowman, Mrs. Paul Kashute, The next meeting will be held on April I. Airs. William Waltz and Mrs. J.

Rowe. The next hostess will be Mrs. Josephr Kollic, on April 1. Play Sodality refreshments and the party for the play aller the presentations. The Sodality agreed to hold meetings every Thursday, instead of overy other Tuesdeys.

The next meeling will be March 20. Scoutmaster Of Troop 132 Named Boy Scout Troop 132 of Sacred Heart of Mary church met last night in the church auditorium the howly appointed Scout Master, Stanley Fiedorezyk, was introduced to the Troop. His assistant, Robort Backel, was also introduced. Robert Heid. enthal, 'past assistant Scout will, resume new duties as neighborhood commissioner.

Fied. orezyk succeeds Hichard Mankowski. The boy of the month award for February was given to Scout ter Pitch Pitco*ck. The next meeting will be held March 11 at 6.p.m. in the Church auditorium, New Celery Stuffing CINCAGO -(UP)-Celery stalks! filled with a raisin-cheese spread; will delight Chop light or dark raisins finely and mix with softened cream cheese.

The mixture then can be stuffed into the celery stalks, which should be cut into 1. inch piecca. Orange juice and grated orange rind can be added to the spread. Vary doughnut balls with nuts, dried fruit, cheese, or crumpled bacon added to the dough. Or roll warm doughnuls in flavored sugar, chopped toasted coconut OT chopped nuts, or dip in melted chocolate.

CAT NAPPING Tire, old tomcat by Mastro bE done up in nightcap and ready for cat pap. (International) Mr. and Mrs. C. F.

and grandson Jack and daughter. Mfrs. William S. Byers, and son David have returned home after atleuding the wedding of their eldest. daughler Geraldine, to Joseph S.

Presley In Miami Beach, Flori. da. The couple were united in at 11:30 on Saturday, in The Church-By-The-Sea; at a double ring ceremony, performled by Rev, John Lawrence ches, Stork Notes Weirton General Hospital A daughter was born on March 4, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ticich, of 1924 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Ohio Valley Hospital A son was March 5, Mr. and Mrs. William- Davis, 1098 Wilson Avenue, Steubenville. A son was born on March 5, Mr. and Sirs, Fred M.

Hutter, Rd 2, Steubenville. A con was born on March 5, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewton, 2505 Cleveland Avenue, Steubenville. GIll Memorial Hospital A daughter was born on March 4, to Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Rey. nolds, ot 913 Franklin Ayenue, Toronto. M.C.V. Hospita! A son and a daughter were born Jon Andrew February 25, to air.

and Mrs. Wypasck, Richmond, Virginia, The couple are former Weirton residents. East Liverpool Hospital A daughter was' born March to Mr. and Mrs. James Hoschar of 934 May street East Liverpool.

A daughter was born March Allending the bride and bride. groom were Mrs. William Byers, sister of the bride and John L. Presley, brother of the bridegroom, The bride wore a pink and white sheath lace dress with pink accessories. The couple fow by plane to Havann, Cuba for a honeymoon.

When they return they will reside at the Sea Spray Apartment own. ed by the bridegroom, Feted Tuesday The members of the Starlighlers 300 Club met on Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Romeo DiSimone, of 425 Wayne Avenue, Two tables of 500 were in play and winners emerged as: Mrs. Tony Costello, Mrs. Charles Ellson, Mrs, Glen lo Guests for the evening was Mrs.

of Josephine Magrini, Others attend. ing: Mrs. Harold Barkley, Mrs. lo Pat Puzzuole, Mrs. larry Denni.

of son, Mrs. Nick Gregory. 'The next meeting will be held to on April 8, in the home of Mrs. Puzzuole, of School Street. to Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Gardner of 410 West Water street Salineville, Ohio. A daughter was born March 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tschappapl of 1043 Oak street Fast Liverpool.

A son was born March 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wallace of Imperial street Salinesville, Ohlo, A daughter was born March 5 to Mr, and Mits. Robert Powell of Smilthsferry, Pa. East Liverpool Osteopathic 4 A daughter was born March.

4 lo Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pritchard, 321 West Church lane, East pool. Stone Thomas FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! Wed. Murch 5 to Wed.

March 12 a Beautiful $1 Necklace Given With Every 3 Pair of BELLE SHARMEER, NYLONS Now that the 1s the fashion nows more of you 8 to look lovelier. in. PERFECT PITTING 1.10 SIZE STOCKINGS in your own leg-size are the exact image of your ankle; calf, knee and thigh. No sag, no pull, no strain. That's why they look so for (purple lovely MODITE curves and wear longer, 100! average Careen duch*eSS Crud curves ample $1.35 to $1.95 PAIR Seamless or Full.

The Weirton Daily Times from Weirton, West Virginia (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Job: Construction Agent

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.